The Whole Point of Newspeak

Naming a law that unconstitutionally displaces American workers with foreign invaders the “Keep Washington Working Act” is comparable to calling a Green New Deal spending blowout the “Inflation Reduction Act” and a desecration of holy matrimony the “Respect for Marriage Act.” [More]

And they want you disarmed to “protect public safety.”

“The Revolution will be complete when the language is perfect.”

[Via Michael G]

They Tyrannize Because They Can

Washington House Dems Pass Permit-to-Purchase Bill; Defies 2A, Say Critics [More]

That means the Marxists in charge can say “No,” and expand denial criteria with majority votes. This is naked, in-your-face tyranny.

As Constitutional scholar Edwin Vieira Jr. noted in Kolbe v. Hogan:

“This reliance on a permanent private market for firearms guaranteed that most militiamen, through their own efforts, could always obtain firearms suitable for both collective and individual self-defense, and forestalled tyranny by precluding rogue public officials from monopolizing the production, distribution, and possession of firearms.”

That’s why it’s a mistake to rely exclusively on “self defense” in legal arguments and avoid making a case for the Constitutiopnal Militia.

WA Gun Insurance Bill Shows No Depths Are TOO LOW for Gun Hating Democrats

This is all obviously unconstitutional and will never stand up to the text, history, and tradition standards of Bruen… [More]

They’ll keep harassing until they’re made to stop.

Commie Sense Gun Laws

Rep. Kristine Reeves, D-Federal Way, proposed House Bill 1504… individuals would have to obtain a firearm liability insurance policy or bond before purchasing or possessing the weapon…the liability policy or bond must cover at least $25,000 of coverage per incident [and] would also require firearm range operators to obtain general liability insurance with at least $1 million of coverage per incident. If an individual owns more than 25 firearms, they would qualify as a self-insurer by obtaining a certificate from the state…“establishing that the person named therein has deposited with the department $25,000.” [More]

This will not survive Bruen. What I’m wondering is, will Bondi ever direct Justice to defend the law, and if not why not?

And no. Stop with the chronic defeatism.

[Via Jess]

Speaking of Conspiracy to Deprive Rights…

Let’s ask ourselves: Why would @wastatepatrol want to give legislators a tour of things? Why, it’s because I caught them colluding with legislators to take your Constitutionally protected gun rights. [More]

Interesting thread that shows how gungrabbers operate…

If we could ever get Pam Bondi interested in defending ALL rights…

[Via Tacticool Memes]

So It’s Not About Principle

HB 1386 creates an additional 11% excise tax on the sale of all ammunition in the state. Firearms and ammunition are already subject to an 11% federal excise tax through the Pittman-Robertson Act, along with a variety of other state and local taxes and fees. The NRA has current litigation against California’s similar 11% excise tax, and will be present at the hearing to oppose this bill. [More]

So 11% taxes are praiseworthy when they benefit Fudds but bad when they benefit gun-grabbers…?

[Via Jess]

Speaking of Missing the Barn…

AN ACT Relating to protecting the public from gun violence by establishing additional requirements for the business operations of licensed firearms dealers [More]

Go after the people whose livlihoods already depend on proving — on demand — that they comply with the law… really?

[Via Jess]

Cancer Continues to Metastacize

How Washington State Wants to Disarm You in 2025 [Watch]

Nothing will change until this happens:

Imagine now the Department of Justice under an actual Second Amendment advocate, and what it could do fighting infringements and prohibitionist lawfare waged by states with unlimited tax war chests in tandem with Astroturf prohibitionist groups funded by antigun elites. Right now, the costs to defend against these innumerable assaults on all levels are borne by gun rights groups and members of mostly modest means who can only support a fraction of what is needed. That equation could be turned on its head.

Think Pam Bondi will go for it…?

