In the Good Old Summertime

The Chi-Town Democrat convention and Democrat urban areas…? Sure, some might spill over elsewhere, but for the most part it won’t be equal distribution. I suspect we in the red zones will need more popcorn than ammo.

Let’s show the electorate, especially suburban moms, what they’ve been voting for. Let’s let the left turn on each other in all their ugliness while we, whom the FBI smears as “the greatest threat,” sit back peaceably but prepared should any be foolish enough to wander over for the purpose of engagement…

[Via WiscoDave]

None Dare Call It Treason

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue.” And I have that on good authority.

[Via WiscoDave]

A Working Class Hero is Something to Be

Left-wing anarchist made plan to kill 50 politicians – Student Jacob Graham, who said he wanted ‘to stand up for working classes’, is convicted of preparing terrorist acts [More]

Something tells me young Jacob never worked a day in his life.

So was to too much Lenin or too much Lennon?

[Via Steve T]


I just remembered a line that made me laugh from Family Guy:

John Lennon said love is the answer. He also said “No
thanks, every hot woman, I’ll take this woman crawling out of the well from ‘The Ring’ who none of my friends like.”

Matthew 18:6

Kevin Starrett sent a relevant email in re my AmmoLand piece “Potential Charges Over Child’s Toy Gun in School Zoom Class“:

In Oregon, the legislature has stripped school boards of the right to fire superintendents. Because one fired a far left Marxist.
Now they have a bill to mandate porn in school. School boards will no longer be able to remove porn from school libraries.

Anyone who has a child in public school is committing child abuse. Period.

The Company Gungrabbers Keep

“My generation is the generation of mass shootings in our country,” said Democratic Rep. Tim Hernández of Denver, one of the main sponsors of House Bill 1292. At age 26, he’s currently the state’s youngest lawmaker, and he’s just months into his term after being appointed to fill a vacancy. [More]

Tim, of course, is an open borders race-hustling communist subversive who laughed at dead Israeli babies.

And no surprise, he got the exact wrong message out of A Bug’s Life:

Do you let one ant stand up to us then they all might stand up. Those puny little ants outnumber us a hundred to one and if they ever figure that out there goes our way of life. It’s not about food, it’s about keeping those ants in line.

We get that. And we will not disarm.

[Via Tacticool Memes]

The Revolution is Complete

“Change the definition of ‘crime,'” he continued. “If you get to define what conduct is going to be made criminal, you can predict who the criminals are going to be. … They made the laws to criminalize our culture, Black culture.” [More]


And I see Faux News is doing it’s part. Right down to lowercase “w’s.”

The Screaming of the Lambs

Open borders Christians wage open warfare on Americans. [More]

So does the Kingdom of God have open borders or is it easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for everybody to get in due to a stringent and non-negotiable requirement?

The “AND YOU CALL YOURSELF A CHRISTIAN!?” deflection is a pure “No True Scotsman” logical fallacy. And by helping guarantee Democrat majorities, they’re helping guarantee untold millions more babies will be aborted.

And then, of course, there’s what happens to useful idiots when they’re deemed useless eaters.

Is it really unfair to wonder where the voices that “inform” their faith emanate from?

A Plan Comes Together

In accordance, it is understandable that many are inclined to believe that our country’s current serious problems are, once again, merely the failed result of well-intentioned policies. But what if, we ask, seemingly fumbled programs were intended to be the initial throes of civilizational suicide? What if apparent missteps were actually directed at the purposeful destruction of a prosperous, free, safe, and secure society? [More]

Not just a good reset, a GREAT reset!

[Via bondmen]

Rogue Island

Guatemalan national arrested on child s*x crime charges in RI. He illegally came into our country in 2023, was arrested for child s*x crimes and was released a month later by RI authorities despite ICE requesting to detain him. RI is a sanctuary state. [More]

When it’s all said and done, how much is this parasite costing American taxpayers, then multiply it times does anybody even know?

A plan comes together.

[Via Michael G]

The Holding Pattern

I’ve mentioned before how I love to read books but between the reading I have to do for my professional obligations, the work itself, and my personal life, there’s just not a lot of time. I suppose having a sense of purpose and looking forward every morning to a full day I’m enthusiastic about living is something I should be grateful for, but it does mean making one choice means not making another — for now.

I just finished The Deadly Path, and am finalizing an interview with former ATF Agent and author Pete Forcelli for AmmoLand. Stay tuned.

I also agreed to read The Misinformation Antidote because the author contacted Firearms News claiming “court decisions carry with them the seeds of the [Second] amendment’s future destruction.” I’ll let you know what I think after I read it.

And then yesterday, one of my favorite liberty authors, Miguel A. Faria, Jr., M.D., sent me a copy of his new book, Stalin, Mao, Communism, and their 21st-Century Aftermath in Russia and China. The man knows whereof he speaks and I’m looking forward to reading it and sharing my impressions — just give me a minute.

Attack of the Evil White Christian Nationalists

A new documentary examines how rising white Christian nationalism in the U.S. could upend democracy and impose theocratic rule at a time when the nation is becoming more diverse and less religious. [More]

Hey, it’s genetic with us, right? Funny, how “born that way” is used as cover for everything else…

Just like the Democrats/DOJ/FBI/DSM wants everyone to believe about people who want to be left alone, while at the same time assuring us the religion imposing theocracy, Islam, is aggressively imported and promoted and “the religion of peace.”

And hey, it’s produced by nepocommie Rob “My precious goo!“Reiner…

[Via bondmen]

Volunteer to Be a Victim

The sole migrant who had been held behind bars for the gang attack on two NYPD cops in Times Square is now also free after an activist Brooklyn priest posted his $15,000 bail… [More]

Is he or these Massholes going to guarantee good conduct and assume liability for the actions of their new charges? How?

That last one makes me wonder how far this country has to go “from sheisselord fearsome to scrotally fallow.”

[Via Steve T]

Speaking of ‘Hate Radio’…

Left Wing Billionaire George Soros Buying Hundreds of American Radio Stations Ahead of 2024 Election [More]

Unless the plan is to muffle the “conservative talk radio” signal, I’m not seeing this changing enough minds — whatever else, he’s not dumb, so what am I missing?

Maybe he just likes enriching himself by f***ing little people over?

Under Audacy’s bankruptcy plan, existing shareholders would be wiped out and high-ranking creditors would be repaid with stock in the restructured company.

[Via Michael G]

The Elephant in the Room We Dare Not Speak Of

Four students were shot Wednesday outside an Atlanta high school, school administrators said. The gunfire came from a vehicle shortly after students were dismissed from Benjamin E. Mays High School, Atlanta Public Schools said in a statement. [More]

Is it really racist to ask about populations most directly affected by and responsive to a continuing history of deliberately destructive government policies?

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