More Holes Than Swiss Cheese

Switzerland is a country that has a high rate of gun ownership but doesn’t have a high level of gun violence. It’s because they actually have a well regulated militia with high levels of mental and legal vetting AND training to own a gun. [More]

And nothing else factors in?

If so, he should have no problem showing commensurate higher rates of “gun violence” among people of Swiss ancestry here.

Except challenge him with facts and he runs away…

And we shouldn’t lose sight they have their own totalitarian wannabes trying to destroy their historic security and sovereignty by mandating global citizen disarmament edicts.

Nothing in Common

That the antis have glommed onto “self-defense” as an exclusionary qualifier was inevitable since that’s all the “common possessors” on our side ever talk about.

If we keep limiting ourselves that way, arms needed for the core purpose and all new technological developments restricted to military/police use will be forever denied to the people the Second Amendment was meant to apply to, and not just for “self-defense.”

I’m waiting for one of our legal influencers with a reach longer than mine to admit this and start using it.

Alternatively, I’m waiting for one of them to have the guts to challenge me on this and prove me wrong.

[Via Jess]

Monster Makers Chaining Their Creations

The US Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit heard oral arguments about whether a Pennsylvania law banning 18-20 year olds from having firearms in public when a government declares an emergency violates the 2nd Amendment. [Watch]

At the very least, it violates U.S. Code.

You have to wonder what kind of treasonous, mad Democrat would demand and defend this, and the answer is the same kind whose policies have made the type of 18 -20-year-olds making daily headlines in Philadelphia inevitable.

[Via Jess]

Warrior Ants

Once the breaking point is reached, deplorable ants will make the picnic a living hell. [More]

What’s kept it from happening so far is people still have so much to lose. Take that away by destroying the system that delivers essentials and things will quickly change.

The wild card is the role foreign enemies will play.

[Via Keith B]

Unclear on the Concept

If you want to have a gun, you need to join the militia. [More]

Inigo would like to have a word about “well regulated.”

Marsha hasn’t read Heller, has she?

Or found anything from the Framers to support her ignorance?

Still, we ignore those first 13 words at our peril. Just understand that the “well regulated” part applies to when on duty and your rights go back home with you intact.

Does this mean we get new M16s?

[Via Jess]

Two from Gunpowder Magazine

Colleague José Niño examines the varied and in-your-face ways states are getting away with undermining the right to keep and bear arms and gets some quotes from one of my favorite people along the way…

How Do You Get From Here to There?

“We have already recognized in Heller at least one way in which the Second Amendment’s historically fixed meaning applies to new circumstances. Its reference to arms does not apply only to those arms in existence in the 18th Century… just as the First Amendment protects modern forms of communications and the Fourth Amendment applies to modern forms of search, the Second Amendment extends prima facie to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding. Thus even though the Second Amendment’s definition of arms is fixed according to the historical understanding that that general definition covers modern…modern instruments that facilitate armed self-defense. [Watch]

Exactly right. What I’m having trouble connecting the dots on is this:

What is that burden that the government has to bear? The government has to come forth to prove that the arms that they want to ban are not in common use.

Ignoring the first 13 words and focusing exclusively on self-defense leaves the door open to saying post-’86 machine guns are not in common use. It also means that new technological developments that the government reserves for itself will never be.

That is what I’d like to see Mr. Smith elaborate on. I believe he’s one of the few who could.

As an aside, I think the first Republican presidential candidate who promised to nominate him if any Supreme Court openings happen would gain a huge advantage with gun owners.

[Via Stephen I]

An Age-Old Question

Attorneys representing the Second Amendment Foundation and its partners in a federal lawsuit challenging the prohibition of handgun sales to young adults have filed a reply to the federal government’s arguments supporting the ban. The case is known as Reese v. ATF. [More]

What must the grabbers think of those they think old enough to vote Democrat?

‘In Common Use’ Can Ultimately be Used to Make the Second Amendment a Moot Point

Because what was in common use in the past is not what is in common use today, nor what will be in common use tomorrow. At least by the military and by law enforcement. [More]

Withhold technological developments from We the People based on “common use” and at what point in the future does planned obsolescence kick in? Also, as an aside, I don’t know why the editors replaced my photo with one that’s irrelevant to the topic and the caption I wrote.

No Tinfoil was Used in the Production of This Document

“proxy wars to test genetically modified soldiers.”“development of weapons capable of instantaneous, world-altering effects.” “shore up resources and enact Orwellian controls on society.” [More]

Whew! Good thing the standing “woke” Milley/Levine military is on our side!

[Via WiscoDave]

Help Wanted, Inquire Within

Employer is a US-based private security company seeking multiple Evacuation / Extraction Team Agents to conduct evacuation missions of individuals and families who are currently located in Sudan. Only highly experienced candidates who possess at least 5+ years of military experience in this region of Africa will be considered for this role – no exceptions. Preferred candidates are already located in Sudan or a bordering country. Non-competitive candidates will simply not be considered or contacted. [More]

So they don’t have to comply with diversity, equity, and inclusion rules…?

Next thing you’ll be telling me they don’t train with empathy bellies

[Via WiscoDave]


It’s not like we need to worry about Sudanese biologicals with our “rigorous” border controls…

Every Terrible Implement of the Soldier

Review: The History of Bans on Types of Arms Before 1900 [More]

In short, if the grabbers are looking for something from the Founding Era to support “historical context” to justify an “assault weapon” ban, they’re not going to find it.

It figures that the lame argument that no one considered the Second Amendment to be an individual right until recently proves to be the exact opposite of the truth. That’s because all the citizen disarmament zealots have are lies.

Easy Enough to Fix

McCaul: We Can’t Make Weapons Fast Enough ‘to Protect the United States or our Allies’ and Don’t Have Deterrence in Taiwan [More]

Well, with Democrats doing their best to disarm those recognized by the Founders as “being necessary to the security of a free State,” you gotta wonder how much of the treason is intentional as opposed to just ignorant.

As for Taiwan, let ’em arm and train their own citizens. I’m not willing to go die for suicidal tyranny lite and can’t very well expect any other American to.

[Via bondmen]

An Age-Old Question

The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) and its partners in a federal lawsuit challenging the prohibition of handgun sales to young adults have filed an appellant’s brief with the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans. The case is known as Reese v. ATF. [More]

I dunno… let ’em have guns and pretty soon they could be winning medals

A Matter of Priorities

Pentagon announces largest-ever defense budget request [More]

Funny– Congress never spends even one penny on “organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States.” And none of those “staunch supporters of the Second Amendment” are demanding it.

Seeing as how the authors of the Constitution they all swore an oath to uphold viewed it as “being necessary to the security of a free State,” Why do you suppose that is?

A Subject Matter Expert

“After reading about the history of the second amend and talking with a lot of hist & law professors- I believe the second amendment has been intentionally misinterpreted. It was never meant as an individual right it was created to protect state militias like the national guard.” [More]

What did he read and who did he talk to?

Is there anything more endearing than ignorance presented with arrogance? Now that he’s achieved Constitutional godhead, maybe he can produce the evidence ACLU failed to back before he was born…?

[Via Michael G]

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