We’re the Only Ones Agitating Enough

The Hidden History Of Robert Mueller’s Right-Wing Terror Factory, Part 2 [More]

Like with “hate hoaxes, if you and I weren’t “the greatest threat,” they wouldn’t have to go to these lengths, now would they?

Tell me this guy’s not a patriot.

[Via bondmen]

Doing the Scams Americans Won’t Do

Six foreign nationals in the country illegally, all living in Southern California, have been charged by federal authorities for their alleged roles in a sweeping, multi-state conspiracy to install “skimming” devices on automated teller machines and checkout point-of-sale units at retail stores… [More]

Their nationalities make me suspect their presence here is less about the open border and more about rigorousness..

So, lemme guess– we’re going to go through the expense of trying and incarcerating them, and then let them go on living here, no doubt with “public assistance”…

[Via Steve T]


States with concealed carry laws have not seen an increase in crime rates; many have seen declines in violent crime and homicide rates. [More]

And ditto fot “pemitless carry.”

It’s almost like every meltdown the prohibitonists have is based on a lie…

We’re the Only Ones Rejecting Enough

The City of Sacramento, California’s legal department threatened to fine a popular retail store for public nuisance over numerous calls to police after thieves stole from its Land Park location multiple times, according to a report. [More]

First they came from Target

First they came for Target
And I did not speak out
Because I refuse to shop there

[Via Jess]

We’re the Only Ones Uncommandeered Enough

Sonia Sotomayor saved from danger: Supreme Court Justice’s bodyguard shoots gun-wielding suspect who tried to steal his car outside her DC home [More]

Not that she wants you to be able to do that:

“In sum, the Framers did not write the Second Amendment in order to protect a private right of armed self defense.” — Sotomayor, with the dissent in McDonald

[Via Tacticool Memes]

We’re the Only Ones Homicidal Enough

One wonders what thoughts passed through the fevered mind of Officer Lila Morris as she struck the seemingly lifeless Rosanne Boyland over the head with a branch, then struck her again, and then struck her a third time so hard that the branch snapped in half. [More]

Now imagine the charges had the situation been reversed.

It’s a big club and it’s on you.

[Via bondmen]

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