A Review of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Handling of Its Confidential Human Sources and Intelligence Collection Efforts in the Lead Up to the January 6, 2021 Electoral Certification [More]
Brought to you by the same people who “exonerated” Eric Holder for Project Gunwalker…
Oh, but the OIG is “independent”…
[Via Antigone]
BREAKING: DOJ IG claims 26 FBI informants were in DC on Jan 6. (Guarantee this is not accurate) At least 17 committed offenses for which other J6er have been federally charges. No CHS was charged. [More]
I’m sorry, their take is ‘undercover assets were inside the building, but the FBI didn’t deploy them,’ because that really is going to sell after years of lying about Trump.’m sorry, their take is ‘undercover assets were inside the building, but the FBI didn’t deploy them,’ because that really is going to sell after years of lying about Trump. [More]
My immediate thought on reading that…
[Via Michael G]