Nuremberg 2.0

The officers in the DC Jail who need to be investigated for corruption and abuse… [More]

A J6 prisoner names names. Hopefully we’ll find out if anyone will guard the guards, and boy, if we think cops have it rough on the inside…

Does somebody want to tell him friends don’t let friends shop at Dick’s?

And what do mental health care professionals tell us about “Jennifer Ng“?

Father and Son

Son Who Ratted His Father Out After January 6 Protests Now Panicking Following Trump’s Pardons [More]*

If he’s so scared of him, why doesn’t he file for an ERPO?

In seriousness, as a father, the thought of being estranged at this level is so sad. How can you stop loving them? That acknowledged, you can’t have complete forgiveness unless they want it.

I thank God of all the tests I’ve been put to, this is one I’ve not had to face.

[Via Michael G]


* Source link stopped working. Here’s an archive link.

Speaking of Pardons

JUST IN: Biden Spits in the Face of J6 Victims and Americans by Pardoning Capitol Hill Cop Michael Byrd, Who Killed Trump Supporter Ashli Babbitt [More]

I don’t see how someone can be like this and not be on a downward spiral. My feeling is it won’t be long before we hear of some new self-destructive scandal or meltdown.

[Via bondmen]

The Old One-Two

Here’s the jab.

And here’s the punch:

Dems gotta be stunned…

I’d say things got significantly more dangerous for Trump, especially if it uncovers suppressed evidence leading to why the J6ers believed all those claims we’ve been assured were “baseless.”

[Via Michael G]

Hostages to Be Released

President Donald Trump has pardoned, commuted the prison sentences or vowed to dismiss the cases of all of the 1,500-plus people charged with crimes in the Jan. 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol riot, including people convicted of assaulting police officers…[More]

As Stewart Rhodes recalls, when advocating the same:

Most of the men I met were, as President Trump said, coerced into accepting a guilty plea “bargain” to avoid decades in prison. Others had a Soviet-style show trial in DC, where, of course, they were found “guilty” after being denied the right to even argue self-defense or defense of others (imagine if Daniel Penny had been precluded from making that argument in his trial). They weren’t allowed to show the jury video of police using excessive force just seconds before their own actions. The prosecution cut that out of the video, and the defense couldn’t even discuss it.

In the meantime, their lives have been upended and their livelihoods destroyed, some beyond repair. Many questions will unfold. For now, this is a major victory and a major indicator of hope for this administration.

Let’s hope that extends to 2A, because I was concerned he didn’t mention it once during his speech and it doesn’t appear under “Issues” on his new White House website.



D.C. Gulag Holds J6 Prisoners Hostage Despite Trump’s Pardons [More]

Too bad there’s no Militia Trump could call into service with orders to put down the insurrection and liberate the hostages:

[Via Michael G]


Enrique Tarrio and Stewart Rhodes were both free from prison on Tuesday. [More]

The Best Revenge

“The issuance of these pardons should not be mistaken as an acknowledgment that any individual engaged in any wrongdoing, nor should acceptance be misconstrued as an admission of guilt for any offense,” Biden said in a statement. [More]

Looks like they may have just been  outmaneuvered into a corner. Guilt will be obvious when, no longer eligible to plead the Fifth Amendment, the truth of what they did, which will be more damaging to the Democrats, comes out.

We’re the Only Ones Out Clubbing Enough

NEW VIDEO Shows J6 Trump Supporter Rosanne Boyland Shot in the Face by Police Projectile, Then Pushed Down and Smothered, Before Metro Police Officer Beat Her with a Stick as She Died on US Capitol Steps [More]

I wonder if there’ll be a reckoning under the new administration.

No I don’t.

Former President Trump suggested Sunday that one “rough hour” of policing would end crime, as he called for law enforcement to be freed up to “do their job” without restrictions.

