So Come on Down to Kapo Arms

Central NY man sentenced to prison for illegal rifle after gun dealer reports large ammo sales [More]

Is Master pleased with you, gunsnitch? Did he have something on you or were you just trying to suck up and curry favor?

I don’t see who the informant was from this.

[Via bondmen]

The Big Chill

Bass Pro Shop’s Background Check Policy Raises Questions [More]

After seeing how Morehouse was retaliated against with a bend-and-spread-’em audit that had the goal of finding something, anything, to revoke its FFL, and noting the anal levels ATF stoops to over “Don’t Lie for the Other Guy” (enthusiastically partnered with by NSSF), over-cautiousness is inevitable, especially where corporate timidity over anything controversial is the rule.

Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One Before

“We estimate that about 70 percent of the guns that end up in Mexico are guns that come from the United States of America,” said Salazar. [More]

They’re counting on short memories.

That’s what happens when you’re confident your operations can abet killing people with impunity and the DSM will cover for you.

[Via Lane]

Enemy Action

It would be hard to convince me that this is a normal routine inspection and not an effort at retribution by the Justice Department and their henchmen at BATFE. [More]

Biden’s DOJ puts the squeeze on an FFL who’s suing over bump stocks. The tyrannical pettiness reminds me of Red’s Trading Post.

So if it’s not happenstance and it’s not a coincidence, what does that leave us?

I became aware of this soon after I announced my slowdown. I was thinking of maybe doing an article, but I couldn’t do a better job than John Richardson has done, so why not just go read what he has to say?

A ‘Pro-Gun’ Democrat

I hope everyone in West Virginia sees this for what it is….. Joe Manchin is NOT a supporter of the 2nd Amendment. And, assuming he truly believes what he is saying here, he is not very smart on the right to bear arms issue. If you allow ATF to redefine congressional statutes as they please and change course at will, then what’s to prevent ATF from later declaring via regulation that “semi-automatic rifles like AR-15s” are really really “machine guns” that need to be registered under the NFA. [More]

And there are still idiots ostensibly on “our side” out there saying the bump stock ban is “just about a stupid piece of plastic.”

Typically, the same bloviating morons who say “The Second Amendment GIVES us the right” and “Enforce existing gun laws”…

Rotten to the Core

At the center of this case is whether the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (“ATF”) properly interpreted the term “machinegun,” as defined in 26 U.S.C. § 5845(b), to include items known as non-mechanical bump stocks. [More]

And at the center of that is the question of where the hell any branch of government has the legitimate authority to infringe on the right of the people to keep and bear arms.

[Via Jess]

New FOIA Request Filed on Hunter Biden Gun Investigation Now That Privacy Excuse is Gone

Because the DOJ has now made charges public, and because Biden’s attorney has acknowledged those charges, attorney Stephen Stamboulieh filed a new FOIA request Tuesday afternoon. [More]

The Biden administration’s enforcers want to gloss this over and are counting on the “real reporters” to let them. My sense is there’s more here to uncover and I want to keep digging and find out what they don’t want us to know.

Speaking of Sending Hither Swarms of Officers to Harass Our People…

During my visit to Highwood Creek Outfitters, I learned that the IRS confiscated all the 4473 forms from the store. This means that the sensitive personal information of any customer ever to purchase a firearm at Highwood Creek Outfitters is now in the hands of the IRS. These background check forms include no financial information, and there is no discernable reason why the IRS would need these forms. The IRS committed an egregious breach of privacy for Montana’s gun owners, and I am outraged that the agents involved showed no regard for federal law. Although there are still some murky details regarding the events at Highwood Creek Outfitters. There is no circumstance in which 4473’s would be necessary in an investigation spearheaded by the IRS. [More]

I guess seizing records outright beats taking pictures with their phones. Funny, how this most significant piece of information got buried until the end of the “news” account

[Via Jess]

If You See Something Say Something

The guns will be collected anonymously, unloaded and stored in a locked safe. They will be turned in to Cleveland Police Department’s 4th precinct headquarters every day. [More]

Brandon can accept transfers without background checks? And with “prohibited persons” on staff? Does ATF know about this?

Hey, they don’t have a “No Guns” sticker on the door, do they?

I didn’t imagine there was much demand for Fois Gras and Cuisses de Grenouille among the gang bang set…

[Via JG]

DOJ Prosecutes Black Mother On 4473 Drug Denial While Giving Passes to Democrats

That said, it’s also entirely appropriate to show how the so-called “justice system” treats the president’s son and a highly connected Democrat apparatchik differently than it does people of modest means and people of color FOR THE SAME CHARGE. [More]

It’s a big club Hunter Biden and Nikki Fried belong to, and unconnected black people ain’t in it.

Not Government-Approved

Alcoa man accused of selling more than 100 guns illegally after undercover investigation – Marsh was accused in the documents of not just selling guns illegally, but selling illegal weapons like machine guns. [More]

He certainly doesn’t sound like he was very smart about it.

So… what do we make of Harvey’s Pistol and Pawn…?

[Via Remarks]

There’s Us and There’s You

According to court documents filed Monday, Taylor made a false claim on the firearms transaction form she filled out when she bought a 9mm handgun in 2022. Section G of that form asks, “Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?” Prosecutors said Taylor lied when she answered no, and that she was actually a marijuana user. [More]

Just to be clear: Joe Biden’s Justice Department will give his son Hunter and connected Democrat Nikki Fried a pass, but put the screws to a black mother struggling to get by.

Where the hell are the so-called “black leaders”?

[Via Mack H]

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