Speaking of Misogeny…

Leftist Violently Attacks Female TPUSA Chapter President with Metal Bike Lock At University of Texas at Dallas [More]

Curious, how few women comparatively are beaten by male partners who identify as Constitutional conservatives…

Yet who do white college-educated women militantly consider their enemy?

Then again, considering none of the men there went after that freak or did more than record it and wring their hands afterward, could they really be considered friends?

[Via bondmen]

Now There’s a Shocker

Fan shares reaction after Rapper GloRilla ends STL show early after fights break out [More]

My wife and I go to concerts all the time, with season passes for Cleveland Orchestra at Blossom Music Center, and programs at Hudson Bandstand, First & Main Summer Music Nights, and more. I can’t tell you how many times fights have broken out over the years because the privileged patrons wouldn’t control their animal passions.

[Via bondmen]

Some Key Points about Tesla Attacks

Millionairess filmed keying Tesla is identified…but cops have a surprising theory… [More]

It doesn’t matter if she did it over politics or because she’s an entitled b!+ch. What matters is:

[A]ccording to public records, she owns a fitness company called IPEAK FITNESS [and] The couple lives in a 1.5million home in Bellevue…

Having a lot to lose doesn’t make that the smartest move in the book.

At least she wasn’t wearing orange pants like this old fool… (I hope they tack on lying to law enforcement/obstruction charges.)

Related UPDATE

Here’s another old leftist fool with property that, based on results, ain’t all that hard to access.

[Via Michael G]


And another

[Via bondmen]

So… Unconstitutional Carry…?

Presidential Actions MAKING THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA SAFE AND BEAUTIFUL Executive Orders March 28, 2025… (v) collaborating with appropriate local government entities to provide assistance to increase the speed and lower the cost of processing concealed carry license requests in the District of Columbia; [More]

[Via Jess]

Meanwhile, Across the Pond

The government of the United Kingdom, wielding the controversial Online Safety Act 2023, has issued a direct ultimatum, launching a blatant assault on the principles of open discourse that define our community. They demand that Gab submit to their stringent censorship regime, threatening exorbitant fines potentially reaching £18 million or a crippling 10% of our global revenue if we refuse to bow to their demands. [More]

So, what “3D chess move” is Trump up to?

Tangentially-Related UPDATE


Keir Starmer to the rescue!

[Via WiscoDave]

Holding Pattern

U.S. Department of Justice Announces Second Amendment Pattern-or-Practice Investigation into California’s Los Angeles County [More]

Good, but why California and not Illinois?

I’ll be using this as a springboard to help introduce yet another effort to get their attention on denial of rights in an article I’ll be finishing up this weekend.

Over a Barrel

Commencing on July 1, 2026, this bill would, except as specified, prohibit the sale or transfer of a firearm barrel, as defined, unless the transaction is completed in person by a licensed firearms dealer. The bill would require the licensed firearms dealer to conduct a background check of the purchaser or transferee and to record specified information pertaining to the transaction, including the date of the sale or transfer. [More]

How would they know you didn’t do your transactions out of state?


[Via Jess]

News You Can Wipe With

The Justice Department is releasing plans to create a process for those with criminal convictions to restore their gun this decision sparking alarm that it will return firearms of those of convicted violent crimes… [Watch]

Make sure you take a look at the comments under the Queen City “News” video.

Sir Wilfrid has a question:

[Via Jess]

Facebook Community Standards Redux

On Facebook, Hodgkinson had featured a post that said, “[President Donald] Trump is a Traitor. Trump Has Destroyed Our Democracy. It’s Time to Destroy Trump & Co.” Hodgkinson was also a member of Facebook groups “Terminate the Republican Party” and “The Road To Hell Is Paved With Republicans.” [More]

And by “Trump & Co.” and “Republicans,” they mean not just you, but ultimately, anyone who isn’t a fellow Bolshevik.

Oh, look: After two assassination attempts, self-appointed Terminators and the Pavers are still there!

Unlike me, they violated no “community standards.”

Burning Bridges Lost Forevermore

Man arrested in Molotov cocktail attack at Tesla shop in Las Vegas will also face federal charges [More]

That police press conference was interesting to watch. And with motivated feds piling on, I’d say if Paul thought his life was miserable before, he ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

Anybody find anything on his social media?

[Via Michael G]

None Dare Call It Bipolar

The FDIC will eliminate “reputational risk” from regulatory standards. Since President Obama began “Operation Choke Point,” Democrats and anti-gun financial institutions have weaponized “reputational risk” to de-bank the gun industry. [More]

See? Back and forth, back and forth

[Via Jess]

‘Will You Walk into My Parlour?’ Said the Spider to the Fly

“Not Today, Satan!”: Ex-FBI Agent Finds Possible ATF Honeypot Website Operation Selling Glock Switches [More]

I wouldn’t be so sure it’s the feds.

I wouldn’t put it past the antis to do something like this so they could report any low-hanging fruit placing orders.

[Via WiscoDave]

Career Management

“After a few minutes of conversation, we found out Rob is a huge 2A advocate and was interested in purchasing a few firearms.” [More]

I wasn’t aware of that, but I see this isn’t the first time.

Good. We can use all the high profile help we can get.

It’s nice to see he’s still working in an industry where “coming out” the wrong way can be the kiss of death.

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Laughable Enough

The officer claimed that flashing headlights to warn oncoming motorists was not protected free speech, and that he was justified in handcuffing, frisking and detaining the driver after he laughed at him. [More]

I have a feeling Deputy Ellison is in for a lifetime of Streisand effects.

[Via WiscoDave]

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