Crud Tribe

For when the feds just don’t have enough “white supremacists” to live up to the narrative they need… [More]

[Via WiscoDave]


PLOT TWIST: Newest group of Florida Nazis are BIG Joe Biden fans annnd we can’t stop laughing [More]

You’d expect that of “national socialists.”

It would be interesting to see how many Antifa connections there are.

[Via Michael G]

About That Greatest Threat…

Supporters of the National Socialist Movement, a white nationalist political group, give Nazi salutes while taking part in a swastika burning at an undisclosed location in Georgia… [More]

If they’re such a threat to where the entire federal “law” imposement apparatus is out there conflating “white supremacists” with “conservatives,” gun owners, Christians, Republicans and especially Constitutionalists, why don’t they have more recent photos that 2018 of under a dozen people…?

Besides, “socialists” are creatures of the left, as are racists, which if you think about it for a second, is collectivism.

As were the OG Nazis, no matter how much lying “progressives” and their commie partners want to disavow.

What could be the motive of those in power for smearing citizens who believe in freedom for all and who know the right to keep and bear arms is the greatest power sharing arrangement ever devised, as monsters to be destroyed?

And Now a Word from the Plantation Party

‘Florida is openly hostile toward African Americans, people of color and LGBTQ+ individuals,’ states the advisory issued on Saturday night by the civil rights group. [More]

Well, yeah, they up and elected a “white supremacist.”

Since when do we call hate mongers “civil rights groups”? And who decided the rest of us have to go through the absurd motion of saying “people of color”?

By driving them to the Democrats, “middle man” Derrick Johnson is filling a time-“honored” role…

Haters Gonna Hate

From coast to coast, Americans are being herded into two camps. There are the “white supremacists,” those bad people who purportedly hate good people. And then there is everyone else, good people who are encouraged to hate the bad people. [More]

For being the “greatest threat,” I wonder how many members of the “Patriot Front” are feds and their informants? I also wonder how many “white supremacists” are responsible for these

[Via Michael G]

Ginning Up the Mob

BLM Activist Ruined the Reputation of White University of Virginia Student Over Remark She ‘Misheard’ [More]

Does that … thing have its own gravitational field?

You want to see how lynch mobs form, look at foaming-at-the-mouth wokesters worked into a blind fury just based on someone shouting out an accusation. They’re sociopaths incapable of recognizing themselves for what they are and being deeply ashamed of it.

The good news is, they’ll never be happy.

[Via Michael G]

Setting Up the Board

The upshot, according to the report, was that many of the recent accusations of LGBT intolerance allegedly promoted and fostered by the Central Bucks School District Board were more or less nurtured by him because of his opposition to the Republican majority elected in 2021. [More]

So he wanted more gays to be victimized to make his case.

That’s kind of like going on a shooting spree to get more “gun control.” I wonder how many times that information has been known and suppressed.

[Via Michael G]

A Continuation of the Original Rebellion

While the FBI has been sending spies into Catholic churches, hunting for “domestic terrorism,” Old Joe Biden’s laughably named “Justice” Department has just offered what Fox News calls a “sweetheart plea deal” to a woman who claims to be a man and who smashed doors, destroyed a statue of the Virgin Mary, assaulted a church staffer, and sprayed graffiti at a Catholic church in Washington state. There isn’t even the pretense of fairness anymore. The double standard is glaring and obvious. [More]

Now there’s someone in need of a good exorcism.

Aberrations in self-imposed psychic prisons of rage are not happy and will never be happy. And they know it.

So do the principalities and powers using them.

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Unmasking Enough

Police say they’re having trouble identifying suspects who target stores because they’re wearing masks. They are now urging store owners to be proactive in the crime fighting effort. “We are asking the businesses to make this a condition of entry, that people when they come in, they show their face, they should identify themselves,” NYPD Chief of Department Jeffrey Maddrey said. [More]

So do we listen to Dr. Fauci or to NYPD “Only Ones”?

Bronx bodega owner Francisco Marte is no stranger to crime. “I’ve been myself, shot three times,” he said. But he says this latest guidance from the NYPD puts business owners in a bad spot. “We don’t have a weapon to defend ourselves,” Marte said.

I think I see a solution, Francisco.

Good thing the brave property liberators exercising their right to steal by beating the old woman within an inch of her life weren’t acting on Asian hate since disadvantaged victims of systemic racism can’t be racist. I can’t begin to tell you how many of my friends and family flaunt their discriminatory power and white privilege by driving late-model Mercedes…

[Via Steve T]

Someone Tell Me Next Time?

The Left invented a “Day of Hate” to condemn it [More]

But the lack of participation hasn’t stopped the vindictive hive minds from extending their Two Minutes Hate to continual on social media…

If there’s a special day when the rest of us are allowed to do it, I know I completely missed it.

What day’s it supposed to be so I can mark my calendar for next year? And if nobody’s come up with a representative graphic for it yet, I have a suggestion.

[Via Michael G]

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