Number Of Handgun Owners Carrying Daily Nearly Doubles In US [More]
And, since it’s a moral and legal concept, the double-talkers will blame them for the depredations of those who are possessors instead of owners.
[Via bondmen]
Notes from the Resistance
Elon Musk Confirms Apple Is Threatening Twitter’s Presence In Its App Store – “Apple has also threatened to withhold Twitter from its App Store, but won’t tell us why” [More]
Maybe Elon should ask woke Tim Cook if he gave any consideration to minorities being able to get concealed carry permits with the same level of attention he was able to get by bribing a corrupt sheriff to sign off for his private security detail.
That ain’t the half of the corruption and I may just revisit this in an article…
[Via Michael G]
NYT Criticizes Virginia’s Open Carry Law After Manager Allegedly Kills 6 Where Open Carry Is Banned [More]
Stalin’s Apologists will never change.
[Via bondmen]
Maybanks and Johnson County Attorney Janet Lyness agreed that the increases in gun charges are attributed to gun law changes — such as that carry permits are no longer required in Iowa. Maybanks acknowledged that individuals have a constitutional right to carry a firearm, but if they have been convicted of a felony or use the gun illegally, they have no such right. [More]
So leaving aside the obvious for a moment, how does permitless carry change any of that?
Oh, it doesn’t?
Then why would Janet say that?
Great job there just parroting and not questioning that, “authorized journalist” Trish Mehaffey!
[Via Michael G]
The effort to close the “Those People” Loophole continues.
You’ll note I don’t post many links to videos from gun commentators for reasons I’ve explained before. I’ve also said why Colion Noir is one of the exceptions to the rule.
[Via Jess]
Before she knew it, the gentleman in the black shirt, black backwards hat (as seen in the video), basically football tackles my mom and my mom just remembers flying and that’s it,” Nicole said. [More]
Why, when telling reporters about violent and cowardly sociopathic scumbags, do so many people call them gentlemen?
As to why the victims were defenseless, well, maybe they backed the wrong “Only One.”
What I’m actually most curious about: Did old groomer “Sir Elton” trot out more cub scout strippers?
‘Publix denies any liability’ for grandmother, toddler’s murders in Florida grocery store [More]
Ordinarily, I’d agree unless deliberate indifference to known dangers could be demonstrated. We are generally responsible for our own defense. Still, statements against customers being armed don’t help discourage predators, although, in Florida, open carry outside of specifically defined limited circumstances still isn’t an option.
As for companies that disallow any kind of carry, I’d like to see more gun owners hand the manager this card and spread the word about his refusal to sign it:
[Via Remarks]
Concealed carry permits surge to 22 million, 25 states don’t even require it [More]
You can’t tell it by the “red wave.”
That’s a distinction that not enough are making as they focus instead on being giddy over new gun owners.
[Via Remarks]
“The state of Georgia has lost one of its greatest leaders with the passing of Speaker David Ralston,” Jones said. “This is an unfathomable loss and one that leaves a hole in the heart of each and every House member.” [More]
Yeah, well, speak for yourself.
A Homeland Security agent and his friend were accidentally shot at a wine tasting in Florida when his gun fell to the ground, according to police. [More]
I need to up my training. Not being a professional, my wife and I have been going to a wine-tasting fundraiser for a group we support for many years now, and I haven’t even come close to shooting myself, let alone her along with me.
One question though: Is that what I think it is?
Anybody know if off-duty “Only Ones” are exempt?
[Via Remarks]
Attorney General James Releases Statement on Court Decision to Temporarily Keep New York’s Concealed Carry Gun Laws [More]
No surprise– they got a stay on Antonyuk v. Hochul.
[Via Jess]
And as David Kopel properly recognizes over at The Volokh Conspiracy:
Today’s 184-page preliminary injunction opinion in Antonyuk v. Hochul is the latest step in a challenge by Gun Owners of America, represented by Stephen Stamboulieh and Robert J. Olson.
A central issue in Sheriff Smith’s trial is whether she provided concealed carry weapon permits in exchange for donations or other favors. Under questioning from San Francisco Assistant District Attorney Gabriel Markoff, Bechtel said he provided $750,000 to the Sheriff’s Advisory Board and arranged construction crews to make improvements to the Sheriff’s Department shooting range… Bechtel said he, his son, and two other relatives acquired concealed carry permits that were signed by Sheriff Smith. [More]
At least we know from Harpreet Chada that Laurie’s Big Club wasn’t exclusively “white privileged,” but I’d still like to see someone look into other “underrepresentation.”
