Cheering on the Existential Threat

“We know our immigration system is broken and we know what it takes to fix it: comprehensive reform. That includes strong border security and an earned pathway to citizenship,” Harris said. [More]

That includes 30 million + new Democrats. It does not include the concerns of traditional gun-owning Americans.

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue.” And I have that on good authority.

Good Thing This Never Happens!

“Those making this argument ignore a glaring problem: the government officials who register voters and conduct federal elections aren’t allowed to require proof of citizenship,” wrote U.S. Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, in a recent column for The Federalist. “It’s therefore shockingly easy for noncitizens to vote in federal elections, leaving our elections dangerously vulnerable to foreign interference. Anyone — even an illegal alien or other noncitizen — can register to vote in federal elections, just by checking a box and signing a form.” [More]

My wife’s phone died on her while we were on vacation and we had to go to our carrier to get a new one. Before they could process her order she needed to show them her driver’s license.

[Via Michael G]

Meanwhile, Across the Pond…

What’s behind the anti-immigrant violence that has exploded across Britain? [More]

Not that those enabling it will tell you the flip side of that coin

Better to smear those fed up with having their homeland taken over as “far right”…

Related UPDATE

UK Citizen Films Arrested for ‘Facebook Crimes’… [More]

I wonder if an American tourist could be arrested for what he’d posted…. Dare I ever visit?

All the while mobs of armed “migrants” block streets with impunity…

The UK truly is a fascist state. I not only wouldn’t send a gun, I’d oppose saving their @$$es again.

[Via Michael G]

A Good First Step

Today, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of election integrity! Voters in Arizona who register with the state and do not provide proof of citizenship will be rejected. [More]

Why this is even an issue is a testament to the success of the subversives.

“Before: BADE, LEE, and FORREST, Circuit Judges,” eh?

I’m not holding my breath for what the full court will do.

[Via Michael G]

Great Society Redux

“When we empower people, we help them achieve self-sufficiency and access the American Dream.” [More]

Yes, nothing screams independence louder than “entitlements.”

And note the assumption they’re here to stay.

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue.” And I have that on good authority.

Meanwhile, Across the Pond…

Just some Muslims dancing about with knives and machetes in Birmingham. Perfectly normal [Watch]

Ask the Police:

It is an offence to carry any sharp or bladed instrument in a public place, with the exception of a folding pocket knife where the cutting edge of the blade is 7.62 cm (3 inches) or less. Please note that the term ‘cutting edge’ is not limited to an area of the blade that has a textured or serrated edge…The penalty for committing this offence is a maximum prison sentence of four years.

What’s the “hate crime” penalty for reporting it?

[Via CP]

To Themselves and Their Posterity

How non-citizens are getting voter registration forms across the US — and how Republicans are trying to stop it [More]

A plan comes together:

Texas AG Ken Paxton on Impact of Biden’s Illegal Aliens: “The Plan From the Beginning, Get These People Here As Fast as Possible and Get Them Voting”

That they get welfare instead of an ICE bus to the border shows that horse left the barn a long time ago.

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue.” And I have that on good authority.

[Via bondmen]

The Wrong Question

A county judge sided with the California Public Policy Foundation and other opponents earlier this month, asking the city of Santa Ana to update its ballot language to make it more neutral. [More]

So the issue isn’t foreign nationals voting here in the first place, but how to word the treason?

Once more unto the breach, Mr. Pynchon…

Looking at what he chooses to post on his Facebook tells us much about Councilman Hernandez’s motivations.

Part of the Plan

Border Patrol: More Than 13K Illegals with Criminal Convictions Arrested So Far in 2024 [More]

What’s all that costing us?

And how many deported? How many released from custody?

Kinda makes me want to go out there and pay my taxes.

A government that wanted to could end this tomorrow.

Why doesn’t it want to?

Or aren’t we supposed to talk about that?

[Via bondmen]

Uber Driving Customers Wild

Seattle Uber driver charged with rape and kidnapping after attack on female passenger… Investigators said family members assaulted Ali and took the woman out of the car. At some point during the confrontation, the victim’s father fired a gun twice, but the bullets did not strike anyone, according to the report. [More]

Damn policy violater

So… tell us more about Ali

[Via Jess]

Karma Alert? Another Bloomberg Mayor Could Become a ‘Prohibited Person’

One would think the daughter of Hmong refugees taken into this country would take the time to appreciate why freedoms recognized here make it different from the tyranny her family fled. [More]

Funny, who doesn’t trust YOU with guns…

As the Coat Turns

Trump says he wants foreign nationals who graduate from US colleges to ‘automatically’ receive green cards [More]

Here we go pandering to the cheap labor Republicans like the Grover Norquist/Michael Bloomberg partnership.

And, of course, once here, they’ll stay, apply for citizenship, marry citizens, have birthright babies and all vote pro-gun Republican, right?


And don’t forget the cheap foreign farm labor!

Tell me again how his banning bump stocks was brilliant 3D chess.

And about judges

Once more the election is his to blow, and it looks like he’s doing a bang-up job of it. Or maybe I’m just not smart enough to recognize this latest gambit that will all be revealed in time…

I don’t frequent forums but my attention has been called to this post on

It brings to mind a recent Firearms News piece where I worry that unless advocates have his ear to impress on him the seriousness of our concerns, he’s going to keep saying and doing stupid and destructive $h!+ that betrays his base and takes all the wind out of their sails.

So I’d rather have Biden?

Is that even the right question to be asking at this point?

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