DC Comics Canceling Gay Superman’s Solo Run After Failure to Sell [More]
That’s two flops in recent days.
So in spite of what our betters are telling us, we’re not lining up around the block to approvingly shell out the dough?
[Via Michael G]
Notes from the Resistance
DC Comics Canceling Gay Superman’s Solo Run After Failure to Sell [More]
That’s two flops in recent days.
So in spite of what our betters are telling us, we’re not lining up around the block to approvingly shell out the dough?
[Via Michael G]
NYT: Racist Guns Are Targeting Black Youths More [More]
We told you it was the guns’ fault!
So says the Duranty half of the DSM equation…
[Via Allan Wall]
Prosecutors had asked for 7 years. No doubt they would have gotten it, were Paige a normal person. But since he goes around in women’s clothes, it would be transphobic to hold him accountable for his criminal behavior. [More]
Do you actually have to cut it off to get the pass or is just saying you self-identify enough?
Asking for a friend…
[Via Michael G]
Accusing the slogan of fueling violence, she also asked, “That he wants to see how far he can go and doesn’t really care about, or think about, the collateral damage in the meantime (including to those children singing at his feet), despite the violence this could feed?” [More]
What a load of dangerous, hateful ignorance.
Anyone who would commit violence over that is someone who can’t be trusted without a custodian.
Velma Is Officially a Lesbian in New ‘Scooby-Doo’ Film [More]
They just can’t leave it alone, can they?
When the local host pointed out to Krasner that nearly a thousand people had been murdered in his city in just the last 20 months, the DA preposterously countered that the real crime problem in America is Donald Trump and his followers. “These states in the United States that have a rate of homicide which is 40 percent higher — are MAGA states,” Krasner claimed. “They are Trump states.” [More]
Yet the violent crime is overwhelmingly taking place in the Democrat enclaves.
[Via Michael G]
Youngkin’s proposal would require schools to recognize a transgender student’s gender identity only if the student’s parent had requested it in writing and had legal documentation stating so. Otherwise, teachers cannot refer to students by different names or pronouns. [More]
Parental consent? What a hate-filled fascist, right?
[Via Mack H]
Cornell professor warns universities are eliminating meaning of ‘objective truth’ from classrooms with CRT [More]
If math is racist, can reality be far behind?
Anybody else getting a continuation of the original Rebellion vibe off of all this?
[Via Michael G]
Soros-Backed DA Wants to Protect Criminal Illegal Migrants From Deportation [More]
Of course she does.
And who but a naked antisemite would even bring that up?
[Via Michael G]
“We have had enough,” Katz said in a statement announcing the indictment. “There are basic rights that New Yorkers should have in this City, and one of them is the right to safety when commuting to work, using the subway to take our children to school, and knowing we can safely come home to our families.” [More]
That must be why she wants your guns.
John Fetterman attacked NRA members as ‘lunatic fringe of gun ownership’ [More]
Hey, it’s not us pulling shotguns on unarmed black joggers…
“But the real story here isn’t that I am seeking to change my name, but that a process that is supposed to protect and shield those in danger was undermined and sealed information was released to the right wing media within hours of my filing… [More]
The real story here is anyone who thinks the government has their privacy interests at heart is delusional.
Welcome to our world, lefty.
[Via Remarks]
Barnes once said he “really could not care less about a 2nd Amendment ‘right’” to bear arms. [More]
This just proves what a damned idiot and a tool he is, and how willfully ignorant his supporters must be.
What the “our democracy” string-pullers don’t seem to be taking into account is when you erode respect for a position by offering obvious boobs like this as placeholders, you replace it with contempt for the office. Or maybe they are taking it into account, and it’s all part of a plan to bring about the day when they can drop all pretenses because their rule will be unchallengeable.
[Via Michael G]
Berkeley Develops Jewish-Free Zones [More]
But Hillary says we’re the Nazis…
I wonder if that bagel brain Chemerinsky now wringing his hands over this might have pause to reconsider his position on 2A, but no, he hasn’t connected the dots to realize the cowardly Judenrat and kapos are ever essential components of establishing judenfrei zones.
