Trump’s Gun Pledges Forgotten In First Week On The Job

Unprecedented Onslaught of Executive Actions Aimed at Fulfilling Campaign Promises, But Nothing for Guns [More]

He promised ““Every single Biden attack on gun owners and manufacturers will be terminated on my very first week back in office, perhaps my first day,” but since taking office has not done anything about it.

Bottom Line Republicans Didn’t Question Bondi on Her Anti-Gun Positions

How she ultimately conducts herself, despite her assurances to the Committee about resisting undue pressures from the White House, will reflect squarely on Donald Trump. He nominated her with full knowledge that her past actions rendered her unacceptable to many Second Amendment advocates counting on him to honor his campaign promises. [More]

So, it’s Bondi’s job as AG is to defend the law, regardless…? The Second Amendment is part of “the supreme Law of the Land.”

President Trump Can Lead in Fight Against State-Level 2nd Amendment Infringements

“What are you going to do about it, President Trump?” [More]

First, we neeed to realistically look at what he CAN do. Then we need to realistically look at what he WILL do and use every means at our disposal to get his ear and try to keep him on course.

Let’s Keep Things in Perspective, Please

The 100 Labour Party staffers who traveled to the U.S. to campaign against Donald Trump and in support of Kamala Harris may face serious legal consequences under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). 💥 Acting as unregistered foreign agents is a federal offense. By interfering in America’s election, these Labour operatives crossed a dangerous line. [More]

Oh, lighten up. It’s not as if they criticized “migrants” on Facebook or owned a TV without a license


Labour’s Head of Operations, Sophia Patel, has deleted her LinkedIn profile and locked her Twitter after explosive allegations surfaced that she organized 100 Labour staffers to meddle in the 2024 US election [More]

Labour Pedos, 50 of them. Wanna bet there are a lot more? [More]

[Via Michael G]

Take the Guns First

Karina’s Bill advocates for the use of ex parte hearings to obtain orders of protection, immediately triggering a warrant to confiscate the subject’s firearms and ammunition… What can/will President Trump do? [More]

I think I just found my next article…

How Many Polish Schoolchildren Does It Take to Train with Firearms?

All of them. [More]

And we should be so forward thinking.

I turned in an article on this five days ago to Firearms News, but the editor is on vacation and won’t be back until after the New Year.

Speaking of the magazine, the December issue is out and available at superior newsstands throughout the Republic:

[Via Jess]

Gun Owner Wishlist for Trump Administration

THE KNOX REPORT: Project 2025, The Second Amendment Edition [More]

Some of it can happen, others are problematic, especially with “Republicans” like Brian Fitgzpatrick and Susan Collins.

This is the first I’m hearing of the “Green G” system and I’m intrigued. I’m not clear on how BIDS would violate privacy any more than that, especially since a check wouldn’t be run unless the person asked for it and it would create no record of the gun purchased– and there lies the rub. The intent of the fraudulent prior restraint infringement is much more than a mere “background check,” and tyrants won’t give up that kind of power without a credible “or else” attached to it.

Donald Trump and Republicans Owe Gun Owners, and It’s Time to Collect

There’s much Donald Trump won’t be able to do, but a lot that he can if he means to keep his pledge to the gun owners he could not have won without. Rein in ATF, Mr. President. Do what you can with your bully pulpit to influence American citizens and your unique power to influence your party and the Congress. Make informed judicial appointments. Listen to gun rights leaders. And task the Justice Department with the Constitutional imperative to “secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.” [More]

Now is not the time to rest on laurels and trust that everything is going to start going our way. If we don’t stay on top of him — and them — Pam Bondi won’t be the only disappointment.

ATF Prosecutes Sheriff Over Using Department Guns at Public Machine Gun Shoot

Police designating themselves the “Only Ones” to be trusted with arms and claiming exemptions to infringements the people are subjected to invites corruption, and seeing officials “hoist with their own petard” hardly invites sympathy…So, it’s not unfair to wonder what’s in it for gun owners to come to Wendt’s defense? [More]

The greater danger is ATF subjectively assigning itself powers and having the courts agree with it.

A Team Effort

Don’t Forget About Candidates in Local and State Elections! [More]

My editor at the magazine, Vincent DeNiro, has some thoughts about the crucial importance of “lesser” candidates. Hopefully, everyone here has consulted with their state gun rights groups and done their own due diligence.

I learned something new: I did not realize Kathy Hochul once had an NRA A-rating.

What a lying piece of

No Constitutional Reason Justifies Not Recognizing 2A Rights of Young Adults

Anyone who tells you 18-to-20-year-olds are not fully enfranchised citizens entitled to exercise their rights under the Second Amendment is a liar and an enabler of tyranny. [More]

Sending back what should have been a no-brainer makes me wonder which SCOTUS members we’ve been told are 2A-friendly are getting ready to disappoint…

The Truth Behind the Garland v. VanDerStok “Ghost Gun” Case

This is not the first time Justice Barrett has departed from conservative views on the Second Amendment, values she represented herself as a staunch supporter of when she was nominated to the Supreme Court by then President Donald Trump. [More]

Except she didn’t, the gun groups did.

As with all SCOTUS confirmation hearings, they don’t ask the tough questions needed to elicit unequivocal answers.

