What’s in a Name?

When Councilman Erik Bottcher heard about a federal ruling that affirmed that graphic images on cigarette packaging do not violate the constitution, he had an idea. What if he did the same for guns in New York? [More] And “‘There is not a doubt in my mind that if there was a gun in my … Continue reading “What’s in a Name?”

All Red

Texas Democratic Senate candidate Colin Allred is featuring his wife in campaign ads to cast himself as tough on the border and immigration. Just four years ago, she sued to secure the release of dozens of illegal immigrants held at federal facilities in California, including one who was charged with assaulting and threatening to kill … Continue reading “All Red”

We’re the Only Ones On a Roll Enough

Kandiyohi County deputy charged with DWI after rolling squad car multiple times [More] That’s some superior training. I could do a reverse 180 in my day but never learned to master a roll. Doing it more than once is a whole ‘nother level! Flatten. Talk about an aptronym. Almost as good as Lt. Feeley. F-in … Continue reading “We’re the Only Ones On a Roll Enough”

Your Lying Eyes

In today’s conservative movement, nothing animates activists like the supposed liberal indoctrination of children. The religious right, in particular, espouses unhinged rhetoric about how youth are being “groomed” into trans- and LGBTQ ideology by Luciferian leftists. [More] Ridiculous! I wonder if Dickinson is an aptronym…

Hitting the Jackpot

The city of Philadelphia has agreed to pay the staggering sum of $9.25 million to about 200 rioters because they were teargassed and struck with rubber bullets. [More] >$46K each ain’t a bad payday. So can we expect reparations for the J6 protestors, too? “Commissioner Outlaw” is what’s known as an aptronym. [Via Michael G]

More Fuel for the Fire!

Self-described ‘antiracism educator’ Tim Wise recently wrote an opinion piece for Politico about the May shooting in Buffalo, New York. In the article, he blames the incident on the purported lack of anti-racism education, a situation for which he blames conservatives. [More] So they need more? As opposed to years of bullying brainwashing causing the … Continue reading “More Fuel for the Fire!”

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