Justice Department Proposes New Regulation to Update Definition of “Engaged in the Business” as a Firearms Dealer [More]

Here’s ATF’s summary.

Here’s the proposed rule.

When they’ve got it in the Federal Register you’ll be able to find it and comment here.

Not that the tyrannical swine following orders to impose this will listen.

Which means a filing to halt this based on history, text, and tradition of gun sales at the time of the Founding will need to be filed in a jurisdiction likely to issue an injunction.


GOA’s take:

Today, the Biden ATF formally rolled out their plans to implement backdoor universal background checks, which was made possible by Senator John Cornyn’s “compromise” legislation passed last summer.

ATF Import Seminar

On September 19, 2023, Export Compliance Training Institute (ECTI) will host a 90-minute webinar, A Primer on Navigating ATF Import Controls, where attorney Johanna Reeves will demystify the ATF’s rules on importing defense articles into the United States. From firearms to destructive devices, we’ve got it all covered! [More]

Here’s how to take part.

I don’t see it on the Reeves & Dola LLP Alerts page yet so posted the email to my WOG Placeholder blog.

If you’re in the industry or just want to know about relevant import/export laws, you really ought to know about these alerts.

Fighting Back

Coalition of FFLs Sue Over Biden’s “Zero Tolerance” Policy [More]

Tangentially related, I saw an interesting comment over at John Crump’s YouTube video:

Earlier this year I was at Academy Sports with a friend who was purchasing a pistol. The employee made him redo the form because he couldn’t read his signature. The employee said that the ATF had recently audited them and complained about not being able to read the signatures and said that they must be legible.

I sent them this to see what’s what, and will let you know if I do or do not hear back:

[Via Jess]

Opportunity Knocks

“No information has come out about it. We don’t know what it’s going to entail, how we’re going to do background checks. Are we going to be doing phone checks with them? Are we going to do an online portal. They’re not giving us any information.” [More]

For some reason a line from Airplane comes to mind.

Just think of the opportunities for compliance violations… and shutting down sales altogether!

Then just think of other opportunities.

[Via Jess]

Your Kind Aren’t Welcome Here


Infringing on the right to buy and sell is infringing on the right.

Also, your kind ARE welcome here:

The 38th Annual Gun Rights Policy Conference (GRPC 2023) will be held September 22nd – September 24th, 2023 in Phoenix, AZ. [More]

Here are the speakers.

So Come on Down to Kapo Arms

Central NY man sentenced to prison for illegal rifle after gun dealer reports large ammo sales [More]

Is Master pleased with you, gunsnitch? Did he have something on you or were you just trying to suck up and curry favor?

I don’t see who the informant was from this.

[Via bondmen]

The Big Chill

Bass Pro Shop’s Background Check Policy Raises Questions [More]

After seeing how Morehouse was retaliated against with a bend-and-spread-’em audit that had the goal of finding something, anything, to revoke its FFL, and noting the anal levels ATF stoops to over “Don’t Lie for the Other Guy” (enthusiastically partnered with by NSSF), over-cautiousness is inevitable, especially where corporate timidity over anything controversial is the rule.

Enemy Action

It would be hard to convince me that this is a normal routine inspection and not an effort at retribution by the Justice Department and their henchmen at BATFE. [More]

Biden’s DOJ puts the squeeze on an FFL who’s suing over bump stocks. The tyrannical pettiness reminds me of Red’s Trading Post.

So if it’s not happenstance and it’s not a coincidence, what does that leave us?

I became aware of this soon after I announced my slowdown. I was thinking of maybe doing an article, but I couldn’t do a better job than John Richardson has done, so why not just go read what he has to say?

The Walking Lead

A sporting goods store in Delaware “watched half a million rounds of ammo walk out the door”, an attorney said… The probe began over reports that significant amounts of ammunition were being stolen from Cabela’s, which at the time stored ammunition unsecured in the middle of the sales floor and “made no apparent effort to stop massive shoplifting”. [More]

Why don’t you guys just hand the Democrats more ways to spook the herd? Does the manager still have a job?

Who made the “reports”? And is it wrong to suspect “shoplifting” may not have been the problem?