As noted when cautioning against rubber stamping Gorsuch:

Typically in judicial confirmation hearings, nominees have been able to rely on an “out” giving them a pass on answering specific questions… Think of one job you’ve ever applied for where you’d have gotten it if you decided to play coy with the hiring managers. While it may be “inappropriate” for a judge to weigh in on a specific case before confirmation — for legitimate reasons, including not having studied and evaluated all the particulars, evidence and precedents against the “supreme Law of the Land,” — there’s no reason why general principles of understanding should be off-limits. Such hearings are supposed to be, among other things, high-level employment interviews, not pre-coronation ceremonies.

Gun owners may be paying the price for that… again.

VP Debate: Vance Let Moderators and Walz Mislead Voters on Gun Rights

JD Vance’s acceptance of prohibitionist terms, his failure to correct egregious errors and outright lies, and his avoidance of elaborating to voters on why the right to keep and bear arms is the keystone of freedom, show that when it comes to effective advocacy, Republican politicians all too often come up short. [More]

There were all kinds of missed opportunities, unnecessary concessions, and lies left unchallenged.

Sorry or Sorry, Not Sorry?

I spoke directly with Mayor Dowling Watford and Police Chief Donald Hagan. Both profusely apologized and explained that at no point was it their intention to strip the residents and business owners of their Second Amendment rights. [More]

I’d prefer officials do things my way because they share my convictions, but if they just do it out of fear I can live with it.

Unique Book Offers Antidote to 2A Misinformation

“There can be no resolution to the issue of ‘gun violence’ or gun ownership in the twenty-first century if neither side incorporates the actual 2nd Amendment meaning, and its purpose, in their position,” [More]

“If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don’t have to worry about answers.” ― Thomas Pynchon, Gravity’s Rainbow

Hartford Citizen Patrol Presents Dilemmas for Gun-Grabbing Democrats

The Self-Defense Brigade, organized “at the behest of Archbishop Dexter Burke of the Walk in the Light Church of God,” is reminiscent of an effort from the middle of the last century, one remembered and honored by Amendment advocates with long memories, but for the most part ignored by Democrats and self-designated “civil rights leaders,” none of whom, if they even know about him, are keeping the example set by Robert Hicks alive, to be reflected on today and passed on to the next generations. [More]

Go ahead, sic the cops on ’em, Democrats. I dare ya.

Gun Owners’ Efforts with Trump Must Not End with White House Win

If we do somehow manage to help him gain a second term in the White House, we’re going to need to be able to influence what he says and does on guns. And we won’t be prepared to do that if we gloss over the seriousness of his failures. [More]

We need his ear so we can try to influence him before he starts to stray.

Next Generation Army Rifle Highlights Danger of ‘Common Use’ Argument to Defend 2nd Amendment

And the prohibitionists are aided in citizen disarmament when “gun rights leaders” not only accept – but argue for an invented “in common use at the time” qualifier that limits permitted firearms to what is commercially popular, as opposed to what soldiers and police carry… [More]

Hitler envisioned a Thousand Year Reich. The goal in the evil minds of fascist gun banners is a totalitarian monopoly of violence—forever.

Finland’s Government Support for Civilian Shooting: A Step in the Right Direction the U.S. Should Take

“Well, the reservists are ready and willing, if Russkies are coming. They will be a big help for the regular army,” Saro declared. “If there will be new shooting ranges opened, the main reason is just to be ready and practice. It is pretty similar to our Civil Guard that was active before the wars. Then, besides reservist and military, there are hunters.” [More]

Yes, there’s plenty wrong with their “gun control” laws. That doesn’t mean we can’t learn from what they do right.

Playing the Percentages

However, the recent investigation by the Second Amendment Foundation revealed that 97Percent supports bans on “assault weapons,” standard-capacity magazines, and bump stocks and has called for permits to carry, purchase, and even possess firearms. It supports mandatory background checks and mandatory storage laws and claims the Second Amendment is “overprotected.” [More]

Welcome to the party, pals.

Challenge to Illinois Assault Weapon Ban Includes Militia Considerations in Right to Arms

“If courts continue to operate under the misimpression that the right to keep and bear arms protects only neutered firearms like break-barrel shotguns and bolt-action hunting rifles, the Second Amendment will offer little but a parchment barrier against tyranny,” the GOA petition correctly observes. [More]

It’s a necesary legal hurdle to clear if gun owners ever hope to challenge the constitutionality of the National Firearms Act.

Right to Arms for Illegal Aliens a Red Herring to Distract from Real Issue

But again, it’s the wrong question. What should be asked is “Why is a known illegal alien allowed to remain in the United States instead of being deported?” [More]

“If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don’t have to worry about answers.” (Thomas Pynchon/”Gravity’s Rainbow”)

ATF Given an Inch, Takes a Mile

NSSF Complains There’s Not Enough ‘Gun Control’

Simply put, “gun control” doesn’t work, and it’s astounding that the head of the firearms manufacturer trade association is publicly insisting that it does. [More]

Industry CYA at the expense of our rights is unacceptable.

Swiss Shooting Culture ‘Documentary’ Reinforces False Narrative to Justify ‘Gun Control’

It would help if he didn’t automatically buy into prohibitionist propaganda, but by doing so he relieves us of the obligation to take him as an impartial and objective observer. [More]

Why is there such a difference in the numbers and rates of violent crimes betweeen two armed cultures? Hint: It ain’t because of “gun control” laws.

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