— Gun Owners of America (@GunOwners) May 13, 2024
In our case with Texas against the ATF's latest tyrannical rule, Judge Kacsmaryk has ordered oral arguments for THIS Thursday.
We will keep you updated! https://t.co/UfAmuSjT1k
[Via Jess]
Notes from the Resistance
[Via Jess]
A former Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms investigator has been ordered to stand trial for defrauding $34,000 in pandemic business loans from the government, officials said. [More]
Hey, Always Think Forfeiture…
[Via Jess]
“As a card-carrying member of the Greatest Threat, you’d think I’d want to do more than make popcorn.”
You got a freaking card?
No fair, man! No fair! [More]
Now you do, too:
At $2 Million Per Minute, Treasuries Mint Cash Like Never Before [More]
That ought to make everybody’s money buy less…
Question for ATF: If I sell an old gun for more than I paid for it but it’s actually worth less because of inflation from desperately crooked government monetary practices, have I made a profit?
David, What’s with the Ohio AG not joining the other States in the lawsuit challenging the new rule against private sales? [More]
I won’t respond there, because a big thing with me is keeping things on topic (see “Comment H0use Rules” in sidebar). That’s why comment threads hijacked away from the conversation I’m inviting, or worse, devolving into childish squabbling, really grind my gears.
But it’s a good question, and Dave Yost hasn’t shied away from those before.
Plaintiffs bring this action seeking a stay of agency action, temporary restraining order, and/or a preliminary injunction to preserve the status quo, followed by a declaratory judgment and permanent injunctive relief restraining Defendants from enforcing a Final Rule issued by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives of the U.S. Department of Justice on April 19, 2024, entitled “Definition of ‘Engaged in the Business’ as a Dealer in Firearms” (“Final Rule”), 89 Fed. Reg. 28968. [More]
This is good work:
COUNT 5 Second Amendment: Right to Keep and Bear Arms 193. All foregoing allegations are repeated and realleged as if fully set forth herein. 194. The Second Amendment provides that “[a] well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” 195. The text of the Second Amendment provides no qualifications or limitations constraining who may exercise the right or for what purpose the right may be exercised. Accordingly, the Second Amendment presumptively protects all Americans and all lawful purposes. 196. ATF failed “to justify its regulation by demonstrating that it is consistent with the Nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation.” N.Y. State Rifle & Pistol Ass’n v. Bruen, 597 U.S. 1, 17 (2022). Nor can ATF justify its regulation because there is no early American tradition of requiring licensure of gun sellers
Plenty of pundits will be giving you their read on this. Why not read it for yourself?
[Via Len Savage]
And a few years from now, no shortage of gun owners will still be demanding for authorities to “Enforce existing gun laws!“
Poorly TrainedALL ATF ‘Operators’ Are A Threat To Public Safety [More]
That’s the second headline correction I’ve had to do today.
Then in January 2023, the market evaporated overnight after the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) changed course and issued a rule reclassifying braced pistols as highly regulated short-barreled rifles. [More]
Funny, how it didn’t used to be a problem…
[Via Jess]
What all those pages in the FOIA response did not do is provide what was being asked for. [More]
I wonder why they won’t share where they get the authority to strong-arm permanent gun disabilities without due process and that are not statutorily authorized from…
I see only 13K views in 21 hours.
Can we make it 13M?
Share this video with everyone in your sphere of influence.
[Via Jess]
More guns are now trafficked to criminals through online sources such as Facebook, TikTok and Tinder than are trafficked at gun shows or flea markets, according to new Justice Department data that argues the marketplace for illegally obtained weapons is quickly evolving. [More]
You really can’t stop the signal.
[Via Jess]
That is why the week before that we promulgated a new rule to implement the bipartisan safer communities act and to at long last make it crystal clear that if you’re engaged in the business of dealing firearms for profit, there is no Gun Show Loophole and there never was. [Watch @ 11:24]
Did the poles just shift or something…?
[Via Jess/HT Langley Outdoors Academy]
Supreme Court to decide if Biden administration can regulate ‘ghost guns’ [More]
Now we get to see how all those “pro-gun” Trump justices pan out on “shall not be infringed.”
Mark W. Smith sounds optimistic.
