Our Pervocracy

Reps. Massie, Greene Call for Release of ‘Congressional Sexual Misconduct Fund List’ [More]

I’m still waiting to see the names on Epstein’s list…

Hello, Dolly. You gotta wonder how many votes have been turned and appointments confirmed by naked blackmail.

This seems as good a place as any to share an email I sent to the editor of American Handgunner asking him to edit out a line from a column he invited me to write (I’ll let you know when it’s published):

[W]ith the emerging scandal with Matt Gaetz on pretty damning charges of paid sex with a minor, I have made a suggested change on page two of the article — I’m no longer comfortable assessing him as “a good choice” for AG under the current cloud. If true, someone blackmailable would be a terrible choice, regardless of his understanding of the issue. So, I deleted a sentence marked by a strikethrough, and made a minor change to the next sentence, both in red. Your choice, of course, and it could just be politics. I go by what I’d do if someone falsely accused me of something so disturbing and aberrant, and resigning would not be on the table.

[Via Michael G]

This is a Job for DOGE

Basically if somebody was trying to subpoena emails of a member of congress because of a potential crime or something, this would allow them to quash such a subpoena. [More]

Musk and Ramaswamy are all over this.

As long as the CR game is played, the bastards will continue to slip stuff in and take stuff out that only few will noticwe, and that will be passed out of desperation or “the government will shut down.”

I’m waiting to see how soon someone will find hidden gun-grabs.

[Via WiscoDave]

Adventures in Baselessness

“As of today, there has been no response from you or your Department regarding the inquiry on July 12, 2024, seeking information on efforts undertaken by your Department to enforce laws prohibiting non-citizen voting. Given that the 2024 Presidential Election is in less than 34 days, your Department’s inaction and refusal to provide any information regarding its efforts to promote public trust and confidence in our elections is especially alarming,” they wrote. [More]

DOJ stonewalling Congress on serious crimes…?

Oh, go on…

And if they can get away with it with them, what chance does the little guy have?

Contempt from the Contemptible

WASHINGTON (AP) — The House voted Wednesday to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over audio of President Joe Biden’s interview in his classified documents case, Republicans’ latest and strongest rebuke of the Justice Department as partisan conflict over the rule of law animates the 2024 presidential campaign. [More]

If Vanderboegh were still around, I’d ask him if he wanted to do it again.

I see Dave Joyce is still useless and voting just like his predecessor.

Nothing to result from this in 3…2…1…

[Via Jess]

We’re the Only Ones Unsupported Enough

148 House Democrats vote against bill to deport migrants who assault police [More]

That’s what your masters think of you, enforcers.

Hmmm… “21% chance of being enacted…”

That must mean Senate Democrats will kill it before it gets to Biden for a veto.

Funny thing about that number: It’s the same prognosis for the “Detain and Deport Illegal Aliens Who Commit Robbery Act“…

Why isn’t THAT the story?

Much Ado About What, Exactly?

BREAKING: O’Keefe Media Group Releases “DC BLACKMAIL EXPOSED PART 1” – Congressional Intern Reveals Blackmail and Extortion Scheme After Affairs & Sex Parties: “Cawthorn Wasn’t Lying Neither” (EXPLOSIVE VIDEO) [More]

I’m getting sick and tired of all the click bait innuendo without actual proof or consequences. Just weeks ago, everyone was coaxed to be on edge about game-changing Epstein revelations and I still haven’t seen one top U.S. power player exposed and frog marched out nude with a ball gag still in his mouth, let alone the top tier of political elites.

Like Mulder, I want to believe. But just like with the ever-flaccid Kraken, where the hell’s the beef? Or the truly “explosive” video…?

That’s what “they” want us to believe? Look, if anonymous comment posters are really going to start hanging elite pedophiles from lamposts without due process, any one of us could fall victim to incentivized Reign of Terror lynch mob provocateur accusations.

I wish I could say things will change if the Republicans don’t blow the election and control DOJ.

[Via Michael G]

The Dog Ate My Transcript

EXPLOSIVE: Liz Cheney’s J6 Committee DELETED OR DESTROYED Interview with Top Secret Service Official Robert Engel – That Likely Would Exonerate Trump! – WAR ROOM VIDEO [More]

If this wasn’t evidence of a criminal conspiracy at the highest levels it would be the Department of Justice using all the resources at its disposal to uncover the truth instead of Steve Bannon.

Funny, how quiet the DSM is about this…

Here’s a question I don’t know the answer to, and a cursory search shows it’ll be quicker if I just ask somebody who knows:

Is there a records retention law binding on congressional committees with criminal penalties for disregarding?

[Via Michael G]

Just Between Us Girls

The House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Federal Government Surveillance will hold a hearing on Wednesday, December 13, 2023, at 2:00 p.m. ET. The hearing, “Second Amendment Rights Empower Women’s Rights,” will examine how firearms ownership empowers women across America and assists in self-defense as violent crime continues to plague the nation. [More]

I got this tip last week and scheduled it to post this morning so people wouldn’t forget.

