More Proof That Trump and His Supporters are Racists

An investigation into racist, pro-Trump graffiti messages at @RhodesCollege in Memphis, Tenn. that caused a panic has revealed that it was a hoax from a student. The college is not releasing information about the student behind the hoax. The n-word and “Trump rules” were written on pieces of paper on campus. [More]

Why not? The racist lying $h!+wad ought to be expelled and have this follow him around until he publicly sincerely confesses and begs forgiveness.

And why do “we” tolerate having photographic evidence which provides full visceral effect kept from us through obscuration/falsification?

[Via Michael G]

A Penny for His Thoughts

Doesn’t this racist fool have a fire alarm to pull or something?

None Dare Call It Mental Illness

Corporate media outlets have buried, downplayed, or otherwise shelved a new study which reveals that “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) policies cause people to become ‘hostile’ – essentially seeing racism where none exists. [More]

You need a study to show widespread encouragment of a sense of unearned entitlement and denial of reality are personally and socially destructive?

[Via bondmen]

Speaking of Hate Hoaxes

“We will not tolerate hate in Ohio,” Ohio Republican Gov. Mike DeWine said in a statement on the social media platform X on Saturday evening. “Neo-Nazis — their faces hidden behind red masks — roamed streets in Columbus today, carrying Nazi flags and spewing vile and racist speech against people of color and Jews. There were reports that they were also espousing white power sentiments.” [More]

So, we don’t know who they really are and what their real motivations are, do we? All we know is it furthers the politically usefule meme that white people are “the greatest threat.”

Everybody knows Hitler was a Democr…uh…National Socialist, right?

As was Mussolini…?

So, When Do We Get Our MAGA Armbands?

‘America Voted for Dictatorship’: Malcolm Nance Predicts Mass Deaths, Warns Minorities of ‘Roundups,’ ‘Camps’ [More]

But…but…but Van said only Republicans called Trump Hitler…

It’s almost like they’re provoking their own low-hanging fruit into doing something that will get some of them killed so they can exploit that to spark wider disruptions…

Now tell me what Trump, who they’ve wanted to prosecute for J6 comments, said that was remotely this inflammatory.

[Via bondmen]

From Hags to B!+ches

Joy Reid Claims Black Male Trump Voters Are Part Of A ‘Global Fascist Phenomenon’ [More]

That’s because she’s an ignorant racist who doesn’t even know that her wordview is the one that’s demonstrably fascist.

Watching The View seems like grounds for divorce to me, although why anyone would let the relationship proceed that far in the first place is the real puzzler.

[Via bondmen]

If You Don’t Vote for Kamala, You Ain’t Half Kenyan

Obama Scolds Black Men in Pennsylvania for Not Showing Enough Support for Kamala Harris- “You’re coming up with all kinds of reasons and excuses, I’ve got a problem with that” [More]

He’s disappointed not enough are perpetuating a stereotype.

Dogs live for their masters’ approval.

[Via Michael G]

The Fruits of Cultivating Hate

Sloan also allegedly expressed the desire to “hurt somebody” in class that day in an interview with detectives after the incident and targeted Daffron because she was “an easier target” than the other person she apparently considered attacking, who she referred to as “a veteran.” [More]

There’s a lesson to be learned here.

Several, actually, starting with what if roles had been reversed?

We’re the Only Ones Unfit Enough

Maryland Police TAXPAYERS To Fork Over More Than $2 Million Back Pay To Female, Black Applicants Who Couldn’t Pass Tests [More]

I had to fix that headline.

It makers fair the question how long a swelf-destructivel species that prioritizes advancement of the least fit over survival of the fittest can avoid extinction.

Any questions on Merrick Garland’s DOJ being enemies of free people?

[Via bondmen]

Runs in the Blood

More strange things about Kamala Harris and her genealogy. [Watch]

Race is fair to discuss because Kamala and the Dems are obsessed with exploiting and discriminating with it, making them the racists. That’s because racism is a form of collectivism, so naturally, them lying about it is SOP.

As for me, I freely admit to being a culturist and an ideologist inasmuch as some cultures and ideologies have proven themselves to be superior at advancing freedom, knowledge, technology, prosperity, and human happiness than others, and those are the ones to emulate and build upon, not overburden and drag down.

[Via Jim Stephens]

They Wouldn’t Have to Make Hate Crimes Up If We Weren’t So Racist

…a militant moonbat named Hashim Coates claims that a mom at a school board meeting gripped his shoulder and called him a “dumb n*”… Surveillance video that the school tried to suppress confirms Coates has been lying through his teeth. [More]

Even if she had, I can see how that could be a punchable provocation (man-to-man, and apparently man-to-woman now if the Olympics are any benchmark), but how is that a prosecutable crime warranting police involvement?

Still, how worked up should I get over white liberal George Floyd marchers essentially hoist with their own petard?

[Via Michael G]

Pimp Repeats Narrative of 1995

FBI informant’s book predicts far-right violence: ‘we should be afraid’ [More]

They are afraid– that there’s a substantial group they’re demonizing who, if pushed far enough, will push back.

And for the record, the Klan is not “far right.” As Vanderboegh noted:

Of course it is in the political and economic interests of the pimps of the Narrative of 1995 to lump us all into a big, sticky ball of excrement with the neoNazis, the Klan and the “Christian” Indentities. By inflating the racist collectivist balloon man, they hope to obscure the larger body of non-racists so as to be able to ignore our very real concerns and arguments — issues of rapacious government and police violence that have absolutely nothing to do with race — concerns and arguments that the Founders would have certainly understood better than the collectivism of Neiwert and Associates.

Racism is collectivism: Judging the worth of a human being and the goodness of their soul as part of a collective instead of as an individual.

This @$$hole exists to promote the greatest threat lie, to justify our disarmament and what is masters plan to do next.

[Via bondmen]

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