Made to Be Broken

“We have no information to suggest that this was a student who was planning an attack or harming people inside the school. It is our understanding—through a very preliminary investigation and what has been expressed to us by the student—that he was having issues with people in the community, and he was carrying the firearm,” Mitch McCoy, SLMPD spokesperson, said. “While Missouri has very relaxed gun laws, it is still very clearly stated in the law that you cannot carry a gun on campus.” [More]

Based on results, you can. Whether you can get away with it or not depends on how crazy, or in this case, stupid you are.

Nice gun

[Via bondmen]

The Exceptions to the Rule

A bill to be entitled An act relating to the use of artificial intelligence to detect firearms; creating s. 790.34, F.S.; prohibiting the use of artificial intelligence to detect firearms in public areas; providing criminal penalties; providing exceptions; providing an effective date. [More]

Don’t worry, predators, there’ll still be plenty of “gun-free zones” being enforced

[Via Jess]

DOJ Still Going Postal

Biden’s DOJ makes a final anti-gun argument against the 2nd Amendment in a fight over whether guns can be banned in post offices. [Watch]

Boy, that’s a lot of “gun-free zones” in the land of the Second Amendment:

Now superimpose it over maps of schools, parks, government buildings, “sensitive areas”…

So… when confirmed, is Pam Bondi going to keep fighting for this?

[Via Jess]

We’re the Only Ones Dropping Enough

We have just been informed by the Childress Police Department that the loaded magazine found on the junior high playground this afternoon by one of our students belongs to a Childress police officer who was conducting canine training this morning at 4am before school. In that area of the practice field, the magazine accidentally fell from his service belt. The district wants to make the public aware that at no time were students or staff in danger. [More]

Well, it’s official. Unsecured loaded magazines don’t pose a danger to children– if they come from the “Only Ones.”

We still want to ban yours.

[Via bondmen]

More Gun Control!

Tennessee high school shooting: 1 killed, 1 wounded, teen gunman dead of self-inflicted gunshot: police [More]

The liars at Giffords blame this:

Tennessee doesn’t have:

❌Universal background checks
❌Gun owner licensing
❌Large capacity magazine ban
❌Waiting periods
❌Community violence intervention funding
❌Lost and stolen firearm reporting

There are actually morons who believe them.

A Public/Private Partnership

Gun-detection technology has been installed at more than 200 Utah schools… “The test will involve a representative from ZeroEyes, wearing a safety vest and carrying an Airsoft rifle and an Airsoft pistol,” meant to be visible to security cameras inside and outside an unspecified number of Ogden schools, the notice reads. [More]

So, all you need is a trench coat…?

And this promises to be every bit the boondoggle as ShotSpotter…?

I guess when there’s money to spend, actual effective solutions can be avoided.

On the plus side, it ought to give school resource officers plenty of options for hunkering down…

[Via Steve T]

Those Who Can’t

You’re looking at the new Global Studies teacher… [Watch]

Well, that didn’t last long:

Teacher arrested after threat that shut down NJ school district, police say…

I wonder what he said on his YouTube channel and if the school district knew about it.

If they take down his Facebook reel I recorded it with my phone camera because they say if it’s someone else’s reel it will be muted and I didn’t trust a third-party app.

Military Gun Training in Polish Schools

Unlike in the land of the Second Amendment, where gun prohibitionists who demand avoidance and ignorance label themselves as “commonsense gun safety advocates,” the training is embraced by educators, politicians and parents.  [More]

Compare and contrast to ignorant and cowardly anti-gun “educators” here…

Home Defense-Free Zone

Homeowners in Irving initially came up with the idea of shooting and killing the pigs, but then realized they should not be firing a gun at the animals in a suburban neighborhood. “My first thought was, like, well, I can go shoot them,” Mendez said. “But I’m like, yeah, I’m in a neighborhood. I can’t just go out there and start blasting.” [More]

No, not just “blasting,” but then again, what qualified hunter would characterize it that way? Would he say the same thing if it was a feral human threatening him, and settle for “slingshots and clapping two pieces of wood”?

