Today’s Low-Hanging Fruit Report

Ohio ‘Boogaloo Boi’ arrested and accused of threatening to ‘blow up the IRS’ and kill federal agents, FBI says – The FBI says Aron McKillips, 29, had an extensive digital footprint of messages expressing a desire to kill federal agents and burn government buildings. [More]

Way to do their job for ’em! And now they’ll use this easy picking to smear everyone challenging the narrative and pointing to a better way.

[Via Steve T]

So Who’s ‘Ben’?

It’s unclear who’s behind the propaganda campaign… [More]

It hardly seems unfair to note which “side” is notorious for hoaxes designed to smear those they hate in the hair-trigger “minds” of the mob…

And it’s not like the mob isn’t showing us in “Comments” that they’re eager to pile on:

KSA – Meanwhile us republicans can vote democrat with no problem and that will make the difference.

Tom -I am republican and will vote democratic

Sure you guys are.

Meanwhile, Yahoo! News “real reporter” Elias Weiss ensures his place at the table by parroting the obligatory narrative:

… Dinesh D’Sousa’s discredited documentary 2000 Mules and the right-wing ecosystem of debunked ballot conspiracies that accompanies it … “I think it’s a pretty obvious attempt to intimidate people and promote completely baseless claims of election fraud”…

Note all he has to do is claim it. A unified “media” voice means he doesn’t have to prove it, not that his DSM employers would let him try…

Terms of Surrender

Ahead of Midterms, New Demands Urge Meta, Twitter, Google, Tiktok to Remove Disinformation on Election, Abortion & Deplatform Accounts That Violently Threaten Poll Workers [More]

The in-your-face domestic commies are dictating the terms of acceptable political discourse. Basically, if you don’t support handing them all the power, shutting up, and then killing yourself, you need to be shut down.

And THEY’LL decide who “feels” threatened and over what.

A Red Letter Day

Pennsylvania man indicted for threatening Biden, Bennie Thompson in letter that included unknown white powder – The threatening letter prompted a shelter-in-place order for staff inside the Rayburn House Office Building [More]

Gee, those Trump supporters, and by default red state Republicans and especially gun owners, sure are violent insurrectionists that must be stopped at all costs, aren’t they?

It’s curious, how you have to go all the way down to the next-to-the-last paragraph to find:

Investigators alleged the threatening letter was sent by Vargo from the Luzerne County Correctional Facility in Wilkes-Barre, PA.

And you have to go elsewhere to find:

In mid-July, Vargo was the target of a manhunt after he escaped from the facility where he was being held on charges in connection to a previous burglary. Authorities said he had walked away from the minimal offenders unit. He was re-arrested days later with his girlfriend, Amanda Saxer, in South Carolina.

No matter, the goal of finding guilt to be shared by association has been accomplished. Way to go, Faux News!

Funny thing about the letter being sent from the slammer though– it was written and sent from a government-controlled facility where they knew the guy was a troublemaker and a risk. When I think back to how they strip-searched Wayne Fincher’s mail, it makes me wonder how Vargo’s breezed on through– unless someone found it advantageous to allow it.

Then again, Wayne was a truly dangerous man. He believed in freedom.

I Guess Tide Pods Aren’t Cutting It Anymore

Aside from some good barbecued ribs, we don’t get all that many trends starting out in Kansas City

In a way, especially with “burner phones” and TORFone, this seems like the type of terror threat that could be organizationally exploited, which I wouldn’t be surprised to find accounts for its rapid growth. Add in foreign enemies like Kim in North Korea or for Russia to retaliate for sending arms to Ukraine, and this looks like an “enemies foreign and domestic” dream tactic.

And let’s not forget those who benefit the most by creating a problem the public will demand only they can solve…

We sure have come a long way since Amanda Huginkiss

[Via Jess]

Embedded Assets?

Members of an Ohio-based Christian group called the Salt and Light Brigade were among the “suspicious actors” who breached the police lines on the east side of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, and engaged in a “stunning conspiracy” to commit illegal acts that were falsely ascribed to the Oath Keepers, a defense attorney contends. [More]

I wonder why they haven’t been arrested.

[Via bondmen]

No Safe Harbor

‘They’ Are Definitely Getting Prepared. Are You? [More]

Me, I think they’re building a trap for themselves.

I don’t think there’s any running. If the U.S. goes there will be no safe haven elsewhere. And anyone reliant on others to provide “security” need to ask themselves what’s to keep the help from taking over when there’s no one to stop them,  plenty of material incentives, and trophy wives and daughters to be passed around.

