Playing Hobbs

Hobbs wins Arizona governor’s race, flipping state for Dems [More]

Yeah, about that:

In addition to Mark Kelly and Kyrsten Sinema, Arizona is pretty much now ruled by the high population center Democrat strongholds.

Funny… I don’t see “More Freedom” in any of the reasons the nest foulers give for moving there.

A Marked Improvement

Republican Lori Chavez-DeRemer has won the open U.S. House seat in Oregon’s 5th Congressional District, flipping the district for the GOP in a hard-fought contest that drew millions in outside money to the state. Chavez-DeRemer’s victory makes her the first Latina congresswoman from Oregon, a distinction also sought by 6th District Democratic candidate Andrea Salinas. That race remained too early to call. [More]

Aside from not knowing where rights come from, this sounds promising:

Our founding documents give us the right to keep and bear arms. The Second Amendment is our safeguard against tyranny in the United States. We have seen the left go after our right to protect ourselves time and time again. They politicize national tragedies to argue that law abiding citizens should have their guns confiscated. Law abiding gun owners have never been the problem. Violent crime is caused by criminals. The left doesn’t want to talk about cracking down on illegal drugs, gang violence, antifa, rioting, or looting. They want to ban you from protecting yourself and your family. They want to redefine our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Washington, D.C. radicals believe in multiculturalism, moral relativism, and that socialism, “just hasn’t really been tried yet.” They want open borders, government-funded healthcare, and abortion on demand. I won’t stand for it. We must defend our rights.

[Via Jess]

Start the Steal

Yes, you heard that right. We’ve been getting gaslit for months about the ‘end of democracy’, and this guy wants to completely circumvent the democratic process by replacing the president without an election, solely to increase Democrat chances of maintaining power in 2024. Never Trumpish, former conservatives are something else. [More]

On the plus side, nobody will be able to complain about the voting machines…

[Via Michael G]

Anybody Else See a Disconnect?

Stefanik endorses Trump for president in 2024, as some push him to delay announcement [More]

She’s returning love he gave when she was running for GOP Conference Chair against Rep. Chip Roy, and Trump said:

“Can’t imagine Republican House Members would go with Chip Roy—he has not done a great job, and will probably be successfully primaried in his own district. I support Elise, by far, over Chip!”

Not only was he not primaried, he just delivered for the GOP in a landslide, 63% to 37%.

What’s Trump’s signature issue?

Stefanik’s mediocre C+ rating from Numbers USA (up from a D- a few years ago) includes a wholly unacceptable “F” for “Reduce Unnecessary Worker Visas,” an “F-” for “Reduce Refugee and Asylum Fraud,” and a “D+” for “Reduce Illegal Jobs and Presence.”

And she was one of 34 GOP turncoats calling for “DACA amnesty.”

Compare to Roy, with an “A+.” He’s better all around.

I guess not going along to get along was the dealbreaker.

What’s Trump’s signature issue again? Maybe he’d like to take my challenge?

We’ve already established the guy is so good at firing people because he’s so lousy at hiring them. This business of bestowing support based on who’s stroking his ego is going to kill us..

Not Going Gentle into that Good Night

“Murkowski’s been helping our Democrat campaign, to help Nancy Pelosi.” The Murkowski team “filed a bunch of lawsuits” to make sure the Alaska House of Representatives seat “stayed Democrat,” Tshibaka said. “So we’re anticipating a whole bunch of shenanigans in these next couple months between now and January, to try and hold on to the Murkowski monarchy. Our race is not over.” [More]

GOA did its part.

Here’s how NRA’s main man decided to help out.

[Via Michael G]

Democrat Supports Heartbeat Bill

Professor: Asking questions about candidate’s stroke is ‘eugenics’ and ‘ableism’ [More]

Yeah, since when do “progressive” politicians have to be capable, competent, or even conscious?

The only time a heartbeat shouldn’t qualify is if it’s coming from a fetus, right, “Professor”?

