NRA Elections 2023: LaPierre Wins – NRA Members Lose [More]
Sorry, I’ve tried caring but I’ve got to focus my energies on where they have a chance to nudge.
I’ll keep letting them service my life member magazine subscription.
Notes from the Resistance
NRA Elections 2023: LaPierre Wins – NRA Members Lose [More]
Sorry, I’ve tried caring but I’ve got to focus my energies on where they have a chance to nudge.
I’ll keep letting them service my life member magazine subscription.
NRA challenges Illinois semiautomatic gun ban in court: ‘Blatant violation’ of Second Amendment rights [More]
So all the big dogs are in.
Virginia’s ‘Pro-Gun’ AG is Fighting To KEEP Universal Background Checks [More]
If owning a gun was all it took, we’d have no better pals than these.
That said, even though “I’m the NRA,” until they get their house in order, which won’t happen with Wayne’s death grip, I generally look elsewhere for leadership.
[Via Andy M]
Oscar Mayer searching for next class of Wienermobile drivers [More]
Wayne may just give it a second try…
[Via Steve T]
It looks like Roxanne Persaud is trying to resurrect her bill to limit ammunition for “assault weapons.” (There’s nothing I could find about this yet on her website or social media feeds, or the NY State Senate’s legislative search feature.)
Remember when she tried in 2015 for “rational ammunition control”– with Tucker pal Eric Adams at her side raving about “blood-soaked carnage” and “When terrorists seek – and succeed – to take advantage of our loose laws to murder innocent people”? And how, after attempting to pass an edict so enforcers could use up to lethal force to eviscerate the right to arms that she played the victim and called NRA’s announcement picture (above) a threat proving NRA is dangerous and violent?
That’s just what Americans who won’t surrender their birthright need– a refugee from Guyana dictating to them what they may and may not own. I wonder how her native land’s prohibition on homosexuals acts would play with her current constituents — and if she’s so damn “progressive,” why she’s not leading the charge for reforms there?
Senate Bill S929
2023-2024 Legislative Session
Relates to the sale of ammunition for assault weapons [More]
[Via Jess]
I just hope all the independent actions coordinate with rather than sidetrack the original effort.
NRA’s Revenues As A Chart [More]
At what point does the shrinking vanish into nothingness?
Looks like Wayne and his hip pocket board are doing Letitia James’ work for her.
“Murkowski’s been helping our Democrat campaign, to help Nancy Pelosi.” The Murkowski team “filed a bunch of lawsuits” to make sure the Alaska House of Representatives seat “stayed Democrat,” Tshibaka said. “So we’re anticipating a whole bunch of shenanigans in these next couple months between now and January, to try and hold on to the Murkowski monarchy. Our race is not over.” [More]
Here’s how NRA’s main man decided to help out.
[Via Michael G]