Siegel’s Proctoscope

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Each episode ends with a segment we call Siegel’s Scope, where Dr. Michael Siegel, a renowned researcher and professor, magnifies a particular area of gun ownership and gun policy.

Listen to a clip of Siegel’s Scope below!

Well, you can, but you know what he’s going to say.

The War on Truth

This war directed against Americans’ minds has been raging for quite some time. What is different today is its pace and brazenness. Lies about Russia collusion, COVID, vaccine effectiveness, climate change, Biden family corruption, impartial justice, biological sex, American history, border security, debt sustainability, crime rates, gun safety, banking solvency, military engagements, racial disparities, religious doctrine, Western civilization, childhood development, healthy obesity, government surveillance, hydrocarbon energy, human slavery, acclaimed literature, anthropology — no topic is off limits for those who manipulate the public for a living. [More]

At least we know which master they serve.

[Via bondmen]

This is CNN

“Christiane’s false reporting caused my family unimaginable pain and suffering at a time when we could least bear it,” Rabbi Dee said in the Jerusalem Post. “This type of terror journalism perpetuates the conflict in the Middle East… The real cycle of violence is a comment like this followed by a terrorist atrocity and them more of the same.” [More]

About what we’ve come to expect from her. Along with Soros ties.

Told ya.

[Via bondmen]

Survey SAYS…

Most Americans would support stricter gun laws: Poll [More]

That’s because most Americans are “informed” by the DSM, are oblivious to the deceptions, omissions, and counters to the presumptions behind the polls, and therefore don’t know what they’re talking about.

That’s why it’s important for gun owners to act as force multipliers and share correct information that will never make it to CNN or The New York Times.

[Via Dan Gifford]

Beginning with a Lie and Going Downhill from There

Wave of lawsuits against US gun makers raises hope of end to mass shootings [More]

Like that’s why they’re doing it…

And what a DSM “real reporter” Adam Gabbatt is, calling Philip Bangle “a lawyer representing the FedEx shooting victims” and neglecting to inform his readers the guy is also Senior Litigation Counsel for Brady.

[Via Dan Gifford]

Media Doesn’t Mention Its ‘Responsible’ Gun Owner is a Democrat Apparatchik

NBC Dallas/Fort Worth made sure to identify him as “a gun owner” in its report. Now This News calls him “a Second Amendment supporter.” And not to be left behind, in between emoting for the camera, CNN’s Poppy Harlow acknowledged Spainhouer’s (disingenuous) “pro-Second Amendment” bona fides as he rattled off a laundry list of infringements straight off the Giffords/Everytown/Brady wish list … [More]

What’s being a Democrat activist stumping on national TV for the party’s citizen disarmament agenda got to do with his credibility as a “Second Amendment supporter”?

‘Cause’ and Effect

Firearms overtook auto accidents as the leading cause of death in children [More]

See how the sneaky bastards word it? “Auto ACCIDENTS,” but just plain “firearms,” not “firearms ABUSE.” And I’ve heard even with that the numbers are wrong.

About what we’d expect from NPR

On top of that, how many of those “children” are hardened adolescent urban predators instead of what even Google recognizes the common understanding to be?

Take Bloomberg/Democrat enclaves out of the equation and then let’s do some comparisons.

[Via bondmen]

Who Better to Heed Than Propagandists and Turncoats?

Former gun industry executive: I saw with ‘my own eyes’ how NRA ‘radicalized’ gun debate [Watch]

That’s funny. From what I saw, they’ve continually had to be dragged in.

The ones who “radicalized” it were the ones demanding we surrender our freedom aided and abetted by Juda$e$ like Busse.

Note all the supportive comments from self-described “gun owners.” Aside from having no proof of that, even if some are, it’s part of a larger divide-and-conquer strategy. Watching and agreeing with CNN on guns should tell us all we need to know about their priorities.

[Via Andy M]

It’s All About Minimal Effort and Feelings of Unearned Significance

The media care only about mass shootings that agitate white women [More]

Useful idiot fat, obnoxious cud-chewers in red Moms Demand tees provide an immediately recognizable photo op setting with narrative-advancing sound bites for ignorant, lazy “progressive journalists” to get the assigned story done with minimal personal risk.

[Via bondmen]

A Plan Comes Together

We have become guinea pigs in a ruthlessly calculated, carefully orchestrated, chillingly cold-blooded experiment in how to control a population and advance a political agenda without much opposition from the citizenry. This is mind-control in its most sinister form. [More]

Is it any wonder weaker minds snap?

[Via bondmen]

People Also Propagandize

I was looking for some ATF financial information for an article I’m drafting and happened upon this “helpful” information “courtesy” of Google:

People also answer, but the key here is “which people”?

I wonder when Google is just going to come right out and openly adopt “Be evil”…?

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