In answer to an anticipated question, this was a civil trial and one of her defenders says regardless, these are not felonies. And here I was looking forward to Laurie becoming a “prohibited person” if they end up bringing criminal, charges.
[Via Rough and Ready]
Caught On Tape! Florida’s 2A Committee Chair Against Constitutional Carry w/GOA’s Luis Valdez [Watch]
And on top of that, he’s got an insufferable “Only Ones” mentality.
With the latest DeSantis disconnect it seems like Florida Republicans are going out of their way to alienate gun owners.
And not just Florida Republicans…
[Via Jess]
Firearms News has the whole story direct from GOA.
Greg Abbott strips Texas of basic gun safeguards months after little children were slaughtered in Uvalde. This is not conservative. It is radical. [More]
What lies must Scarborough have told to get that “A” rating?
[Via bondmen]
Permitless carry laws raise new dilemmas for police officers [More]
You want to talk about dilemmas, how about oath-breaking armed enforcers for violence monopolists ready to kidnap or kill citizens for simply exercising their rights?
[Via Dan Gifford]
Tennessee is not REAL constitutional carry [More]
Show me a place that is.
D.C. won’t give 3 Black men concealed-carry licenses. They’re suing. [More]
The mayor and police chief must be real rac… uh, no, they can’t be because they don’t have pow… wait a minute, yes they do…
[Via Dan Gifford]
DEAR MISS MANNERS: I can’t believe I have to write this. When my daughter, who lives in a large city that had a recent mass shooting event, hosted a party at her home, one of the guests, who had recently obtained a concealed carry permit, brought his loaded gun. [More]
If it was concealed, how did she know?
I remember when Dear Abby gave some pretty good advice on this.
Now listen up, Buster, and listen up good.
[Via Remarks]
NYC tech chief packs a pistol at work amid Mayor Adams’ calls to curb spread of guns [More]
Except for himself and his cronies…
Maybe this is what they mean by “pro-gun Democrat.”
[Via Jess]
California sheriff forced to disclose names of concealed carry holders to media [More]
I wonder if anyone is going to check to see if minorities are underrepresented in “progressive” California…
[Via Jess]
Concealed Carry Illegally Banned at Upcoming DeSantis Event [More]
So go armed. Accept no weasel-worded excuses.
What he does then will be on him and the Republicans.
Swampscott Resident Surrounded by 9 Coyotes, Rescued by Police… Police suggest bringing homemade noisemakers, a small air horn, squirt guns or pepper spray while walking your dog. They also stressed that it is important not to run away from a coyote. [More]
That’s because thanks to Massachusetts Democrats, you need special police permission to carry something that will actually work, and Bruen notwithstanding, don’t expect that to change overnight.
[Via Remarks]
Grass Roots North Carolina, the state’s primary gun rights group, announced this morning that it is preparing a second lawsuit against Mecklenburg County Sheriff Garry McFadden over continued delays in concealed handgun permits. [More]
In-your-face defiance merits an in-your-face response.
Garry’s too busy trying to make like a TV star. You gotta wonder if any homicides could have been deterred.
The Second Amendment Foundation today filed suit in federal court challenging the new concealed carry statute in New York State that, among other things, prohibits concealed carry in churches. [More]
The Democrat authors of that legislation evidently didn’t feel six seconds gave murderous attackers enough of an advantage.
And here’s another case:
The Second Amendment Foundation scored a victory in a ruling by a Tennessee Appeals Court panel striking down a gun ban by a public housing authority in the community of Columbia on the grounds it violates the Second Amendment, citing recent Supreme Court language in the case of New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen.
Within a month, hundreds of people in Hawaii could be carrying concealed guns. That’s based on applications so far at each of Hawaii’s four county police departments and each chief’s timeline for approving them. [Watch]
That it isn’t hundreds of thousands is a pretty good indicator on why the place is still an Igeocracy.
And that’s “could be carrying concealed guns [LEGALLY]…”
Too bad vindication won’t include attorney fees…
[Via Jess]