ATF to Big Brother: Hold Our Beer

Did you know that every time you search for guns or ammo online, someone’s watching? Well you probably already know, but if you think it’s just the algorithms that feed you ads, think again—the ATF is also watching your searches. Worse, they use your digital activity to shape bans and enforcement actions. And no, we’re not fear mongering here. Published reports confirm that your searches are being tracked, analyzed, and even used to forecast so-called “threats.” [Watch]

The question then becomes what do Donald Trump and whomever he appoints to head the Bureau intend to do about this?

[Via 1Gat]

Tangentially-Related UPDATE

TSA Facial Recognition Scanning Spreading, Part of Planned ‘Across The Board’ Biometric Future [More]

Get your own SKU/QR code!

And just imagine the AI-enhanced deep fake/identity theft opportunities for hackers and those let into the system with bribes!

The ultimate goal, of course, isn’t just to categorize travelers. How many millions of unvetted illegal immigrants are occupying territory in this country again who won’t be affected one bit…?

[Via Michael G]

Today’s Low-Hanging Fruit Report

The TSA officer detected the fully disassembled 9mm firearm in a carry-on bag at a checkpoint in Terminal A as the man’s duffle bag entered the checkpoint X-ray machine. The gun frame was jammed in the bottom of a boot below a sock that had been stuffed behind it to help conceal it. The gun’s slide, spring and gun magazine loaded with 12 bullets were detected mixed among the plastic pieces of a Black Panther LEGO set. [More]

Maybe he just forgot they were there…?

[Via Jess]

Will That Be Stabbing or Non-Stabbing Section?

Biden-Harris DHS Ignores Risks of Allowing Released Migrants to Board Airline Flights Without ID [More]

Meanwhile, citizens who pay money and submit to biometrics and enhanced background checks to go through CLEAR, TSA Precheck, and GlobalEntry still get their privates groped.

We wouldn’t even have those if not for foreign national hijackers.

Absolute Bizarro World…

Why is Breitbart calling them “migrants”?

[Via bondmen]

Mighty Careless of Her

“Ms. Miller told me she had not registered the firearm at this time,” the report said. “Ms. Miller told me her brother lived and purchased the firearm in (a redacted location). [More]

So between that, trying to get it through TSA, and what sounds like an illegal transfer, it looks like this “Mighty Democrat” is hoist on her own petard.

So, does she have a concealed carry permit?

They should have let her land in New York, where they have even more “Mighty Democrat” laws…

Who’s betting on a wrist slap?

[Via Jess]

Speaking of ‘Swarms of Officers to Harass Our People’…

THIS Is Nuts (and Honestly Really Scary) –> TSA Agent Targets Conservative (Jan 6) Passenger [More]

What an appropriate job for that Ayuyu tub of goo. Could I get in trouble if I wondered if he sniffed his fingers afterward?

He ought to get together with Mad Maxie.

[Via Michael G]

It’s a Big Club and You Ain’t In It

The Texas Republican — infamously photographed by a gawker while en route to Cancún in 2021 — is proposing a bill amendment that would offer lawmakers a dedicated security escort at airports, along with expedited screening outside of public view. That could make it much less likely that the politicians’ comings and goings would become fodder for embarrassing news reports and late-night comedy mockery. [More]

Yeah, further separate them from the edicts they impose on the rest of us, that’s the ticket!

Read the room, Ted. Is this really what you think an angry electorate will embrace? The embarassment and handing political enemies an opening for comedic mockery is overwhelmingly self-created.

Nightmare at 13 Feet

TSA finds anti-aircraft ammunition in bag, evacuates luggage room of Hawaiian airport… The team found a .50-caliber round of anti-aircraft ammunition inside a thermos. [More]

Somebody dig up something from Pearl Harbor? Does it look like somebody wanted an expended souveneir and wrongly figured the metal thermos would shield it from prying overreactors?

Oh, and for those wondering, that’s HNL’s elevation.

[Via Steve T]

Offensive Holding


I don’t have a lot of sympathy for anyone so cavalier about the practice that they forget they have a gun, but the only malicious, predatory intent meriting resistance I see here is coming from the tyrants.

I do think it’s funny to see the NFL trying to tiptoe the line between its anti-gun virtue signaling and being afraid to agitate the “institutional racism” fanatics.

[Via Jess]

You Had Me at ‘SS’

According to the TSA, any passenger with the four-letter code on their boarding pass can be swabbed for the residue of illegal substances, such as drugs or explosives. Those passengers will also face additional questioning about travel plans and previous trips. The special security measures that come with an SSSS code can add an additional hour to the security check process. [More]

Tell me THAT’s not a loophole “we” should close!

I wonder if Mad Maxie will be our inquisitor…

[Via Sweet Babboo]


If this is the case, how does TSA not only label someone a terrorist but also have someone within the TSA, without any research or follow-up, manipulate a national security database and enter false information that Bill’s wife had broken into the Capitol? [More]

And then consider all the totalitarian Democrats screaming “terror loophole” demanding imposed gun prohibitions.

[Via CP]

In the Bag… Uh, Not Again…

ABF Commander Justin Bathurst said the arrest spoke to the diligence of the force’s officers and sophistication of the country’s detection technology. [More]

Either that or of the utter incompetence of TSA at LAX…

Here’s hoping they ID the “U.S. woman” before scrubbing her social media. I always like to see if they leave political affiliation clues…

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