[Via Jess]

A Right Deliberately Delayed

As the saying goes, ‘A right delayed is a right denied,’ and the state has denied untold numbers of citizens their right to obtain firearms for almost two weeks. This amounts to a mass deprivation of civil rights under color of law. [More]

Let’s hope one of the functions of the Trump Justice Department will be to go after such violations– like we tried to get phony John Ashcroft to do many years ago.

I’ll have to include that thought in a Firearms News piece I’m working on about a Trump to-do list.

Teach Your Children Well

New data coming out of the Issaquah Police Department in Washington have revealed a 350% increase in fights among juveniles since the start of August this year, compared to last year. [More]

Don’t expect school authorities and union teachers to look into what it is about the way the childtren are being indoctinated.

Being consistently bullied by woke adults and powerless to fight back no doubt makes some desperate to lash out as somebody…

[Via bondmen]

How Much of an Issue?

The revelation that Washington State, for the first time in history, has more than 700,000 active concealed pistol licenses is proof the public is concerned about personal and community safety, and will be an issue in this year’s statewide elections, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is predicting. [More]

Anybody expecting armed Dems to change their vote?

Attn: Washington Gun Owners

Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, is joined by GOP Candidate Michael Baumgartner, a former State Senator now running to be the Representative to the US House in the 5th Congressional District. Michael is part of a very crowded field of both Repubicans and Democrats vying for this open seat. Today we ask Michael lots of questions, but most imprtantly, what sets him apart from the other candidates for this race. So learn more today so you can arm yourself with education [Watch]

The district is winnable for Republicans, so this isn’t a waste of time.

Know the race, the candidates, and where they stand on the issues. Anybody got any info on the other Republicans? If I can find time I’ll look, but just putting their names into a search engine and adding “+ gun” is a good starting point.

[Via Jess]

Speaking of Liabilities

No conflict of interest there, right?

[W]hile in the legislature, I championed gun safety laws including a bill proposing gun owners carry liability insurance

Aside from no insurance policy covering willful criminal and negligent acts, guess who they can’t require to get insurance, because to force them to admit they had guns would violate the Fifth Amendment…

[Via Jess]

When Frauds Meet Citizenship Malpractitioners

They promised it would save lives and make your communities safer. They told you that “no one really needs that to defend themselves.” Well, how has it worked out? Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, takes a look at some pretty sobering numbers that not only demonstrates how miserably Washington’s civilian disarmament efforts have been in making our communities safer, but actually shows that Washington has now become of of the nation’s most dangerous states. [Watch]

That anyone actually believes it’s about safety points to one of the great scams of our time. At this point, with the information available, ignorance is the choice of the lazy.

[Via Jess]

Snitch Nation

It also targets reported instances of “a person’s hostile expression of animus toward another person, relating to the other person’s actual or perceived characteristics…” Literally, the hotline gives people a way of informing on others supposedly guilty of thought crimes – or, perhaps, speech crimes. [More]

Hey, if you don’t have any forbidden thoughts you’ve got nothing to worry about.

And tell me the bill’s main sponsor’s other priority surprises you.

[Via Michael G]

The Let’s F*** FFLs Who Obey the Law Act of 2024

Say goodbye to your favorite FFL because your state legislature is about to run them all out of business. Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discusses HB 2118, which is now set to be put on the floor in the Senate tonight, and is expected to pass. [Watch]

Fortunately, the black market won’t have to comply with any of this targeted harassment.

[Via Jess]

No Supply Demand

Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discusses HB 2118, a actual reality this legislative session and a bill who’s sole purpose is to financially ruin every single FFL in the State of Washington. If you thought your individual liberties have been under attack, wait until you check this piece of leglislation out. This is the most Orwellian and dystopian piece of legislation to ever be introduced in Washington State and must be stopped now. [Watch]

Prohibitonists gonna prohibit…

[Via Jess]

Democrat Felon Pushes Citizen Disarmament with Criminal Constituency

Let incarcerated criminals vote for citizen disarmament, serve on juries, and run for office to stop “gun violence”! [More]

Democrats — and not just the “extreme” ones — are using inmates to secure control of the asylum.

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