We’re the Only Ones Incentivized Enough

House Judiciary Committee: Whistleblowers Say FBI ‘Pressuring Agents’ to Reclassify Cases as Domestic Terrorism – “For example, one whistleblower explained that because agents are not finding enough DVE [domestic violent extremist] cases, they are encouraged and incentivized to reclassify cases as DVE cases even though there is minimal, circumstantial evidence to support the reclassification.” [More]

In other words, not meeting the quota is career-limiting? And do top guys get “Always Think Terrorist” Leathermans?

All on Christipher Wray’s watch. Seems some of us were just telling Don Jr. to say “Thanks!” to his Dad for that.

And some of us were sounding alarms before that.

[Via Michael G]

A Team Effort

On Monday, Gun Owners of America (GOA) and the Gun Owners Foundation (GOF) filed a motion for a preliminary injunction against the Biden Administration’s “Ghost Gun” and Gun Registry Final Rule, which will go into effect on August 24. Today, GOA and GOF were joined by the Attorneys General of 17 states in the filing: Arizona, West Virginia, Alaska, Arkansas, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming.

I’d give you a link but at this writing, it has not yet been posted on the Press Center page. I’ll update when I have it and as I have time.

A Vote Delayed…

Democrats delay votes on police, gun control legislation Package included bills on a new assault weapons ban, to reinstate some civil liability for gun-makers and on grants for police [More]

That means there are Democrats afraid to vote for it because it won’t play in their home districts. I need to find out who those are. There could be a real left-against-left exploitable weakness here.

[Via Jess]

Trust the ‘Science’?

Images in the paper that were supposed to show the relationship between memory issues and the presence of Aβ*56 appeared to have been altered. [More]

Fraud, eh? And damn the consequences? So does this mean we should be suspicious of every finding that supports a political agenda where some people stand to make out big?


“Climate change”?

“Gun safety research”…?


“I told her we prefer ‘gun enthusiast,’” Nagel said. “She said she prefers ‘gun nuts,’ and she works for the ATF?”

Scott found nothing in the shop’s books other than a few minor clerical errors. There were no missing firearms or other significant problems.

“She said she was going to put us in for revocation, and that it may change as it goes up the chain, but that was her recommendation,” Nagel said. [More]

She sounds like a hook-baiter.

Tyranny enforcers haven’t learned a thing since King George “sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people.” I wonder if Republicans don’t blow it in November if House Oversight will subpoena her.

[Via Jess]

Quit You Like Men

Democrats despise masculinity, especially moral masculinity, which is why the tip of the spear of their neo-Marxist revolution is gender ideology – the eradication of traditional sex roles and even of the biological reality of male and female. (The only arena in which toxic masculinity is acceptable to the Left today is in women’s sports.) They fear and despise men’s inherent warrior spirit because it is the most elemental barrier to their totalitarian agenda. They fear and despise the fact that the constitutional right to own a firearm empowers you to fulfill your responsibility as a man, to maintain your freedom as an American, and to defend the lives and freedom of others. [More]

Hence the ubiquitous seething, spiteful and bitchy meme

[Via bondmen]

Ye are Many — They are Few!

Our Entire Civilization Is Structured Around Keeping Us From Realizing We Can Do This [More]

Gosh, do you think that might have something to do with tyrants incessantly pushing citizen disarmament?

I don’t know why they think they have to, seeing as how they have nukes and everything…

I know: Let’s ask Jamie Raskin!

[Via bondmen]

Nothing to See Here

Agents investigating President Joe Biden’s son “opened an assessment which was used by an FBI headquarters team to improperly discredit negative Hunter Biden information as disinformation and caused investigative activity to cease”… [More]

So basically, “gun control” is about surrendering ours to people who systemically misdirect and lie to us in order to maintain and grow their political power, and it has nothing to do with safety or “common sense,” and anyone who is willfully deluded and believes otherwise is exactly the type of useful idiot they’re counting on?

[Via Michael G]

But No One’s Talking about Taking Your Guns

State Representative Wendell Gilliard (D-111) announced that he will pre-file legislation to ban many commonly-owned rifles, shotguns, and handguns that law-abiding citizens use for self-defense and sport, and require current owners to surrender them. [More]

Well, he won’t personally

At least he states up front what he’ll “allow” us to keep.

[Via Jess]

Spider & the Fly

Free Tibet! (Part 1) [More]

The Anticommunism Action Team shows what is happening right now to people who are powerless to resist tyranny.

Never give up your guns.

Any American who demands his countrymen give up theirs is either a criminally negligent incompetent at citizenship or an evil domestic enemy who knows exactly the kind of tyranny he is salivating to unleash.


Unlike the physical territory and fronts of conventional war, the battlefield of this war is the mind and soul. The goal is to confuse and demoralize the American people — and particularly patriots — through ideological, spiritual, and psychological operations (psyops), and a range of other deceptions. [More]

And they’re counting on the frustrated weakest links to snap and further the chaos and fear.

[Via bondmen]

Panama Red and Brazil Nuts

On July 6, teachers-union activists began protests … The leadership of the construction workers union are militant leftists… [More]

Thanks, Jimmy Carter and the Senate!

And as long as we’re heading south:

But with just over two months before the first round of voting, opinion surveys widely show Brazilians think they’d be better off without Bolsonaro. Frustration over the spiraling cost of living has propelled Lula to lead the race by more than 10 percentage points. [More]

And what will be one of the first things Lula does when he’s back in power…?

Meanwhile, Over at the Department of Shoulder Things That Go Up

Rep Cicilline on stabilizing braces: “When attached here, it turns this weapon into an automatic weapon. It becomes a bump stock, and so it will allow that to essentially be fired like an automatic weapon. That’s the danger.” [More]

And you could cook a deer from the inside!

[Via Michael G]

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