[Via bondmen]

‘Fact Checker’ Meltdown

Doltish reporters Rebecca Shabad and Ryan J. Reilly breathlessly reported that “Rep. Mike Collins, R-Ga., falsely claimed in a lengthy post on X this morning that ‘thousands of peaceful grandmothers’ gathered Jan. 6, 2021, to take a tour of the U.S. Capitol building and that people peacefully explored the building.” They go on and on about “false” and “untrue” claims in Collins’ post, including some assertions that aren’t false. [More]

Doltish is right. I remember Ryan J. Reilly freaking out over “rubber bullets” that earned him his own special Fauxtoshop that seemed so appropriate…

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Unidentifying Enough

 If the federal government wants to find you, they’ll likely succeed. But this pipe bomber escaped the authorities like Andy Dufresne at Shawshank. The latest from the FBI: this person is about five-foot-seven inches. That’s it: [More]

Funny, how TV conditions us to think they’re omniscient and infallible with all that magic CSI stuff…

It’s almost like reality is a Salish epiphany.

Either that or they know and ain’t sayin’.

[Via Michael G]


House Releases Bombshell Report on January 6 Pipe Bomber Revealing FBI Engaged in Massive Coverup and Refuses to Cooperate with Investigators [More]

Like I said…

[Via bondmen]

20 Questions

…about January 6 [More]

I’d add “How could the government prosecute and sentence Stewart Rhodes to 18 years when he didn’t enter the Capitol and didn’t bring firearms into Washington DC?”

The real reason seems to be putting a hard stop to the notion that LEOs have a right and a duty to disobey unlawful orders.

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Self-Reporting Enough

A Review of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Handling of Its Confidential Human Sources and Intelligence Collection Efforts in the Lead Up to the January 6, 2021 Electoral Certification [More]

Brought to you by the same people who “exonerated” Eric Holder for Project Gunwalker…

Oh, but the OIG is “independent”…


[Via Antigone]


BREAKING: DOJ IG claims 26 FBI informants were in DC on Jan 6. (Guarantee this is not accurate) At least 17 committed offenses for which other J6er have been federally charges. No CHS was charged. [More]


I’m sorry, their take is ‘undercover assets were inside the building, but the FBI didn’t deploy them,’ because that really is going to sell after years of lying about Trump.’m sorry, their take is ‘undercover assets were inside the building, but the FBI didn’t deploy them,’ because that really is going to sell after years of lying about Trump. [More]

My immediate thought on reading that…

[Via Michael G]

Sowing the Wind

Shouldn’t Trump Voters Be Viewed as Traitors? The magazine’s Ethicist columnist on whether voters should be held accountable for their chosen candidate’s behavior. [More]

Kwame Anthony Appiah of The Newsraper of Record evidently wants Republicans tried and either imprisoned or executed as the tribunals see fit.

If we’re talking accountability, Bill Clinton’s Rules of Engagement seem a pretty good place to start.

[Via Michael G]

A Fresh Look at History

In the cold light of hindsight, a new Trump administration will ensure that the narrative of J6 is rewritten to reflect the truth of that tragic day instead of the lies spun by Democratic Speaker emerita Nancy Pelosi’s J6 committee. [More]

Prediction: Michael Byrd will supercede George Floyd as the race hustlers’ poster boy.

[Via bondmen]

The Childrens’ Crusade

The Democrat Mayor of Denver, Colorado Mike Johnston has challenged Trump to try to deport any illegal migrants from his city, saying he would deploy the Denver City Police and volunteers from the local community to use force against federal forces trying to deport illegals. “More than us having DPD stationed at the county line to keep them out, you would have 50,000 Denverites there. It’s like the Tiananmen Square moment with the rose and the gun… You’d have every one of those Highland moms who came out for the migrants. You don’t want to mess with them.” [More]

Nothing seditiously cospiratorial about that…

And armed with what?

What’s the beef against Trump and the J6ers about again…?

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Corrupted Enough

FBI Official Who Oversaw J6 Pipe Bomb Probe Lied About Receiving ‘Corrupted’ Evidence [More]

So is it out of line to suspect that D’Antuono knows damn well who’s on that video and revealing it would reveal deeper involvement going up the chain?

Why does it feel appropriate to caution not to put him in Epstein’s cell?

[Via bondmen]

Grumpy Old Man

I don’t know how I missed this a year-and-a-half ago:

He’s not just the Dotard-in-Chief, he’s the angry Dotard-in-Chief. What an ugly man.

That those around him knew — and still know — he was and is unfit just confirms he’s nothing but a stage prop, and that we have and are being ruled by an unelected shadow cabal.

When does “insurrection” become a duty, Mike Pence?

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