[Via bondmen]

FBI ‘Nail Gun Shooter’ Perfect Suspect for Administration Supporters to Exploit

Why the J6 “insurrectionists” did not come armed has still not been explained and remains as confounding as why a suspect armed with an AR-15 would bother shooting into an FBI field office with a nail gun. But that’s not as important to those who would tar half their countrymen with the brush of traitor. [More]

One way to chill criticism of the FBI is to conflate anyone who does with violent, hateful, and dangerous domestic extremists who need to be disarmed.

We’re the Only Ones Undercover(s) Enough

Just Doing Her Job… Female FBI Agent Slept with Target Barry Croft in Hotel, in Same Bed, During Training Weekend Paid for by FBI and Smoked Pot with Him in FBI-Hatched Whitmer Kidnapping Hoax [More]

Well, we always knew they went after low-hanging fruit. And, apparently, hung juries.

[Via bondmen]

On Second Thought

They are looking for an excuse to indict him…..and keep him under indictment. While indicted he won’t be able to run for office. If they can get him behind bars that’s just a bonus. It’s a virtual certainty they will have “found” i.e planted evidence during this bullshit raid. The American Gestapo nee FBI will do whatever their masters in the American Communist Party tell them to do. [More]

Yeah, that was my fourth thought after I called it a day. Stealing 2020 wasn’t enough– after seeing his CPAC straw poll results and knowing people will be paying attention next time, stealing 2024 calls for pulling out all the stops. If this fails, some may be deranged enough to want that assassination Bernard Kerik is publicly speculating on, and all I can say to that is if they thought Archduke Ferdinand was a catalyst for something bigger…

What I can’t tell at this point is if this is a long-planned step or if it’s a last-ditch desperation “Hail Mary” by the Dems who know their numbers are up for November.  Trust in government is at a low and a significant portion of the country believes the last election was stolen– not just a handful of lunatics in buffalo hats egged on by assorted provocateurs.  That also explains why the Dems are so adamant about this J6 business– if legitimacy in their rule is exposed for all to see as fraudulent, they’ve seen what happens when truckers in Canada and farmers in the Netherlands are roused. They know that F-15s and nukes aside, they’re hopelessly outnumbered on the ground– which is why they want our guns.

I find it significant that, at this writing, there is nothing in the Google News feed about Mitch McConnell weighing in on this. I sense a combination of feckless Republicans not knowing how real hardball is played and some of the old guard rooting for the Swamp because they believe they’ll have a place in it.


We’ll probably want to check in on Donald Trump’s Truth Social page from time to time for statements.  This seems like a point to hammer on:

The FBI And DOJ Criminalizing Opposition To The Regime Is How The Republic Ends [More]

So is that a bug or a feature?

[Via Michael G]

Every American should be frightened and mad as hell by such unprecedented police state thuggery tactics and there must be a complete dismantling and elimination of the FBI. This is too much for our republic to withstand,” concluded Congressman Gosar. [More]

FBI delenda est.

[Via Henry Bowman]

This is a provocation. They are trying to get a reaction that allows a further crackdown. Don’t take the bait. [More]

He’s right about deliberate provocation, but this piece feels incomplete. “Be smart” has to include more than “do nothing.”

[Via Michael G]

Remember when Trump said it would be best for armed government agents to raid you and take your property first and then “go through due process second?” [More]

Helluva thing, being hoist with your own petard.

This Ought to Make the Demonization a Lot Easier!

Reps. Seth Moulton (D-MA) and Veronica Escobar (D-TX) are pushing the “Mass Shooter Prosecution Act,” which would open mass shooters and their “support networks” up to terrorism charges in the event the shooters use guns Democrats typically label “assault weapons.” [More]

Who do they think they are? Jim Zumbo?

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Incentivized Enough

House Judiciary Committee: Whistleblowers Say FBI ‘Pressuring Agents’ to Reclassify Cases as Domestic Terrorism – “For example, one whistleblower explained that because agents are not finding enough DVE [domestic violent extremist] cases, they are encouraged and incentivized to reclassify cases as DVE cases even though there is minimal, circumstantial evidence to support the reclassification.” [More]

In other words, not meeting the quota is career-limiting? And do top guys get “Always Think Terrorist” Leathermans?

All on Christipher Wray’s watch. Seems some of us were just telling Don Jr. to say “Thanks!” to his Dad for that.

And some of us were sounding alarms before that.

[Via Michael G]

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