[Via Jess]
An email I sent out this morning to my “small cadre” of advisors:
“The definition of ‘to predominantly earn a profit’ now focuses only on whether the intent underlying the sale or disposition of firearms is predominantly one of obtaining pecuniary gain… ’ to define the terms ‘purchase’ and ‘sale’ as they apply to dealers to include any method of payment or medium of exchange for a firearm…”
Did they just tank anonymous “buybacks” with “no questions asked”? I know some gun owners publicize selling cheap junk for a profit… I don’t see a carve out for buybacks in the text (albeit I only did a word search and have not pored through the whole mess).
It turns out Armed Attorneys addressed that in a video Len Savage sent me the link to, along with this observation:
Fun fact: The Bipartisan Safer Communities Act was touted to close the “gun show loophole” to prevent buying a firearm without a background check,
However; There is NOTHING in the rule (based on the law passed) that effects or applies to a BUYER.
Meaning it would only affect the seller of a firearm to a buyback program.
Don’t take my word on it, here are two attorneys discussing it.
The relevant section starts at 8:12:
So it looks like they outsmarted themselves, and now need to ignore their own rule.
So, every time the antis hold a buyback, why not loudly complain and warn people they’re being invited to violate “commonsense gun safety laws”?
DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives 27 CFR Part 478 [Docket No. ATF 2022R–17; AG Order No. 5920–2024] RIN 1140–AA58 Definition of ‘‘Engaged in the Business’’ as a Dealer in Firearms AGENCY: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, Department of Justice. ACTION: Final rule. [More]
I wouldn’t call it “final.”
This isn’t over by a long shot.
From your friends at”AFT”… [More]
I always observed it on April 19 to celebrate armed citizens resisting tyranny, but I guess some do it on the third Monday of April, which in this case was tax deadline day, which seems to miss some key points.
Speaking if missing key points, this was how the Biden White House celebrated it:
At that hearing, a law officer “falsely told the judge that ATF had been watching Mr. Wilson for 13 months and then listed dates the ATF falsely claimed he sold drugs. The agent also falsely told the judge that the Government had Mr. Wilson on tape committing these crimes,” the lawsuit said. [More]
We know Wilson’s name. How come we don’t know the name of the incompetent badged thug, and what’s going to happen with him?
Why only civil charges for kidnapping/hostage-taking? And why wouldn’t a citizen have the right to use all necessary force to protect himself and stop them?
[Via Jess]
Arkansas AG demands answers, bodycams from ATF over fatal SWAT raid [More]
And some legislators are also joining in.
Funny… everyone concerned is a Republican. I guess Democrats don’t care about ATF ninjas killing citizens and trying to hide evidence.
[Via Jess]
The Texan: ATF Background Check Rule Occurring ‘Under a Law from Sen. John Cornyn [More]
Rats. Someone beat me to it.
[Via bondmen]
ATF Rule Requires Smugglers to Get NICS Checks on Gun Sales [More]
Kinda defeats the whole point…
Did they check with the Supreme Court on that for Fifth Amendment self-incrimination violations?
[Via bondmen]
Former undercover agent recalls infiltrating the Hells Angels: ‘A dangerous game to play’ [More]
His is a familiar name to longtime WOG readers.
I just don’t have the time to update all those defunct Examiner links in the Wayback Machine. If you see something you want to access, try pasting it there.
ATF has not released footage from Body Worn Cameras (BWC) the agents are required to use… The second video shows agents approaching the front door of the home where one officer applies what appears to be tape to obscure the doorbell camera on Malinowski’s home. [More]
A Jeff Cooper quote comes to mind:
I have been criticized by referring to our federal masked men as “ninja” … Let us reflect upon the fact that a man who covers his face shows reason to be ashamed of what he is doing. A man who takes it upon himself to shed blood while concealing his identity is a revolting perversion of the warrior ethic. It has long been my conviction that a masked man with a gun is a target. I see no reason to change that view.
[Via Jess]
Federal report finds 68,000 guns were illegally trafficked through unlicensed dealers over 5 years [More]
Sounds like private sellers are the villains here, doesn’t it?
It’s manipulation. Langley Outdoors Academy funnels things down for us.
[Via Jess]
DC police dealt thousands of guns; ATF demands answers after concerning number found at crime scenes … So many guns recovered at crime scenes, in such a brief period, that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives placed D.C. police into a program designed to give extra scrutiny to dealers with higher levels of so-called crime guns. [More]
So when are the grabbers gonna sue them?
[Via CP]
Does the DOJ have the power to create new classes of “prohibited persons” outside of what is statutorily defined? [More]
First they said they had no pages. Now they say they have 350. So what’s on those pages, and will any establish they are authorized to redefine”prohibited person” disqualifiers?