I hope somebody points out that voting for Democrats negates women’s rights.

Stupid Party Living Up to Its Name

“Now in 2024, we will have a 1 seat majority in the House of Representatives,” Greene wrote on X, formerly Twitter. “Congratulations Freedom Caucus for one and 105 Rep who expel our own for the other. I can assure you Republican voters didn’t give us the majority to crash the ship.” [More]

Apparently, we did.

Bound and determined to blow ’24, especially if it means sabotaging Trump, aren’t you, GOP?

If ‘Ifs’ and ‘Buts’ were Candy and Nuts

If the FBI won’t submit to the legislative branch’s oversight, Congress can take away its guns and its jurisdiction. [More]

I’m sorry, I know we’re being provided with unique information with past precedent that’s been dug out for us, and I agree with the sentiment, but my first thought on reading this was “If wishes were fishes we’d all cast nets.”

There’s no way totalitarian Democrats relying on an apparatchik spy and intimidation network and dolt “law and order” Republicans would ever consider such a thing.

And it’s not like the “Only Ones” have exactly established a track record of justice and trust.

[Via bondmen]

Call Options, Put Options, and No Options

Buried in the detailed account is a little noticed footnote stating that Clinton General Counsel Marc Elias “declined to be voluntarily interviewed by the Office.” Likewise, Durham noted that “no one at Fusion GPS … would agree to voluntarily speak with the Office” while both the DNC and Clinton campaign invoked privileges to refuse to answer certain questions. [More]

And you know what Congress will do with that?

The same thing the OIG did (didn’t do) when it “exonerated” (that’s what the media called it) Eric Holder in Gunwalker:

Case in point, Chapter One of the report identifies key individuals who declined to be interviewed, significantly including “Criminal Chief [Patrick J.] Cunningham [who] declined through counsel our request for a follow-up interview…We also requested an interview with Kevin O’Reilly, a member of the White House’s National Security Staff[who] declined our request through his personal counsel.”

The Republic won’t be saved with threats of Krakens that can’t get it up.

[Via bondmen]

Qualifications? We Ain’t Got No Qualifications! We Don’t Need No Qualifications!  I Don’t Have to Show You Any Stinking Qualifications!

Jim Jordan Mocks ATF Director For Admitting He’s Not A Firearms Expert To His Face [Watch]

So naturally:

Democrats on the committee defended Dettelbach.

[Via Jess]

Be Careful of Blowback

House Republicans will use its spending power to restrict funding to the FBI, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), head of the lower chamber’s Judiciary Committee and its weaponization subcommittee, said on Sunday. [More]

Time to order the provocateurs to gin up some scary low-hanging fruit headlines to convince the public they’re needed…

That and dig up some crazy leftist cat lady to make unprovable allegations against Jordan from years gone by…

It’s a Big Club and You Ain’t In It

Hundreds of millions of dollars have been exchanged on the stock market by our elected officials in 2021 alone. In just equities, Congress bought and sold nearly $290 million throughout the year. In 2021, Congress beat the market! [More]

Did someone say “insider trading”…?

And then, of course, there are other highly lucrative forms of financial compensation that no one seems interested in…

[Via WiscoDave]

Scared Schiffless

“BREAKING: Schiff files amendment to NDAA that would conceal any info collected by the U.S. military for use in congressional investigations or court proceedings. Massive attempted coverup of enormous proportions and preemptive power grab to prevent GOP oversight next year… [More]

So much for being subordinate to civilian authority. With a blank check like that, what orders won’t the standing army obey?

What do authoritarians always ask us?

If you’re not doing anything wrong, what have you got to hide…?

[Via Michael G]

You are Cordially Invited to an Old-Fashioned Struggle Session to Confess Your Crimes

The chair of the U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Reform on Thursday said she has requested that CEOs of three gun manufacturing companies appear before Congress to testify at a hearing later this month on gun violence. [More]

Carolyn Maloney is the head inquisitor?

“Requested” not “summoned”? I’d tell her I’ll show up right after the Republicans get another crack at Eric Holder.

Actually, I’d probably just send her a goatse link (and if you don’t know what that is, do yourself a favor and don’t look it up, or if you have to, add the word “Wiki” to your search).

[Via Jess]

Wiser than the Founders

“We need to reform or do away with the whole thing, for the sake of the planet,” the “Squad” member added. AOC’s office did not immediately respond to The Post’s request for clarification about whether she was referring to the filibuster or the Supreme Court itself. [More]

Spoken lie a true wannabe dictatress.

If the Republican “leadership” doesn’t blow November, watch Democrats pull a 180 on filibusters.

[Via Jess]

Sounds Like a Seditious Conspiracy to Me…

The group reportedly banged on doors of several Republican offices – including that of Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California, Jim Jordan of Ohio and Lauren Boebert of Colorado — as they allegedly filmed a skit for Colbert’s “Late Show” program that was to center around the January 6 hearings. [More]

You ever notice Mike Byrd is never around when you really need him?

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