As long as Cooper’s rules are adhered to, what’s the problem? Who died and made this guy the arbiter of appropriate responses to be selected for national amplification?

No Matter the Cost?

Costco defends DEI program as other major retailers drop controversial diversity push [More]

That’s bad enough but irrelevant to the reason I won’t join the one that opened just down the road:

At Costco, we don’t believe it’s necessary to bring firearms into our warehouses, except in the case of authorized law enforcement officers. For the protection of all our members and employees, we feel this is a reasonable and prudent precaution to ensure a pleasant shopping experience and safe workplace.

Money that enriches their billionaire chairman enabled Obama and Biden to undermine RKBA. Not that oblivious/disinterested American consumers mind.

Besides, look how much they saved on eggs!

The Eye of the Beholder

A coalition of gun-rights groups is arguing that a federal appeals court should overturn a conviction of a Billings man who appeared to be menacing an elementary school from across the street as he walked around his property, often with gun in hand. [More]

“Appeared to be” is very different from “was,” and the case could be made that hoplophobic snitches should not be the arbiters.

Once this is over, it would be interesting to see everything it took to get ATF’s Dustin Stroble to insert his snout into this. It appears Metcalf initiating contact with the FBI broke a cardinal rule.

[Via Jess]

We’re the Only Ones Unretentive Enough

This afternoon on the elementary playground, a young student managed to access the Student Resource Officer’s secured firearm and discharge it within the SRO’s holster into the ground. [More]

Another reason why highly trained police officers should be the “Only Ones” armed in “gun-free zones,” right?

Did he have his bodycam on?

And whatever happened to this bill that would have required:

The personal body camera shall be continuous in its operation while the peace officer is in the performance of his or her duties and shall be worn in such a manner that all audio and video images of his or her contact with any person is digitally recorded. 

Anybody up on what the law currently says on that?

[Via Scott J]

Shell Game

The deputy sheriff told school officials that J.S. had committed no crime by possessing spent shell casings. The youth, the deputy said, had done nothing wrong. However, the principal ignored the deputy’s claims and called the student’s parents, who arrived about 40 minutes later. The parents were told to take their child home and wait for a phone call. [More]

That kid just got an education that’ll stick with him.

[Via Michael G]

Must Be the Gun’s Fault…

Mentally ill Calif. school shooter fired at kids as ‘countermeasure’ for US involvement in ‘genocide of Palestinians’ [More]

“[A] long history of mental health issues, alarming criminal behavior, and past stints in prison,” eh?

And let’s hear if for California gun laws!

[Via Steve T]

Slipping at the Blood Dance

Look at the comments. People aren’t buying it anymore.

[Via Jess]

We’re the Only Ones Road Hogging Enough

A Georgia cop who once won “Deputy of the Year” was arrested and charged with DUI last week after he tried to drunkenly direct traffic outside of an elementary school — despite there being no cars in the area, according to police officials. [More]

While presumably armed. So, I take it the badge exempted him from the 1,000-foot rule that he would have been empowered to arrest you or me for “violating”…

[Via Steve T]

Ghost Gun

High school student arrested after allegedly showing gun on school grounds… The teen is facing a charge of assault with a dangerous weapon, though more charges may follow… Police were unable to locate the gun [More]

What gun…?

The only way I can see charges sticking is if he’s dumb and scared enough not to keep his mouth shut, which I suspect they’ve built their case around.

[Via Edmund M]

We’re from the Government and We’re Here to Help

Before the 1990 Gun-Free School Zones Act (GFSA), only two notable mass shootings had occurred on school campuses. Since the passage of this legislation, many Americans can name over ten incidents without needing to research. [More]

“Safety” is just the excuse. It always has been.

Citizen disarmament freaks have bloood on their hands. Don’t let it be your children’s.

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