There Will Be Blood

TikToker goes viral explaining how illegal immigrants can take advantage of squatting laws [More] So much for “securing the Blessings of Liberty”… The would-be rulers are hoping to provoke a violent response from some low-hanging fruit so they can add some substantiation to their “greatest threat” Big Lie. But they’re taking away the one thing … Continue reading “There Will Be Blood”

We’re the Only Ones Entrapping Enough

The Informant at the Heart of the Gretchen Whitmer Kidnapping Plot Was a Liability. So Federal Agents Shut Him Up [More] Low-hanging fruit meet a managed provocateur in the quest for heroic headlines and to further conflate and smear traditional Americans as “the greatest threat.” I really have no use for ignorant morons who have … Continue reading “We’re the Only Ones Entrapping Enough”

Can We All Get Along?

Woman Who Sent Photo of Young Girl’s Mutilated Body To 2020 GOP Election Official and Threatened The Life of Her 14-Yr-Old Daughter, FINALLY Receives Sentence—And It’s SHOCKING! [More] Low-hanging fruit is easy to find. Still-followed Ned Staebler and Abraham Aiyash are no different than lynch mob inciters of old. Leftists are really ugly, frustrated people, … Continue reading “Can We All Get Along?”


Fantasy? That seems to be the prevailing parroted narrative. If that’s true, it corroborates something everyone enthusiastically counting on a MAGA wave doesn’t seem to be acknowledging: This election is going to ultimately be about one thing: Democrat women want them some abortion. And they’ll burn the house down to get it. Like the man … Continue reading “Dotard-in-Chief”

You Want Them On That Wall – You NEED Them On That Wall

The FBI used at least three undercover employees and untold other resources to investigate a Tennessee firearms and militia enthusiast for nearly the last year, only to arrest him Monday on a sole charge of having an unregistered silencer. But the FBI’s arrest of Tennessee man Paul Faye Sr. for having an unmarked silencer does … Continue reading “You Want Them On That Wall – You NEED Them On That Wall”

What IS the Point?

A stunned Stephanopoulos interrupted Pelosi and said, “It’s the Constitution…” “That’s not the point,” Pelosi said… [More] If the object is to delegitimize consent of the governed, they’re going about it the right way. They’ve apparently war-gamed this to suggest they can provoke some low-hanging fruit into giving cover for a demand for increased powers … Continue reading “What IS the Point?”

Turning Up the Heat

He’s a Uniter… Joe Biden Plans Speech on Dangers of White Supremacy at Valley Forge on Anniversary of J6 Protests – Because ALL Trump Supporters are White Supremacists [More] Get ready for a gaslighting extravaganza. And behind the scenes, they’re desperate to provoke low-hanging fruit into doing something they can blame on all of us. … Continue reading “Turning Up the Heat”

Says the Would-Be Tyrant Who Wants Our Guns

Hillary Clinton: “There Needs To Be A Formal Deprogramming” Of The Trump Cult Members [More] Assuming the struggle sessions don’t work, that’s a lot of people to Arkancide… I see foreign national (British/Iranian) Christiane Amanpour continues nailing the subversive role that pleases her masters so well. What have I been saying all along about Trump … Continue reading “Says the Would-Be Tyrant Who Wants Our Guns”

Word to the Wise

[More] I disagree with the Gray Man comment. I note it was posted under an anonymous screen name. Stand up judiciously, and when doing so is not self-defeating. Otherwise, giving intel to those who can and will use it against you is doing them a favor, particularly if civil disobedience is involved and you haven’t … Continue reading “Word to the Wise”

We’re the Only Ones Exporting Enough

Texas Police Cadet Imprisoned for Supplying Mexican Cartel with .50 Caliber Ammo [More] I guess Pedro hadn’t gotten to the “Refusing consent to searches” and “Refusing to talk to the police” parts of his training. This is so sketchy there has to be a lot more to what clued them in, and I’m thinking “informant” … Continue reading “We’re the Only Ones Exporting Enough”

Heroes Save Obama from Mad J6 Trump Fanatic!

There were multiple weapons and the materials to make some kind of explosive device akin to a Molotov cocktail, but it had not been assembled, according [sic] law enforcement officials familiar with the details. [More] What kinds of “weapons”? Everyone realizes if they have a gas can in the garage, an empty bottle, and a … Continue reading “Heroes Save Obama from Mad J6 Trump Fanatic!”

Terror in the Heartland

‘Most frightening thing I have seen in my life:’ Worshippers outraged as Neo-Nazis wave swastika flags outside Georgia synagogue – and police refuse to intervene because it is ‘free speech’ [More] Yeah, nothing like a half-a-dozen low-hanging fruits to strike paralyzing fear into the hearts of men. I wonder how many of them are feds … Continue reading “Terror in the Heartland”

An Explosive Situation

Officials investigate mysterious disappearance of 30-Ton shipment of explosive chemicals in California [More] So Chuck Schumer’s proposed taggant mandate would have worked about as well as tracing guns back to their original purchasers? The question now becomes “Who has them?” Enemy foreign open border opportunists or an FBI/ “white nationalist” low-hanging fruit joint venture…?

Penny for Your Thoughtlessness

Penny joined members of the group who showed up carrying flags with swastikas and yelling homophobic slurs, prosecutors said. [More] I wonder how many of them were CIs prodding the lowest of the low-hanging fruit to do something stupid…? Or how many getting this story from the DSM realize that Nazis are creatures of the … Continue reading “Penny for Your Thoughtlessness”

The Way Things Are

“I wish more people had shown up,” Trump supporter Philippe Lejeune told the outlet. [More] Well of course MAGA was outnumbered. It’s New York. And some of us have learned to avoid crowds. Especially after we see what happened the last time and worry that low-hanging fruit morons in buffalo hats with no sense of … Continue reading “The Way Things Are”

Time for Your Close-Up…

Dems will infiltrate Trump street protests to turn them violent [More] Not to mention FBI provocateurs. Don’t be low-hanging fruit. It not only hurts, but the man you’re protesting for will disassociate himself from any responsibility for your actions. Speaking of which, is showtime gonna happen today or not? [Via bondmen]

Be Careful of Blowback

House Republicans will use its spending power to restrict funding to the FBI, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), head of the lower chamber’s Judiciary Committee and its weaponization subcommittee, said on Sunday. [More] Time to order the provocateurs to gin up some scary low-hanging fruit headlines to convince the public they’re needed… That and dig up … Continue reading “Be Careful of Blowback”

Now Reverse the Roles

After the argument was over, the stranger, later identified by Irmo police as 23-year-old Christina Harrison, allegedly pulled out a gun and shot Borys in the back… [More] So on top of everything else, the stupid c*** is a coward. Special thanks to all those race hustlers and “woke” DEI enablers stirring up sentiments of … Continue reading “Now Reverse the Roles”

This is It?

Sarah Beth Clendaniel, 34, has been charged with conspiring with a neo-Nazi leader in Florida, Brandon Clint Russell, 27, who authorities say encouraged attacks that would cause a “cascading failure” of the energy grid. [More] These two low-hanging fruit losers are the best examples of the “right-wing extremist”greatest threat Chris Wray and Merrick Garland tell … Continue reading “This is It?”

Setting the Stage

JAIL PELOSI: Feds and Media Now Claim There Was a Mysterious Website Discovered on Dec. 20 with Over 500 Pages of Threats and Discussions of Killing Lawmakers and Terrorism on Jan. 6 – And We Are JUST NOW HEARING THIS?? [More] “What website?” indeed. And “whose?” I don’t suppose any low-hanging fruit provocateurs were involved…? … Continue reading “Setting the Stage”

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