YouTube Grinch Steals Gun Owner’s Christmas Gift to Relatives

The simplest explanation is that YouTube agrees with the gun prohibitionists on zero “tolerance” for young people being anywhere near them. [More]

They have subsequently recanted and allowed the video, but too little too late and I’ve had it with them.

Under the Gunfluence


“As Stephen King said, ‘If your school has banned a book, get to a bookstore or library and find out what it is they don’t want you to know,'” said a comnment poster to this.

So, see? YouTube still allows teaching other important life skills.

The Man Who Would Be King

How instructive to see “New York’s very own” PIX 11 pay so much attention to noted subject matter expert East Harlem resident Arlene on this.

“I think they shouldn’t be learning that on no video,” indeed.

So Fat Alvin presumes the power to coerce rules affecting the entire world… Hey, if you believe you don’t have to respect the Second Amendment, why should the First give you any problems?

Not that Google respects either.

[Via Jess]

Brought to You By…

I’m trying to figure out if it’s my cookies and browser history causing this or the subject matter of the videos I’m trying to access, but more and more every time I try to watch a gun influencer on YouTube, Mark Barden’s showing up first. Is this happening to any of you?

As with Manuel Oliver, as sympathetic as we may feel, his “solution” is antithetical to freedom and unacceptable, and his loss does not give him a claim against our rights.

Starting off the video with these ads undermines the presenter’s work, especially with people who may not be informed and may be otherwise receptive. So I have some questions, because I don’t know how YouTube ad policies work.

Is it intentional placement? Does the client request it? Does the YouTube account where the ad is being placed have any say? If so, do they allow it because monetization is monetization? If not, could they reject it?

Conversely, would a “gun rights” group be able to have their ads placed at the start of gungrab group videos? Has anbody ever seen that happen?

And is this a directed policy by Google/YouTube to deliberately muddle messages they want to suppress, and inject their own?

[Video link submitted via Jess]

Welcome to the Party, Pal

The New Way YouTube is Going After 2A Content [Watch]

As opposed to the “old way”? I had a genuine original news video, non-monetized, mind you, taken from a car, of ATF trying to fire Fast and Furious whistleblower Vince Cefalu that got blocked by Google-owned YouTube after it started getting noticed on bogus “copyright” grounds because you could hear the radio playing a song in the background:

There’s a reason I went through all the contortions to leave Googleowned Blogger and find a platform safe from censorship, and since I don’t do ads here, there’s nothing to demonetize.

Screwing my findability on work published elsewhere is another story.

[Via Jess]

We’re the Only Ones Idealess Enough

And the rifle, the weapon that was used, the murder weapon … it was so unusual that the investigators when they were looking into it, and the investigators are all, you know, very familiar with firearms, right, knew all the guns, but when they were looking at this gun, they were like “I have no idea how this is loaded,” the investigators had to watch YouTube videos… [Watch]

So they turn to the “gun community” for help…?

[Via MG]

Ready to Rumble

YouTube Censorship Of Suppressor Content & Wholesale Deletion of Creators [More]

Well, it’s not like the CEO came here for the liberty…

While it’s understandable and necessary to endorse uncensored alternatives like Rumble, the fact remains that I have accounts on Truth Social, Gab, and MeWe and don’t get anywhere near the admittedly limited exposure I get on Facebook and Twitter.

[Via Jess]

Montana Warns YouTube of Consequences for Acting as a Democrat Proxy to Censor Speech

Big Tech argues they deserve exemptions because they are not content providers. Acting as content deniers, suppressing anything that does not advance a state-approved “progressive” narrative, and facilitating the universal spread of that which does, effectively amounts to the same thing. [More]

How is removing legal content at the demand of Democrat politicians not a de facto First Amendment violation?

A Star is Born?

Kyle Rittenhouse launches YouTube channel for ‘great content’ on GUNS and the Second Amendment as the 19-year-old Kenosha shooter notches up thousands of subscribers in just hours [More]

Except for wondering why he chose YouTube instead of a non-hostile alternative, I’ll reserve judgment. Lemme see what he actually knows and understands first.

[Via bondmen]

A Slap on the Wrist

Leftist YouTuber Ethan Klein Suspended After NRA Bombing ‘Joke’ [More]

It’s not like he’s a “conservative” who deserves to be permanently demonetized and de-platformed over wrong-thinking.

[Via Michael G]

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