What Does Biden’s ATF Do When FFLs Make Mistakes on Forms?

It can’t be news. None of the majors are even mentioning it.

Spoiler Alert

JP Morgan CEO Highlights the Simple Reason Why Scores of Americans Will Vote for Donald Trump [More]

You’ll pardon me if I don’t place too much stock in soothing words from the head of JP Morgan

And before anyone gets too overconfident in Joe Biden’s utter incompetence, the deliberate border treason and DOJ tyranny, it doesn’t matter. This election is going to ultimately be about one thing:

Democrat women want them some abortion.

And they’ll burn the house down to get it.

[Via bondmen]

Et tu, Brutes

Journos Caught on Tape Joking About Trump Assassination at Courthouse Ahead of Immunity Appeal Hearing [More]

If they weren’t fools, they’d pray for America that that never happens.

If anyone succeeds– against either candidate — I’ll not believe whatever the “official” story is. And I’d suspect the same plotters behind either.

[Via bondmen]

On This We Can Agree

It is fully within our power to stop this epidemic. [More]

Absolutely. Just not by doing anything this evil dotard’s handlers are lying to us about…

Starting with, it’s not an “epidemic.”

Wake me when the “school to grave pipeline” is plugged.

[Via Antigone]


Whose “democracy”…?

The real question is what won’t we do.

“We’re not weighed down by grievances. We don’t foster fear. We don’t walk around as victims.” [More]

Sure sounds like reparations, gun bans and DEI to me…

Turning Up the Heat

He’s a Uniter… Joe Biden Plans Speech on Dangers of White Supremacy at Valley Forge on Anniversary of J6 Protests – Because ALL Trump Supporters are White Supremacists [More]

Get ready for a gaslighting extravaganza.

And behind the scenes, they’re desperate to provoke low-hanging fruit into doing something they can blame on all of us.

Everybody have a chance to watch this…?

[Via bondmen]

Two-Minutes Hate Pregame Show

They will cross every red line and break every rule. They will deny it now and justify it later. No code of conduct, no oath, no ethic, no law, or truth will survive their power grab. They will debase everything this great country once stood for and feel no shame in doing so. [More]

And when he’s talking about Trump, remember who he’s really talking about.

[Via WiscoDave]

None Dare Call It Treason

Republicans in Congress are threatening to cut off support for Ukraine unless they can force through their extreme partisan border policies. It’s political blackmail, pure and simple. The stakes are too high and the consequences are too significant for political brinksmanship. [More]

Speaking of “extreme partisan border policies“…

Any Democrat who does not see through this in-your-face gaslighting is either mentally incapable or willfully self-deluded. What does that say about those who do see through it and give their approval with their votes regardless?

What’s in a Name?

“Based on the facts and the law, if Hunter’s last name was anything other than Biden, the charges in Delaware, and now in California, would have not been brought,” Lowell said… [More]

Ever the victim, eh?

What if his last name was Taylor?

My spider sense is telling me Democrats know Joe’s jig is up and are upping the signals to his inner circle that it’s time for him to go.

The Big Guy’s Taste

Question: Are Republicans sure they want Biden out of the way in the ’24 election or are they setting us up for a Pyrrhic victory?

Good: More Internecine Democrat Warfare

“Who would’ve thought that in 2023 Jewish soldiers would be the nazis carrying out ethnic cleansing?” Bishop Talbert W. Swan II, the president of the Springfield, Mass., chapter of the NAACP, wrote on social media this month of Israel’s military response to Hamas. “This isn’t a WAR, it’s a HOLOCAUST,” Swan also said. [More]

So will he and his congregation still vote for Biden if he stays in the race?

[Via Michael G]

Still Giving Pause

“This action has raised concern about a possible extralegal attempt by the Biden Administration to harm the domestic firearms manufacturing industry in pursuit of an anti-firearm agenda by starving it of access to international markets for at least 90 days, perhaps indefinitely,” Chairman Comer wrote. [More]

I posted the October 30 Reeves and Dola alert on my WarOnGuns Placeholder blog.

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