Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) quietly removed a range of gun statistics from its website after gun control advocates complained that the statistics made gun control laws harder to pass, according to emails between CDC officials and gun control activists. [More]

So what else about guns have Democrats in government lied to us about in order to do the bidding of men behind the curtain, and why?

I Would Write the Shortest Papers in the History of Science Journals

A Coyote Unexpectedly Killed a Human in 2009. Scientists Now Know Why [More]

Because it could?

And because the human was utterly unprepared to stop it?

Jeez, I didn’t even need a doctorate or a research grant to figure that one out.

[Via Remarks]

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise…

Climate-Change Lockdowns? Yup, They Are Actually Going There… [More]

No worries, Harry and Meghan will still be able to take private jets to sustainability awards. After all, they promise to have a net-zero carbon footprint, which doesn’t actually mean that they’ll use less energy, just that they’ll be able to pay credits to the high priests of global climate change, who have somehow authorized themselves to be the ones selling indulgences.

Naturally, our domestic environmentalcases won’t admit to making laws respecting the establishment of religion when they can pass it off as
“settled science.”

[Via bondmen]

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word ‘Comprehensive’ Is

A Comprehensive Assessment of Deadly Mass Shootings, 1980-2018 [More]

I haven’t had time to give this more than a cursory glance, but I do note a search for the term “gun-free zone” turns up “0” results.

Hopefully, there will be things we can glean from this, and assumptions we can check.

The Mask is Off

Biden’s former COVID adviser tries to discredit randomized controlled trial that found no statistically significant real-world performance difference between surgical masks, N95s. Fauci reportedly can’t cite any evidence masks work in deposition. [More]

Here are two more if you don’t like those choices.

[Via Michael G]


Federal Lawsuit to Stop California’s AB 2098 Intended to Punish Doctors Who Stray From the Approved COVID-19 Narrative [More]

A Public Health Crisis

Dr. Eric Fleegler of Boston Children’s Hospital, one of the authors of a study looking at firearm-related deaths in the United States, observed that it took coronavirus just a “couple of years” to kill as many people as died in firearm-related incidents over the past three decades. [More]

Maybe we need some “commonsense pandemic safety laws,” like background checks and a ban on assault inoculations…

I notice no Democrats are demanding to sue the manufacturers…

[Via bondmen]

Stranger Than Fiction

“In my view, Twitter now is jumping to the front of the queue of the regulators,” Věra Jourová, the European Commission’s vice president for values and transparency, told POLITICO. [More]

And here Kurt Vonnegut thought he’d pushed the edge of the absurdity envelope with Diana Moon Glampers

Funny, what happened to all those “progressives” who used to smirk at canceled “conservatives” and say “Twitter is a private company. It can do what it wants. If you don’t like it, start your own company.”

It’s also revealing how their political machine is so significantly funded by unions, where the members don’t do that, but instead, use the government to coerce changes in practices/wealth redistribution.

Tangentially-Related UPDATE

Washington Goes to War Against Twitter and Free Speech [More]

Those who do their dirty work in the dark fear the light.

[Via bondmen]

The War on Truth

“We were censored, shadowbanned, deplatformed for sharing stats, facts and scientific data taken from the government’s own websites about COVID-19 — the same facts the current director of the CDC, Fauci, and others are now saying are true after two plus years of denying these facts. We were right all along”… [More]

A Latin phrase comes to mind.

There is No New Thing Under the Sun

Netherlands to Shut Down Thousands of Farms to Comply With EU Climate Demands [More]

Centrally-planned famine? Where have we seen that before?

You wonder at what point the victims will have nothing left to lose by fighting back.

No worries. In the words of Greta, “Let them eat bugs!”

Tangentially-Related UPDATE

The Biden administration doesn’t want them to have to starve to death all by themselves

[Via Michael G]

So Much for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion…

America’s gun epidemic is deadlier than ever, and there are vast disparities in who’s dying [More]

Lemme guess: No one is being murdered by NRA members?

And that which the left would have us believe results from “systemic racism” is actually a result of that other buzzword they throw out to justify more deaths, “choice”?

[Via Steve T]

If at First You Don’t Succeed…

Next Covid-19 Strain May be More Dangerous, Lab Study Shows [More]

Man, they really want to scare the holdouts into giving in to the clot shot.

What? “The study is yet to be peer-reviewed and is based solely on laboratory work on samples from one individual”…?

Doesn’t matter. The message for the masses is “the Covid-19 pathogen COULD continue to mutate and a new variant MAY cause more severe illness and death…”

Tangentially-Related UPDATE

Study Blames ‘Misinformation’ and ‘Fear Mongering’ For Adverse Covid-19 Vaccine Side Effects [More]

Never mind that the adverse effects happen to the people who swallowed the narrative…

[Via Michael G]

The Living Daylights

And since people of color have a higher number of health problems, this means observing Daylight Savings Time is more dangerous for them. [More]

Time joins math and physics in the hall of racist shame.

And you know what’s really racist? Suggesting lifestyle choices might have anything to do with it.

Case in point: The “M” word, focused on exactly the wrong thing.

You had something to add, Mr. President?

Jojo Krako Covid Control

An attorney for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration argued that the agency’s guidance against taking ivermectin for COVID was “not mandatory,” merely a recommendation. [More]

Who’s bannin’? We’re menacingly discouragin’!

[Via Michael G]

Tangentially-related UPDATES

Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world – even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet… we never seem to believe them. The Stew Peters Network is proud to present DIED SUDDENLY, from the award winning filmmakers, Matthew Skow and Nicholas Stumphauzer. [Watch]

It’s like over an hour long, so I’ll have to make time to come back to it.

[Via WiscoDave]


They Will Lock You Down Again [More]

They will try.

[Via bondmen]

The Going Rate

Rural gun deaths exceed urban rates by 28% because of increased suicide rates [More]

Now, what are the actual numbers, because we all know how the rates game is played.

One group making great hay with these “results” is 97percent, the kinder, gentler citizen disarmers. I worked on a three-parter exposing this over the weekend that is now in the publishing queue over at AmmoLand.

Bottom line: We’re being played. So it’s no surprise the “real reporters” couldn’t be bothered to do any more work than was required to parrot the narrative.

[Via bondmen]

Bust Facts

“That means if you’re in the United States, you live here, you’re born and you spend your life here, your odds of your life ending by murder are one in 179,” the report cited James Agresti, author of the study and president and co-founder of Just Facts as saying. [More]

No, it doesn’t. That just spreads out a much higher probability if you live in an urban Democrat stronghold.

They do that to scare people into demanding “commonsense gun safety laws.”

[Via Jess]

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