On Board or Overboard

Exclusive — White House Sources: JD Vance Helped Develop, Advocate Broad J6 Pardons Throughout Entire Transition [More]

Yeah, JD got bit ahead of himself but left himself an out because he knows who’s boss. Figures McConnell is beside himself. You know who else is out of sorts?

The Weasel Whisperer.

Try “stripping of curtailing,” Vichycon guntraitor.

Talk about being tone deaf about why 2A advocates are fed up with “moderate” Republicans. Tillis needs to be put in his place pronto or he’s gonna keep being a spoiler.

[Via Michael G]

Curse of the Vichycons

If America had properly functioning democratic elections where only legal citizens voted secretly and securely after first establishing their identification, Republicans would have a hundred-seat margin in the House. Instead, centrist dullard McCarthy will “lead” a threadbare majority ripe for rancor and future Democrat flipping. In the Senate, globalist shill Turtle McConnell succeeded in manipulating Alaskan election law to ensure that despicable Democrat Lisa Murkowski — and not Alaskans’ actual Republican nominee — retained her aristocratic sinecure in the U.S. Senate. [More]

There is no one lower than a Quisling. That GOP Inc. exalts theirs tells us much.

[Via bondmen]

[Via bondmen]

Not Going Gentle into that Good Night

“Murkowski’s been helping our Democrat campaign, to help Nancy Pelosi.” The Murkowski team “filed a bunch of lawsuits” to make sure the Alaska House of Representatives seat “stayed Democrat,” Tshibaka said. “So we’re anticipating a whole bunch of shenanigans in these next couple months between now and January, to try and hold on to the Murkowski monarchy. Our race is not over.” [More]

GOA did its part.

Here’s how NRA’s main man decided to help out.

[Via Michael G]

Meanwhile, Over at Stupid Party Central

Inside the secret Manchin-Schumer deal: Dems shocked, GOP feels betrayed [More]

What kind of dumb@$$ Republican would feel betrayed by what any rational observer would expect? And do they really think Big Tech is going to support anyone but Democrats with their newfound welfare largesse?

[Via Mack H]

And yep, long past time to jettison Mitch.

[Via Michael G]

‘Republicans,’ Pay Heed

John Cornyn, top Republican negotiator on gun package, booed at Texas GOP convention [More]

As I said:

Even if the angry feedback is scaring you into backing off, the trust has already been broken.  Way to take the fire out of bellies.

You hearing this Mitch? Lindsey?

You geniuses really want to break up the wave before it happens?

[Via Jess]

And tangentially-related:

Dan Crenshaw & Staff Assaulted by Right Wingers Shouting ‘Eyepatch McCain’ and Saying He Should be ‘Hung for Treason’ [More]

Well, he started it.

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