A Fresh Supply

Florida Grand Jury: Biden Regime is Facilitating Sex Trafficking of Foreign Children [More]

Well, I mean, now that Epstein and Maxwell are out of the picture…

Of course, with the “horrifying health conditions,” he may want to take a shower with them before he sniffs their hair…

I can’t wait for militant armed pedos to start making threats against “Christcucks.”

[Via Michael G]

Half Measures

As other circuits have recognized, there is a rational relationship between prohibiting unlawfully present aliens from possessing firearms and achieving the legitimate goal of public safety. [More]

So illegal aliens are not the “ourselves and our Posterity” nor “the people” the Founders were contemplating in the Second Amendment…

True enough, but the real solution requires expelling them from the Republic. Otherwise, we’re left with another “law” being violated.

[Via Jess]

Lest Ye Be Judged

WE DID IT – thanks to the tireless efforts of Wisconsin Moms Demand Action volunteers and help from supporters like you, Judge Janet Protasiewicz was elected to the Wisconsin Supreme Court! [More]

In other words, it will be impossible for anything Second Amendment-related to get a fair hearing on an appeal.

And if Wisconsin Democrats have their way, it will be illegal aliens hauling gun owners in.

A Lot to Answer For

“Did You Parachute in from Another Planet?” – Sen John Kennedy ROASTS Sec. Mayorkas Over Open Southern Border- Mayorkas Left Bamboozled When Asked to Define Assault Weapon (VIDEO) [More]

Just like their “living Constitution,” terms will mean whatever they dictate them to mean.

[Via bondmen]

A Salvage Operation

DOJ is filing an appeal to overturn the district court’s preliminary injunction, and filing an emergency motion to stay, or halt, the portions of the order that would ban enforcement of the UHA’s requirements that semiautomatic pistols for retail sale have a chamber load indicator and magazine disconnect mechanism. The motion does not seek to immediately stop the part of the court’s decision enjoining the microstamping requirement. [More]

These bastards work in increments both ways. They’re trying to salvage what they can for now. They’ll come back for the rest later, assuming their subversions will assure enough dominance to control future courts.

You just gotta wonder what kind of Republicans would be stupid and/or treasonous enough to help them get an unchallengeable majority.

[Via Jess]

We’re the Only Ones Illegal Enough

Wisconsin Assembly Passes Bill Allowing DACA Illegals in Law Enforcement [More]

And if it passes, they’ll be empowered to enforce citizen disarmament edicts and confiscate guns.

Who needs to import blue helmets when we have a ready foreign standing army reserve embedded throughout the Republic?

If you resist the new “Hessians” disarming you, will that make YOU an insurrectionist? I wonder what the founding generation would have done…

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue”. And I have that on good authority.

Conviction of Top Mexican Cop Shows Corruption Problem, Not U.S. Guns

As a fraudulent criminal in government, Luna played the citizen disarmament game using the same narrative lies prohibitionists here were exploiting to try and swindle American citizens out of their birthright. [More]

Criminals in government are the same murderous and greedy gun-grabbing swine on both sides of the border.

Rounds’ ‘Bipartisan’ Betrayals Undermine His Second Amendment Actions

It’s going to take more than pheasant hunting and a travelers’ bill that’s going nowhere to offset helping Chuck Schumer create a “pathway to citizenship” for illegal aliens. [More]

If wearing orange was all it took, we’d have no better pals than the Demanding Moms on “National Gun Violence Awareness Day.”

Nothing to See Here?

I am an immigrant and a Second Amendment advocate myself…[More]

That’s why I exclude anecdotes and isolated examples from my challenge and focus on the overall effect. Of course, there are some random 2A supporters, and great ones at that. They are a drop in the bucket compared to the majority.

Most immigrants, unless they’re naturalized citizens, cannot vote.

And that’s why the Democrats are pushing through a superhighway to citizenship. And don’t forget their “anchor babies.”

The core of my prescription for preserving and protecting the Second Amendment is outreach to groups that have historically not been associated with gun ownership…

Yeah? Using what media? Do you think the DSM and billionaire-funded grabber groups are just going to let that happen or will they just pour more resources into suppression, cancellations, and counterpropaganda? If you’re going to offer this as the answer, define the scope of the effort needed to overcome all that, and then show where those resources are supposed to come from. Go on, do it.

The gist of what I wrote in my book is that immigration, along with other factors, is a threat only if you let it be a threat.

That’s why ignoring this and falling for the “single issue” excuse will prove catastrophic.

Michael Bloomberg and cheap labor Republican stooges love seeing such excuse-making promoted among gun owners, and I see you need to be a “VIP” to even see comments, let alone respond.

[Via Andy M]

Welcome to the Party, Pal

I like Mark and he’s certainly on our side, and correct about his concern. But this is way late to come to the table with the concern compared to the warnings David Codrea and I have both laid out for years now. [More]

By saying he hasn’t taken a position, he’s hedging his bets and protecting himself from being lumped in with us “xenophobes” and “haters.

But Wait! There’s More!

Our story continues.

So he’d been previously reported “authorities” knew about him. And he was a “German citizen.”

What we don’t know is if he was born that way. And why the “news” accounts I’ve located so far are content to identify him only as “Phillip F.”

It’s almost like there’s something the government/media alliance doesn’t want people to know.

Rounding Out

Senator Rounds takes on ATF, introduces bill to expand full-time travelers’ gun ownership rights [More]

While at the same time undermining every “good” thing he does by setting them all up to ultimately be reversed.

Just the way his ally in subversion Chuck Schumer wants it.

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue”. And I have that on good authority.

Bolt that Barn Door!

Federal Court “Vacates” Biden’s Policy Of Mass Paroling of Illegal Border Crossers into the USA [More]

So they’ll appeal, it, right? And the unending flow will still be coming in? And the tens of millions will still be here?

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue”. And I have that on good authority.

[Via Michael G]

Brought to You by the Woman’s Right to Choose Party

“Some young ladies are being raped as you and I are talking,” Homan, who was acting director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement under President Donald Trump, told The Daily Signal during a recent interview. Homan says he has “talked to young girls, as young as 10, that were raped multiple times” by members of criminal cartels. [More]

Gee, you’d think the #BelieveWomen crowd would be screaming bloody murder over this. Unless all the single issue people shut up on cue when there’s a greater agenda in play…

[Via Michael G]

Sounds Like the Briar Patch Story Come to Mind?

Chip Roy Calls Out Fellow Republicans: Will They ‘Honor Their Campaign Commitments to Secure the Border?’ “Send that over to the senate. Send that over to the senate and make Chuck Schumer and the president of the United States choke on it.” [More]

I’m not sure that’s possible with someone who commits in-your-face treason knowing not only will the media never call him on it, our “gun rights leaders” won’t either.

[Via Michael G]

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