Mainstream Media Meltdown as Hegseth’s Pentagon Evicts CNN, WaPo, Politico and More [More]
Lemme know if you guys need any archival evidence of how the DSM can’t be trusted…
[Via Michael G]
Notes from the Resistance
Washington Post cartoonist resigns over paper’s refusal to publish cartoon critical of Jeff Bezos [More]
I’m trying to recall when I ever had a job where I could publicly diss my employer and expect to not be unceremoniously fired…
And it’s not like she had an original (or even funny) idea in her head…
Not to worry– I’m sure some virtual signaling outlet will pick her up– one that’s not cutting back yet due to a shrinking market demand for DSM gaslighting.
The Washington Post Claims Republicans Wage War on Fact Checkers [More]
To paraphrase Rhett Butler, they deserve to have war waged on them, and often, and by someone who knows how.
[Via Michael G]
“There were too many,” he concludes plainly. There are still too many. It is as simple as that. [More]
Imagine a world without them. Now imagine obnoxious, judgmental, closed-minded, self-righteous, and provincial-in-their-bubbles Becca Rothfeld and Andrew C. McKevitt in that world.
Still, there is useful information here — the early goals of “suburban housewives” prove that “commonsense gun safety laws” are a lie and the object is citizen disarmament with a government monopoly of violence. And the efforts of domestic manufacturers to demand banning cheap foreign competition explains much in how the industry will always put profit over rights.
[Via bondmen]
Last week, the Post’s editorial board — which speaks with the institutional voice of the newspaper — declared that it regards President Biden’s reelection in November as a matter of such importance that it will not fault him for promoting misbegotten policies that are designed to attract votes. The president’s policies “clearly pander to core constituencies,” the editorial board conceded, and “some of these policies are quite bad — even dangerous.” Other pandering by the White House may be “less obviously dangerous but still violates common sense and principle.” [More]
And why is no one challenging this as an admission of intent to provide free publicity and suppress other information, making it an “in kind” campaign contribution reportable to the FEC?
[Via Michael G]
Received via email:
MoveOn has raised almost enough to launch our ambitious plan to take over the front page of The Washington Post with hard-hitting ads calling on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to recuse himself from a case that could determine whether Donald Trump can be criminally prosecuted for his crimes.
Aren’t there obstruction/interference laws against this?
On the plus side, it’s not like throwing $ at WaPo is going to change any minds…
Washington Post Reporter Slammed for Article That Blames Retail Theft on Capitalism and Says That America is Built on Stolen Land [More]
What’s so wrong about calling a bagel brain a bagel brain?
[Via Michael G]
Why Trump was charged and Biden wasn’t [More]
According to the report, not only is the Post losing $100 million a year, but it lost over half of its online engagement by the end of 2023. [More]
Just tell me they haven’t lost their award-winning plagiarist…
[Via Michael G]
“In the right hands, a weapon can save lives. The war demonstrated this — whenever weapons were present, disasters were smaller,” he said in late October. “A gun can save a family, and an assault rifle can save a building. A weapon can protect you, your family, your street and your country.” [More]
But only in Israel and not here, if you believe WaPo.
[Via Jess]
Subtle Like a Brick Through a Window – CIA Outlet Approves Donald Trump Assassination [More]
And we all know Trump is an avatar.
[Via bondmen]
Someone invented the phrase “citizen journalism” a few years ago to describe amateurs doing the work of pros. Yes, it occasionally works, but probably no more often than “citizen cop,” “citizen attorney” or “citizen soldier.” [More]
By “pros” he means he chose a college major that didn’t require math and science, and a career that didn’t require real-world subject matter experience.
What’s the biggest exclusive you’ve broken, Paul?
[Via Michael G]
TERROR ON REPEAT – A rare look at the devastation caused by AR-15 shootings [More]
Funny– no paywall on this one…
Now do one on aborted fetuses!
WaPo mogul Jeff and his f***toy sure do enjoy their bodyguards. I wonder how much she’s going to figure her services were worth in a few years.
To live in Texas is to live surrounded by guns. [More]
So, how many surround WaPo owner Jeff Bezos?