[Via Michael G]
Bizarre Documentary Showcases Affluent White Women Paying To Be Called Racists [More]
The good news is if these stupid, overprivileged cud-chewers bring about what they’re enabling things will kind of take care of themselves.
As an aside, calling them “Karens” no doubt has called untold hurtful harassment of women and girls who are named that and undeserving of the ridicule, aggression, and abuse– you’d figure “progressives” who posture themselves as champions of women’s rights would know that except that’s not what they really are.
It’s really no different than real racism — which is a form of collectivism used to discriminate against individuals.
[Via Michael G]
Princeton University Marks Constitution Day With Event Deeming Founding Document ‘A Form of Geopolitical Gaslighting’ [More]
Well, if we can’t trust the conclusions of foreign-born Marxist ingrates including a Mexican moderator and a Filipina professor of gender and sexuality studies taken into this country as a refugee, whose judgment can we trust?
[Via Michael G]
Busted! Ohio Democrat Tim Ryan Traveled to Hollywood Fundraiser After Claiming He Was Unable to Attend Proceedings in House Chamber “Due to Ongoing Public Health Emergency” [More]
Well, we already knew he was a self-serving, gun-grabbing, violence-inciting liar…
[Via bondmen]
Liberal, female and minority: America’s new gun owners aren’t who you’d think [More]
What, bipolar, without a clue as to what the Second Amendment really means, then stupidly buying into the “commonsense gun safety law” bulls*** and voting for politicians who will end up disarming them…?
They’re exactly who I think. And the repackaged antis are counting on it.
[Via bondmen]
Unvaccinated are 14 times more likely to get monkeypox, data from eligible shot recipients shows [More]
I guess that makes me high-risk.
Gee, and here I thought there was a whole ‘nother dynamic in play, but then it’s not like ABC has an agenda or anything…
New alert system launched to alert Black leaders about racially motivated crimes- New alert system for hate crimes [More]
Will they also get an alert to retract all the ones that turn out to be hoaxes?
“The FBI director has said the greatest domestic terrorist threat to the nation is white supremacists,” [Carl Snowden with the Caucus of African-American Leaders] said.
That’s because he’s a weaponized tool who Trump should have known better than to let The Swamp sucker him into nominating.
And you believe him, do you, tool-in-your-own-right Carl? When was the last time one shot up your neighborhood?
All you have to do is look to Google News, and all the prime hits are about one isolated incident committed four months ago by a lunatic who wrote in his manifesto “when I was 12, I was deep into communist ideology” and “I’m not a conservative. Because conservatism is corporatism in disguise, and I want no part of that.”
Then look at the devastation to “the community” in just ONE city. Now, look at the 12 Bloomberg/Democrat record-breakers.
How many “white supremacists” were involved, Carl? How many Republicans? How many NRA members? How many Oath Keepers and “Three Percenters”?
Get your head out of your @$$, Carl.
Or is it more lucrative and advantageous to your inflated sense of importance to keep it there, and the hell with the repercussions to those you posture to represent, and to your country?
[Via Sweet Babboo]
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which recently said that questioning official narratives on matters like coronavirus policies constitutes a terrorist threat, has awarded nearly $700,000 to left-wing researchers to study radicalization in video games, with a focus on “white supremacy.” [More]
Seems kind of like a bullet fee, doesn’t it?
[Via bondmen]
“Elegant and important essay by @RepRaskin debunking the disturbingly persistent idea that the 2nd Am gives citizens the right to take up arms against the government.” [More]
For being an “LATimes Legal Affairs Columnist. Former US Attorney, DOJ official. Teach con law at UCSD& UCLA” you’d think this f***ing idiot would know the Second Amendment doesn’t “give” any rights.
As for Marxist weasel Raskin, the rotten fruit doesn’t fall far from the corrupt tree.
It’s funny that the Democratic Underground uses a web archive link to avoid the NYT paywall. It’s dangerous that no one there understands the basics of the most egalitarian power-sharing arrangement ever devised.
[Via Jess]