Follow the Judas Goat!

@97percentorg On the Season 2 premiere of #TAG we’re joined by Jonathan and Geneva Solomon, the husband & wife co-owners of @redstonefirearms: California’s only Black-owned gun shop. [More]

You folks do realize 97percent is a millionaire-funded anti-gun front designed to divide the gun owner community and you’re helping to “legitimize” that among the uninformed?

It’s no coincidence their name is the antithesis of the Three Percent.

Hitting the Ground Running

This legislative package enhances licensing requirements for concealed carry permit applicants, adds new provisions for sensitive areas where the permit holder is prohibited from carrying a concealed firearm, enhances safe storage requirements to apply if a minor under the age of 18 lives in the home, and makes technical changes to the Body Armor Law. Additionally, this legislative package establishes New York as a “point of contact” state. [More]

As WoG regulars know, I rarely post on weekends except to publicize my new articles. In this case, this release from the New York State Senate warrants an exception because it shows they were ready for the Bruen ruling and it gives a blueprint for other Democrat states to follow.

It’s yet another reason why suggesting potential infringements in c0ncurrences does nothing but help the enemy.

Here’s the bill.

[Via Jeremy C]


Yeah, What the Hell, We Might as Well P*** Off China, Too

“We should have done things earlier, we should have been supplying the defensive weapons into Ukraine earlier. We need to learn that lesson for Taiwan.” [More]

What is it about violence monopolists wanting to arm everyone but their own people? And dragging the rest of us along with their Armageddon death wish?

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Stingy Enough

The issuance of such permits is part of Brown’s job. And he has a reputation for being relatively stingy in issuing them, compared to most of the other 57 sheriffs in California. [More]

Tell me about it. Talk about a blast from the past!

Or better yet, tell NRA. They never did explain themselves.

[Via GP]


Perhaps it’s just as well.

So Much for ‘the Supreme Law of the Land’…

Montana has a progressive state supreme court, but a Republican legislature and governor. The result? The state supreme court is striking down laws passed by the legislature — such as gun-rights legislation. Today’s decision of the Montana Supreme Court in Board of Regents v. State, written by Justice Laurie McKinnon, ruled that the state constitution gives the Montana Board of Regents of Higher Education authority over the Montana University System, and it was thus unconstitutional for the Legislature (in a bill called HB 102) to preempt the University System’s ban on carrying guns on campus… [More]

Bruen’s “sensitive places” writ large…

And the judges are elected, so don’t look for the state that gave us “pro-gun Democrats” Jon Tester and Max Baucus to throw the bums out. Especially with all the newly arrived nest foulers from California!

[Via Michael G]

So Much for Spirit and Intent

Tuesday, Sen. Anthony Portantino, a Democrat from Glendale, introduced legislation that he said would “update” the state’s concealed carry law to make it more restrictive, while also complying with the highest court’s latest dictate. [More]

Any doubts this will pass, and challenges and appeals will drag on for years?


And not to be outdone, New York decides to push things to the limit and beyond.

[Via Jess]

Continuously Unanswered Insults

New York sues 10 gun distributors for allegedly flooding streets with ghost guns – The lawsuit seeks to ban the defendants from selling certain parts in New York. [More]

So when is NSSF going to lead the industry in telling New York to go to hell when it wants guns and servicing for its enforcers?


[Via Jess]

The Real Crime

A man who shot and killed a passenger on a San Francisco subway commuter train will be charged with gun crimes but not homicide in what was “clearly” a case of self-defense after he was attacked with a knife, his attorney said Monday. [More]

When having the means of self-defense is illegal, the law is criminal. I think that’s why they’re reducing the charges to misdemeanors because they know that under Bruen standards, felony charges would result in a high-profile challenge and community anger over racist standards.

[Via bondmen]

I Confess This One Troubles Me

Ninth Circuit Panel Sends California “Assault Weapons” Ban Challenge Back to District Court, so the District Court can reconsider it in light of the Supreme Court’s new Bruen precedent. [More]

I don’t see where “self-defense” alone will cut it without a strong core purpose argument.

I do see this:

The firearms that the law in question prohibits are, in virtually every state of the Union, exactly the sorts of lawful weapons in common use that law abiding people possess at home for lawful purposes; and exactly what they would bring to service in militia duty should such cause be necessary.

Here’s the case history thus far.

If this goes to SCOTUS, and it probably will, we’ll see if any briefs expand on that, and then if the high court will hear it.

We Could Tell You But Then We’d Have to Kill You. Which Isn’t Off the Table if You Defy Us.

Rand Paul Says Gun Control Bill Was Kept ‘Secret’ And Senators Not Allowed Time To Read It [More]

Where have we heard that before?

With the “red flag” provisions, that makes perverse sense.


And who’d have guessed the bill contains surprises that don’t appear to have anything to do with guns but plenty to do with pharmacy benefit manager lobbyists.

[Via Mack H]

Close Enough for Government Work

The California Department of Justice’s 2022 Firearms Dashboard Portal went live on Monday with publicly-accessible files that include identifying information for those who have concealed carry permits. The leaked information includes the person’s full name, home address, date of birth, and date their permit was issued. The data also shows the type of permit issued, indicating if the permit holder is a member of law enforcement or a judge. [More]

Aside from showing what total dolts these parasites are, and that any registration scheme makes listees exposed and vulnerable, the data could be useful in a civil rights action to show minority underrepresentation. After all, who’s more racist than anti-armed citizen “progressives”?

[Via WiscoDave]

The Short Answer

Repeal the Second Amendment: ‘No one has the absolute right to own any weapon they want’ [More]

No. Your move.

The shorter answer is two words and starts with “F.”

Some morons aren’t worth trying to educate on Cruikshank and Heller’s recognition of a preexisting right because you know they’ll just move on to the next idiot objection.

[Via Mike F]

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