I wonder if they’ll be enough.
[Via Michael G]
The Washington Post’s New Hire Shows Media Will Never Hold Themselves Accountable [More]
What…? The DSM is filled with unethical left-wing hacks…?
And oh, look: She’s a gun-grabber cheerleader, too!
Hold the presses!
[Via Michael G]
WaPo out with helpful “How NOT to get carjacked in D.C.” guide [More]
It will get worse. And the usual suspects will continue to blame systemic racism and guns.
[Via Michael G]
Related UPDATE
Days before violence broke out at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, a U.S. Capitol Police captain ordered the confiscation of dozens of riot helmets from officers without the knowledge of Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund… [More]
This is starting to read more and more like a conspiracy movie script.
[Via bondmen]
Dettelbach on the work of the ATF [Watch]
Now there’s the kind of hard-hitting watchdog journalism on guns we’ve come to expect from The Washington Post!
It’s almost like they’re a volunteer public relations department…
[Via Jess]
WaPo: Mass shooting raises controversial question: What’s the Christian thing to do about guns? [More]
That it’s “controversial” is the first lie, but one to set everyone scurrying off in the wrong direction. Shall we consult the “historical understanding” that the Founders accepted?
“He that suffers his life to be taken from him by one who has no authority for that purpose, when he might preserve it by defense, incurs the Guilt of self murder since God has enjoined him to seek the continuance of his life, and Nature itself teaches every creature to defend [it]self.”
Or we could just listen to more violence monopoly propaganda from the useful idiot rope-selling DSM, in this case from an outlet whose elitist multibillionaire owner profits off of child pornography…
[Via Michael G]
The Washington Post – whose slogan is “Democracy Dies in Darkness” – mocked parents for requesting public records on what their children are learning on topics relating to gender identity and race Wednesday in a social media post on its TikTok page. [More]
Probably because owner Jeff Bezos considers the grooming industry a profit center.
[Via Michael G]
What follows is a detailed depiction showing the impact of bullets fired from AR-15s at two victims: Noah Pozner, 6, and Peter Wang, 15 — killed in school shootings when they were struck by multiple bullets. [More]
Now do one with some popular hunting rounds.
Interview with Reed Knight on Eugene Stoner and the AR-15 [More]
If you read and share one thing today, make Herschel Smith’s analysis that thing.
It clarifies an out-of-context quote and exposes some critical deceptive details in a recent WaPo hit piece on AR-15s and draws from an earlier exclusive report that proved civilians had it before the military was issued M16s.
Daniel Defense did not respond to multiple requests from The Washington Post for comment. [More]
Why should they give you @$$holes the time of day, when the only reasonable conclusion would be you’re setting up a hit piece?
You just had to stick “the maker of the gun used in the Uvalde shooting” into the subhead, didn’t you, WaPo?
[Via Jess]
Anything can be true if it is repeated enough by important newspapers and politicians who think you will buy this. [More]
Where have we heard that before?
[Via Michael G]
In the examples the influential paper chose to highlight, the posters were not calling on initiating violence against their political opponents. They were calling on supporters of churches and pregnancy centers to defend themselves against violent attackers with mayhem on their minds. [More]
One of the violence monopolists’ go-to lies is conflating self-defense with vigilantism.
Instead, Cheney and fellow truth-telling Republicans — such as Rice, Rep. Adam Kinzinger (Ill.) and Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker — can form a coalition for democracy with Democrats, independents and other patriotic Republicans. That’s right: They should work to defeat Republicans who perpetrate the “big lie” and threaten future democratic elections. [More]
Well, if “conservative” Jennifer Rubin and The Washington Post think so…
Advance Republicans by electing Democrats! It sounds like there’s an Orwell slogan in there somewhere.
[Via Mack H]
Gun sales have exploded. Funny, that didn’t make us all safer. [More]
What’s “funny” is imagining how safe anyone but the predator would be if defense against attacks was left up to Paul Waldman.
Consider the source.
Langley Outdoors Academy has a chart that pretty much refutes the dweeb’s entire silly premise in one glance. [Watch]
[Via Jess]