[Via Michael G]

Further Adventures in Baselessness

A Georgia County Extends Deadline for Over 1,036 Absentee Ballots Due to ‘Human Error’ – How is this not suspicious, especially happening the day before Election Day? [More]

DEVELOPING: Pennsylvania Voters Line Up to Cast New Ballots as GOP Loses Lawsuit to Block Voters From Fixing Mail-In Ballots with Incorrect Dates [More]

Poll Worker Fired For Selecting Straight Democrat Ticket On Voter’s Ballot, Calling Republicans ‘Racist’ [More]

We know what all such allegations are!

I guess I’ll update this if more tips come in and I can get to them…


Arizona, New Jersey Electronic Voting Machines Already Causing Problems [More]

Katie Hobbs Did Not Recuse Herself From Election Duties In Arizona Despite Bi-Partisan Calls, Now We See Why [More]

[Via Michael G]

Disappearing Act

We have so far preserved more than 1.9 million “ephemeral experiences” – exposure to short-lived content that impacts people and then disappears, leaving no trace – that Google and other companies are able to use to shift opinions and voting preferences, and we expect to have captured more than 2.5 million by Election Day. [More]

Let me guess: “Baseless.”

[Via Michael G]


It can happen here — It is happening here [More]

Unless we elect unabashed globalist socialists intent on confiscating guns and canceling all opposing thoughts, “fascists” who believe in limited and Constitutional government and a Bill of Rights culture, and “alter[ing] or [abolishing]” “any Form of Government … destructive of these ends” are going to mess up everything we’ve worked so hard to tear down!

It’s almost like they’re laying the foundation for insurrection if things don’t go their way tomorrow…

Speaking of Victors and Spoils…

Soon it will be our task to fight against the Republican insiders who are licking their chops at the feast they see set before them. Many of them are mirror images of the Democrat consulting class, indifferent to outcomes as long as the gravy train continues. [More]

That’s what happens when you reward people without commitment or results.

It’s also assuming all the “red wave” hoop-dee-doo isn’t a gaslighting setup designed to provoke a spark.

[Via Michael G]

11th Hour Smear

One longtime former co-worker in the television news business recalled that Kari Lake detested guns and practiced Buddhism. Another former local news anchor, Stephanie Angelo, who did not work with Ms. Lake but later became close friends with her, described Ms. Lake back then as “a free spirit” and “liberal to the core.” [More]

Figures, progs never heard of the Road to Damascus.

There was a time decades ago — before I knew what the hell I was talking about — that I “thought” gun licensing and registration would be useful.

They would be, but not for the reasons I foolishly believed.

Hell, Mike Vanderboegh was an out-and-out communist.

Guess what: People grow. At least some of us do.

And guess who every single one of the “authorized journalists” coming out with this “revelation” now wants to win?

Brazil’s Leftists Set Sights on Renewed Citizen Disarmament

And Lula, of course, being an old socialist, is against guns, but Congress may stand in his way. No problem though, because we’re told he can put in place by decree “what Brazil had before.”

By diktat. Who does that? [More]

Prepare to repeat the past.

Master Will be Pleased!

‘Anti-racist’ professor calls Herschel Walker ‘subliterate,’ uses racial slur [More]

And if you didn’t vote for Joe Biden, you ain’t black!

I don’t suppose it occurs to “Professor” Sundiata Cha-Jua that he is essentially fulfilling the same role as “the man in the middle“…?

[Via Michael G]

We’ll Just See About That

“It’s not 1994 anymore,” said Peter Ambler, executive director of the gun safety organization Giffords, founded by former Ariz. Rep. Gabby Giffords, who was shot in 2011. “It’s safe to say that, at this point, we have obliterated the idea that guns is risky political territory for Democrats. Quite the contrary.” [More]

At least they’ve convinced some “moderate Republicans”

A word about the flip side of TINVOWOOT: They can’t vote in our disarmament, either. Not as long as, say, three percent of us say “No.”

[Via Jess]

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