Our State Fair is a Great State Fair!

State Fair of Texas upholds gun ban despite lawsuit from Attorney General Ken Paxton… “The State Fair of Texas will continue to prioritize providing a safe and secure environment for our millions of fairgoers, as well as our staff, vendors, and volunteers,” said a spokesperson. [More]

Because “there’s no safer rides than carnival rides“!

And no safer locales than “gun-free zones”!

[Via Jess]

It’s a Mixed Up Muddle In a Shaken Up World Except for Lola?

The pages that have been released reveal how transgender ideology fueled her mental anguish and how this dangerous ideology twisted her mind, driving her toward violence. This is why the left didn’t want her manifesto released. [More]

Anybody see public schools slowing down on grooming pressure?

[Via Michael G]

Blame Apportioning

A Galveston, Texas, jury on Monday found the parents of a teenager who shot and killed 10 classmates at Santa Fe High School in 2018 not liable for the violence, ending an unusual civil trial. Family members of the shooting victims and survivors accused Antonios Pagourtzis and Rose Kosmetatos of being negligent in allowing their son, Dimitrios, to obtain weapons from their home and for not warning school officials or police about his deteriorating mental state. [More]

It’s a sure bet the sick little coward who didn’t have the guts to kill himself can’t make good on the $330M. And prior settlement or no, I wouldn’t want to own Lucky Gunner about now…

Curious– the people who mandate gun-free zone killing fields have no liability.

[Via Lane]

She Lies Because She Knows She Can Get Away With It

Harris looked at the AFT audience and said, “While you try to create safe and welcoming places where our children can learn, extremists attack our freedom to live safe from gun violence. They have the nerve to tell teachers to strap on a gun in the classroom.” [More]

Don’t look for her to ever be publicly confronted with the truth.

[Via bondmen]

A Line in the Sand

[T]he Court will permanently enjoin Maryland’s laws restricting the carrying of firearms in locations selling alcohol for onsite consumption, private buildings without the owner’s consent, and within 1,000 feet of a public demonstration. State Defendants’ Cross Motions for Summary Judgment will be granted as to the Kipke Plaintiffs’ Fourteenth Amendment claims, as well as the claims regarding: State Parks; mass transit facilities; schools and school grounds; museums; stadiums; healthcare facilities; government buildings; amusement parks; racetracks; and casinos… [More]

You can be trusted with your rights on this side of the line. On the other side, everything changes. Don’t ask us how or why, just accept that fact that if you disobey we may end up killing you.

[Via Antigone]

Just Here for the Ratioing

So “Only Ones” can’t protect us…? And this evil little idiot’s solution is to not allow us to protect ourselves? And have them kill us if we don’t comply?

Because What Could Be Safer Than Utter Helplessness?

You see what they’re doing by throwing neighborhood gang shootings into the mix and leaving out schools. Lies, damned lies, and leftist ivory tower eggheads with an agenda: Is there anything they DON’T know?

What they can’t refute:

100% of school shootings occur in “gun-free zones.”

[Via Starvin Larry]

‘Always New’? Even When Old?

Mall of America now has a new way to keep shoppers safe. A new high-tech layer of security has been added after gun-related incidents in recent years. [More]

And privacy isn’t the only thing shoppers have to give up…

Hey, no one said taglines had to be true…

What reasons do we have for giving these people our money again…?

[Via bondmen]

Killing the Messenger

New hearing ordered over more leaked writings from Covenant School shooter – The Tennessee Star and its editor-in-chief could be held in contempt of court. [More]

It’s pretty clear, as with all demons, it hated God.

It would be foolish to assume it was alone in those sentiments, and instructive to note government suppressing such information hampers sharing knowledge on commonality indicators.

[Via Michael G]

Meanwhile, Across the Pond…

A girl is in a critical condition after being shot by an attacker on a motorbike while having dinner with her family. The nine-year-old was one of four people injured shortly after 9pm on Wednesday at a restaurant in Hackney, east London. [More]

50 pounds says the attacker’s name is not even close to “Nigel” or “Cedric”…

And when it comes to England’s vaunted “gun control,” as I’ve long maintained, we ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

And if Lord High “Only One” Chief Supt Conway really believes that “indiscriminate nature of gun crime” blather he just spouted for mass swallowing, e’s a bleedin’ twit, e’ is.

[Via Roger J]

Doctor-Patient Privilege

Covenant School shooter Audrey Elizabeth Hale reportedly told her therapist that she was fantasizing about killing her family and committing a school shooting, according to a report by 99.7 WTN radio host Brian Wilson. The therapist reportedly did not report these findings to authorities. [More]

Ah, screw it. It’s easier just to withhold the manifesto and blame the guns.

Funny, how a space changes things.

Any bets if they ever ID the shrink, it’ll use the pronoun “she” and be a Democrat?

[Via Michael G]

Sensitivity Session

The brutal stabbing of a man in New York City’s Times Square Thursday underscores the futility of public disarmament, which affects only law-abiding citizens, and proves the proponents of so-called “sensitive zones” are clueless, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said. [More]

Predators are sensitive to vulnerability because their success at bringing down prey depends on it.

A Fighting Chance

My husband was killed in a ‘gun free zone.’ Arm teachers for safety and to save lives [More]

I’d say “train teachers.” And get out of the way of them arming themselves.

I did note one loudmouthed self-identified Marxist punk saying it would “turn schools into war zones.” If I could remember where, I’d link to it.

No surprise he prefers them to remain killing fields…

[Via Michael G]

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