Drop Dead

Urban Defense EDC: The Drop Wallet [More]

Sorry, but my longstanding response to those who say “Just give them what they want” is to ask “What if what they want is me?”

They’re not threatening violence against the wallet, and anyone stupid, immoral and deranged enough to rob someone can’t be trusted to react rationally and be satisfied with what they surrender.

[Via Michael G]

What Have We Learned?

The final night of a five-week citizens academy produced by the DEA St. Louis Division included a simulated “shoot – don’t shoot” scenario. “It takes literally a quarter of a second to get shot,” said Laura Bethany Strong, a St. Louis area resident after completing the simulation. [More]

And Laura doesn’t have a problem with someone who would do that being the only one with a choice?

[Via bondmen]

By the Numbers

There are an average of 1,820,000 defensive gun uses per year compared to 1,100,000 reported crimes. Only 2.07 million civilians regularly carry a firearm for defense. Civilians are 85% more likely to use a firearm for defense than to be murdered by one. [More]

[Insert name of gungrabber here] would rather you be murdered than armed. Preferably by someone with a gun, to bolster their numbers.

‘Looters Meeting Shooters’ Could Spread Hurricane Milton’s Destruction

Florida’s “stand your ground” provisions won’t give them a pass from prosecution if there’s a question of legality, or if a Democrat DA decides there’s ginned up anger they can exploit. [More]

But when it’s all said and done, “I’d rather be judged by 12 than carried by six” applies.

An Incomplete Account

“He knocked on the door, yelled, and announced himself, ‘Hey, I’m looking for somebody to help me remove this stuff. I’m willing to pay!’” Treadway said. [More]

And shooting him “five to six times” was covered by castle doctrine?


There’s more to this story not being told here, and it’s being used to disparage home defense.

Starting with court records can’t say exactly how many times the autopsied corpse was shot…?

[Via bondmen]

Ask the Expert


I saw “Ken Good” and remembered the name:

His curriculum vitae reads like a character’s from a Tom Clancy novel. Putting it bluntly, he can shoot, fight, free-fall parachute in, scuba dive out, blow things up, and otherwise deploy in jungle, mountain, marine, and urban environments. Yet, with candor typical of true professionals, he admits up front that “our staff does not know it all, nor have we ‘arrived’. We are in a constant state of learning and consider ourselves perpetual students.”

A Great DGU Victory?

Man with machete attempts to break into home; homeowner confronts him with gun [More]

I see some doing the “Good Guy with a Gun!” cheer.

I hate to be the voice of second guessing, but the defender had to first retrieve and unlock his gun and then let the clearly dangerous intruder go?

[Via Jess]

Pray and Spray

How invasion of enormous wild beasts has left shocked residents in idyllic Wyoming mountain towns fearing for their lives: ‘I do a lot of praying’ [More]

So the pepper seasoning didn’t stop the guy from getting gnawed up first?

There’s gotta be something else human beings with dominion over the earth could do about that.

But what?

[Via Michael G]

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