Voting with Their Wallets

“Within 15 minutes, we had people coming in,” Krahl told the Tribune on Saturday. “There was a line outside the door before I could open up this morning. There will be no lunch today, because we’ll be going nonstop.” [More]

When voting with your ballots doesn’t work, there’s always Plan B.

And if the tyrants try to exploit that, Plan C.

Happy Talk with Larry

There’s a Reason African American Gun Ownership is Rising [More]

Words nowhere addressed in the article: “Vote.” “Republican.” “Democrat.”

If being a gun owner was all it took, we’d have no better pals than Lon Horiuchi and David Chipman.

Everybody comes all over themselves reading headlines like “WSJ poll: More Blacks and Hispanics voting Republican in midterms” and you have to get into the weeds to find “According to its findings, 17% of registered Black voters said they would vote for a Republican candidate for Congress over a Democrat on Tuesday…”

In anybody’s book, that’s still a landslide for the Citizen Disarmament Party, and anyone who believes the numbers will change enough before the Dems get a supermajority and a Bruen-reversing SCOTUS probably thinks we can offset the “pathway to citizenship” from within the imposed echo chamber.

We’re the Only Ones Hoplophobic Enough

Milwaukee police said they were so afraid of their department-issued handguns randomly firing, they wouldn’t bring them home near their family [More]

I’m not a hardware guy– I do rights. I don’t know enough about it to know if this is just a ploy to put on public pressure or if there really is a design/manufacturing flaw. Like I said back when, if the allegations are true, then it’s not protected. Which is as it should be.

The Horns of a Dilemma

It’s going to be interesting when some gun store becomes the first to refuse a sale because an employee think the purchaser is “mentally ill”… because they’re wearing a dress and wanting to be called a woman’s name. Who will the left defend? The gun store, or the purchaser? [More]

It reminds me of a paradox I thought of a few years back on the nature vs. nurture theories for homosexuality, prompted by those who argue they’re born that way and no one would choose it based on the discrimination they face.

Suppose there’s a biological/genetic basis for that and the markers could be identified in utero.

Would they try to outlaw “a woman’s right to choose” if that were the reason for her decision to terminate a pregnancy?

[Via WiscoDave]

The Only Thing ‘Rogue’ is the Government

However, the ATF points out that the actual reason for the revocations may include but are “not limited to, the above list.” That is a massive understatement, since the real reasons for the majority of recent FFL revocations are far less serious. They are, in fact, minor clerical errors, which the ATF now considers willful violations of its self-written rules rather than simple mistakes, because of its zero-tolerance policy that Biden and Attorney General Merrick Garland announced in June 2021. [More]

Shades of Red’s Trading Post (five full pages or blog posts for those who want to see what it took for just one gun shop to prevail)…

I’m remembering the time a U.S. Marshal tried to scare me away from covering that.

Repelling the First Wave

“After we questioned their motives and informed them of Oversight and Republican controlled Appropriations, they all left,” Greene added. “Protect the Second Amendment and the law abiding businesses. [More]

It feels like they were looking for a prize. Expect them to be back with a vengeance when she’s not there. And expect adverse action findings to “justify” their large presence.

I’m actually surprised they didn’t arrest her for obstruction. General counsel must have told them the optics weren’t right… yet.

New Name, Same Role

You will never go broke betting on the hypocrisy of the left. In this case, the NAACP, NC Black Alliance and other advocacy groups claiming to represent Black Americans are backing (if you can believe this) a Jim Crow law. [More]

That’s because leftist advocacy issues will always take a back seat to the greater goal of securing a totalitarian monopoly of violence.

Besides, remember who the drivers were.

Et Tu, Cabelas?

Cabela’s in Indiana not selling standard capacity mags to IL residents [More]

They ID customers to buy magazines? What law?

They just don’t want to get sued? Maybe volunteering to be a proxy for the grabbers will end up costing them more than that.

And what about Bass Pro Shops?

I’m trying to recall from my earlier career if I’ve ever met a corporate risk management director who didn’t need to have their bowels unblocked.

[Via bondmen]

If You’re in the Area

AzCDL will have a table at the Crossroads Gun Show at the Findlay Toyota Center, and we wanted to alert you and invite you to come and enjoy the event! Come by the table and get the latest news about your rights and the fight to keep them! By joining, you’ll get to meet all sorts of interesting people, as well as help to grow the strongest force in the RKBA movement in Arizona. [More]


Scare Tactics

The man who was fatally shot by police after entering a Target store in Omaha, Nebraska, armed with an AR-15-style rifle had obtained the weapon just four days earlier at a Cabela’s sporting goods store, police said Wednesday. [More]

And aside from putting Cabela’s on the spot with a fact irrelevant to the situation, the purpose of telling us that is…? Did the guy pass the background check we’re told must be made universal or not?

If it had been four years, they’d simply come up with a different avenue of attack.

[Via Jess]

Lawless Enough for Government Work


An open carry ban and purchase limits — just like the Founders intended.

And no, of course that’s not all the tyrant demands.

Interesting, who these control freaks presume the law is supposed to protect…

When will in-your-face defiance of a coequal branch of government and suppression of unalienable rights be properly considered the insurrectionary seditious conspiracy that it is?

Washington State Pile-On

The Assault on Our 2nd Amendment Rights [More]

I could spend time quibbling with that characterization, but the priority here is understanding the areas of attack:

  • HB-1240 has a long list of weapons that will be banned under this legislation.
  • HB-1178 – Concerning local government authority to regulate firearms.
  • HB-1143 – Concerning requirements for the purchase or transfer of firearms.
  • HB-1144 – Enhancing requirements for the purchase or transfer of firearms.
  • HB – 1240 – Establishing firearms-related safety measures to increase public safety.

They’re all over at the above link, plus Washington Gun Law details them out and points out the urgency for action. [Watch]

[Via Jess]

Still Waiting for an Answer

However, for those like Hudson who do have these concerns, I’d offer a suggestion. If you feel this way, you should start pushing the lawmakers asking for your support to oppose gun control. [More]

We’re well aware of Republican betrayals and failures. That said, what kind of utter moron says they’re for the right to keep and bear arms and then backs Democrats, and what kind of two-faced opportunists support that?

Just because the enemy has guns is no reason to mistake them for our friends.

[Via Andy M]

Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One Before

Firearm enthusiasts in Oregon are flocking to gun stores as they wait to find out whether a federal judge will delay the start of a strict permit-to-purchase law before Thursday’s deadline. “The parking lot has been a disaster,” Northwest Armory owner Karl Durkheimer told Fox News. “The side streets around our place have been a disaster.” [More]

I wonder how many didn’t lift a finger and let groups like Oregon Firearms Federation carry all the load without helping.

I wonder how many are Democrats.


California Firearm Purchase Delay Evokes MLK ‘Justice Denied’ Quote

If the California DOJ won’t let Ed buy a gun, what’s to say they’ll let him keep the ones he already has if their misidentification persists? It’s not like they don’t know what he has and where he lives. That alone, along with the propensity of state disarmament enforcers to violently descend in the middle of the night, makes calling attention to his plight a matter of personal safety. [More]

Nothing says “shall not be infringed” like “How do we know you’re not a criminal?”

When Black Friday Comes

Received via email:

Noted this recent news item:

“Numbers released Monday show that the FBI ran 192,749 National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) background checks on Black Friday 2022.” (and 711,372 total for the week) — Did not include the number rejected and I don’t expect to ever see a final tally of justified rejections vs. approved on reexamination.

[Via Lane]

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