Alternatively, if ammo is a “public nuisance,” what do you call food?

I gotta tell ya, this whole society makes less and less sense to a “S’cuse me, you dropped your wallet” kinda guy like me.

[Via Remarks]

We’re the Only Ones Stayed Enough

One week after the Second Amendment Foundation challenged Pennsylvania’s promulgated firearms regulation and its enforcement by the Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) and Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office, the sheriff has agreed to a court ordered stay enforcement of his policy of inspecting gun shops without a warrant. [More]

Authoritarian little usurping prohibitionist, isn’t he?

Yeah, well

The Heirs of Liberty

How do you get rid of guns legally in Iowa? And what provisions are in place to reduce the odds Grandpa’s pistol doesn’t fall into the wrong hands and isn’t used in a crime down the road? [More]

You’ll note the best way to do that — consider what Grandpa knew that you don’t and then learn how to use it — is nowhere mentioned.

Who thinks that’s not deliberate?

[Via Michael G]

Speaking of Sending Hither Swarms of Officers to Harass Our People…

During my visit to Highwood Creek Outfitters, I learned that the IRS confiscated all the 4473 forms from the store. This means that the sensitive personal information of any customer ever to purchase a firearm at Highwood Creek Outfitters is now in the hands of the IRS. These background check forms include no financial information, and there is no discernable reason why the IRS would need these forms. The IRS committed an egregious breach of privacy for Montana’s gun owners, and I am outraged that the agents involved showed no regard for federal law. Although there are still some murky details regarding the events at Highwood Creek Outfitters. There is no circumstance in which 4473’s would be necessary in an investigation spearheaded by the IRS. [More]

I guess seizing records outright beats taking pictures with their phones. Funny, how this most significant piece of information got buried until the end of the “news” account

[Via Jess]

The ‘Best Gold Standard’

The City Council on Tuesday unanimously directed staff to draft an ordinance that would be the “best gold standard” for placing restrictions on gun sales and ownership… “We want to make it as difficult as possible for (guns) to get into the hands of folks who might do something,” said Councilmember Caroline Torosis, who co-sponsored the discussion item. [More]

“Do something” like what? Defend themselves against the rising crime you Peoples Republic mandarins, through your insufferable arrogance and incompetence, have ensured is doing nothing but getting worse…?

[Via Jess]

Having Their Cake and Eating It Too

But Napa County is among the more heavily Democratic counties in California, and it doesn’t have an unusually high number of young people. Why gun sales shot up so much here relative to other California counties, and what the consequences of that increase have been, is unclear. [More]

What is clear is just because someone has a gun doesn’t make him a friend, a point too many who get all gushy at increased sales don’t seem to grok.

So Come On Down to Judas Guns…

Georgia gun dealer Jon Waldman says his conscience won’t allow him to continue selling guns that could be used to target kids. [Watch]

What a sniveling traitor and media whore.

He only opened it in March 2021? And he didn’t think of any of his objections before doing that? And now he renounces everything in the most public way possible? I’m thinking $omething else is going on.

Every comment seems to be saluting him for having the courage of his convictions. But the video’s companion news report says he only got into the business because he thought it was “lockdown proof.”

So what’s he going to do with his inventory? Sell it to some other FFL who will then sell it to the public to “target kids”?

Anybody from Georgia Carry know this guy?

[Via 1Gat]

Your Fudd Sense Candidate

As a veteran, gun-owner, hunter, and dad, I know that basic gun safety isn’t a threat to the Second Amendment. [More]

No, of course not. Basic gun safety is essential to it.

But that’s not really what you’re talking about, is it?

Be vewy, vewy quiet… I’m infwinging wights… Hehhehhehhehheh…

You have to wonder what kind of gun owner would be stupid enough to fall for this.

Or go so far as to tell people he’s “a true and constant friend.”

And Still Vote Democrat

“Women are the fastest-growing group of gun owners in America,” Milhans told Fox News. [More]

That must be why “In every presidential election since 1980, a gender gap has been apparent, with a greater proportion of women than men preferring the Democrat in each case.”

I had some deep thinker criticize me a while back for not being “a gun person” because I point such things out.

It’s not about guns. It’s about freedom.

[Via Andy M]

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