The DOJ collected data on every person who liked/retweeted
@realDonaldTrump- The War On Terror now means YOU. [More]
I’m with Loxley:
[Via Michael G]
Notes from the Resistance
Pro-Hamas “Globalize The Intifada” Group Publishes NYC Target Map Of Enemies [More]
Has anyone overlaid this on top of the mandated “gun-free sensitive areas“?
[Via Michael G]
Gunman suspected of killing Texas SWAT cop and 2 hostages was reportedly on FBI terror watchlist [More]
How else can they build up support for this…?
[Via Michael G]
“We need to start making people who support Israel actually afraid to go out in public,” Chambers said in a Friday Instagram post. “We need to make all of white America afraid that everything they have stolen is going to be burned to the ground. That’s what makes them listen.” [More]
And does “we” make it RICO…?
He doesn’t look very fearsome…
I’m actually loving seeing Democrat internecine war.
But leave it to the stupid Vichycons to rush to the establishment party’s aid.
[Via Michael G]
Received from a WarOnGuns Correspondent whose opinions I have come to value over the years and am keeping anonymous for this post:
I watched a video yesterday which I cannot forward. It was taken by the Hamas villains. It showed men without shoes and their hands zip-tied behind their backs being led to a large pit. They were shoved into the pit and then shot. There were a lot of them. Now, what do we think these animals are going to do here in the US? I fear bad times are coming. The like of which we have never experienced here.
My only question is who in real power will end up being surprised?
CNN headline says Islamist terrorist wanted to kill individuals “of particular religious faith” [More]
So that’s the Isisberg he was the tip of…
That headline takes me back to Hoolihan and Big Chuck’s “certain ethnic” euphemism for Polish people.
[Via Michael G]
And let the Secret Service wave them inside.
[Via Michael G]
African Illegal Immigrant Wanted in Senegal for ‘Terroristic Activities’ Arrested in New York – Two weeks of freedom on American soil. [More]
Me, I think they ought to send him to live with Alex and Cato.
[Via Michael G]
But it was not normal. It was an anomaly, a glorious one, but an anomaly nonetheless. [More]
…I must ask where in history is any civilization guaranteed stasis? Has not despotism and mass destruction plagued every civilization that preceded ours? Is it not, in fact, still commonplace throughout the globe? By what suspension of reality, by what denial of the observable and the probable, by what art, device or magic are we sheltered few immune from catastrophe? Are we certain, from our brief and privileged vantage point, that such things will ever remain headline curiosities? Is it not just plain stupid to proclaim that our familiar way of life will forever be the norm, when everything that has gone before us shows we are, instead, the extremely lucky beneficiaries of a rare and fortunate convergence of circumstances; and one, by the way, that has only been preserved under force of arms?
And I loved the bit about the cat women.
[Via bondmen]
Long before Hamas militants burst out of their Gaza stronghold to massacre scores of civilians with handguns and assault rifles, Iran and its allies had accelerated efforts to smuggle weapons into a different part of the Palestinian territories, the West Bank. [More]*
Something tells me closing the boyfriend loophole isn’t gonna cut it.
It’s almost like we have a Second Amendment for a reason…
I’m sure glad the gaslighters at Axios tell us that “open border” is a “myth”!
[Via Brent M]
* I had to right-click and open an incognito window to get around the paywall.
I wish these people would have consulted with Alex and Cato before getting everybody’s bowels in an uproar…
[Via WiscoDave]
Minneapolis City Council Candidate, Rioters Terrorize Old Man in Car at ‘pro-Palestine’ Rally [More]
It’s not just a “riot” when they have planned battlespace control.
[Via Michael G]
Jewish Americans Arm Themselves in Wake of Israeli Horror [More]
So no doubt we’ll see a swelling of membership, no?
A saying comes to mind.
Wake me when we see the needle move.
[Via Andy M]
Biden Border Crisis Endangering Us All: 659 Known Terrorists Captured at the Border This Year Alone [More]
Who you gonna believe? CBP data or Alex and Cato?
[Via Michael G]
Related UPDATE
The Writing Is on the Wall: America Likely to Be Hit Because of the Invasion From Mexico [More]
And Democrat cities are most at risk…
[Via bondmen]
At Least Two Dead After ‘Allah hu Akbar’ Shooting in Belgium. [More]
In spite of all those “commonsense gun safety laws” and “rigorous” admissions standards?
[Via Michael G]
IT BEGINS: Jamaal Bowman and Other Leftists Already Calling on U.S. to Take in Palestinian Refugees From Gaza [More]
Jamaal, of course, wants you defenseless.
Show me a Democrat who ultimately doesn’t.
[Via Michael G]
Border Patrol issues ‘safety alert’ over call to find and torture agents [More]
Could be anybody…
Well, not one of us “greatest threat” extremists…
You ever get the feeling they’re going after the wrong people on guns …?
[Via Jess]
Hamas Raping and Killing Women — Darien Gap is WIDE OPEN FOR BUSINESS [More]
No worries, Mr. Yon. Alex and Cato, from the comfort of their keyboards, say you don’t know what you’re talking about.
[Via Wynn A]
[T]he New York City chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America prepares to hold a rally in solidarity with the Palestinian terrorists who have been parading bodies through the streets of Israel and wantonly killing civilians for the last day and a half. [More]
I wonder if they’ll have music…
[Via Michael G]
It occurs to me that this weapon might as well be purpose-designed to shut down civilian air transport networks. A terrorist could launch it miles away from an airport, choosing a site that offers easy escape routes and minimal risk to the launch team. [More]
Why, I’ll bet someone with a bit of foreign backing could even bring some across the border and shut down commercial air traffic the way hijackers never could!
[Via Wynn A]
FBI Targets Trump Voters As Domestic Terrorists Ahead Of 2024 Election [More]
Boy, talk about election interference…
I tried warning the guy, but who listens to me?
[Via Michael G]
This article will outline definitive ways to distinguish between LARP and criminal or malicious activity, which may be helpful to both law enforcement and prosecutors if suspects of targeted violence claim they were playacting. [More]
Oh. Based on the title I thought they were ramping up to start shooting Furries.
[Via Michael G]
Counter-terrorism training exercise planned Thursday at Busch Stadium [More]
I wonder who the patsy will be.
[Via bondmen]