Today’s Low-Hanging Fruit Report

Lakeside resident Christian Ferrari, a Marine lance corporal at the time of his arrest, admitted that he sold 22 AR-15-style rifles to undercover ATF agents… “Sometimes I just don’t think that far ahead, your honor,” Ferrari, a 23-year-old El Cajon resident, told the judge. [More] What’s that colored gunk between his teeth? [Via Jess]

Today’s Low-Hanging Fruit Report

So a mouthy Pakistani frostback who should have never been allowed onto this continent and doesn’t even have the gear is all the “Boogedy-Boogedy” needed to spook the herbivores into demanding an AR ban. And yes, millions of Democrats are stupid enough to fall for this. Tell us more about “the greatest threat,” AG Garland… … Continue reading “Today’s Low-Hanging Fruit Report”

Low-Hanging Fruit Writ Large

Premo, who is black … Cisneros, a charismatic Latino activist from Texas. Cisneros explains that he was first radicalised by watching Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11. He now dreams of forming an alliance with Black Lives Matter organisers. [More] Sounds like every “right wing extremist” I know… At least they got one “greatest threat” example from … Continue reading “Low-Hanging Fruit Writ Large”

Low-Hanging Fruit Gets Plucked

A man armed with an AK-47 pistol and wearing a ski mask was arrested on Monday just blocks from Fiserv Forum, where the Republican National Convention (RNC) is being held in Milwaukee, a federal law enforcement source confirmed to Fox News. [More] See, he could get a lot closer to them. As for the charge … Continue reading “Low-Hanging Fruit Gets Plucked”

Today’s Low-Hanging Fruit Report

Arizona man allegedly sold firearms to undercover FBI agent to ‘incite race war’ – Indictment says Mark Adams Prieto recruited people at gun show to help carry out mass shooting targeting minorities [More] Yay, our heroes, protecting us from “greatest threat” white supremacist gun show denizens! Anybody know this loser? [Via 1Gat]

Low-Hanging Fruit Proves Useful Idiot

In case you missed it: Newly surfaced footage shows a Donald Trump supporter (who later stabbed a man to death) firing a gun into the air outside the Capitol on Jan. 6. [More] Did he also use rubber bullets? We don’t really know anythin g about this “Trump supporter,” do we? But DSM stalwarts are … Continue reading “Low-Hanging Fruit Proves Useful Idiot”

Son of Low-Hanging Fruit

A detailed search of the Anders’ residence unearthed an alarming array of weapons and materials, including ghost guns, bomb-making components, “emergency food supplies,” and “multiple computers.” San Diego Fire’s Bomb Squad also removed an RPG rocket launcher from the house. [More] With all the hysteria over specialty rounds and cartridges legal in most states, and … Continue reading “Son of Low-Hanging Fruit”

Today’s Low-Hanging Fruit Report

Two brothers were indicted Monday after a raid on their New York City apartment yielded an arsenal of untraceable firearms, homemade bombs and a “hit list” with “cops, judges, politicians, celebrities” and “banker scum” scrawled on it, authorities said… Detectives began investigating the siblings after it picked up intelligence regarding the purchase of parts and … Continue reading “Today’s Low-Hanging Fruit Report”

How to Grow Low-Hanging Fruit

Assassination attempts are on the rise worldwide — is the US next? [More] Council on Foreign Relations tough feeder and “greatest threat” Cassandra Jacob Ware certainly sounds like he hopes so, and even justifies schadenfreude for Donald Trump. So the answer to the title is “First you plant seeds.” Anybody who cites the Pelosi and … Continue reading “How to Grow Low-Hanging Fruit”

Today’s Low-Hanging Fruit Report

…“the FBI is not only exaggerating the threat of white supremacy, but is also embedding confidential human sources within white nationalist groups and encouraging members of these groups to engage in illegal activity.” [More] I want to see the treasonous motherf*****s sanctioning, ordering, and executing this end up in gen pop. That includes you, Garland, … Continue reading “Today’s Low-Hanging Fruit Report”

Low-Hanging Fruit Hunt

As former President Donald Trump prepares for his upcoming court appearance in Florida on Tuesday, FBI agents across the country are actively looking for possible ‘domestic terror threats,’ according to a CNN report citing law enforcement sources. This follows reports that pro-Trump groups are making plans to travel to Miami to show their support for … Continue reading “Low-Hanging Fruit Hunt”

Attack of the Low-Hanging Fruit?

“FBI Charlotte is investigating the willful damage to power facilities in Moore County,” the federal law enforcement agency said, referring to its offices in Charlotte, North Carolina. “We are in regular contact with local law enforcement and private sector partners.” [More] What do their CIs say? And all the Dems be like “Please let it … Continue reading “Attack of the Low-Hanging Fruit?”

Today’s Low-Hanging Fruit Report

Ohio ‘Boogaloo Boi’ arrested and accused of threatening to ‘blow up the IRS’ and kill federal agents, FBI says – The FBI says Aron McKillips, 29, had an extensive digital footprint of messages expressing a desire to kill federal agents and burn government buildings. [More] Way to do their job for ’em! And now they’ll … Continue reading “Today’s Low-Hanging Fruit Report”

Low-Hanging Fruit Alert

Here’s a tip: If you have some radical political views and an acquaintance reaches out, encourages you to act on your convictions, and maybe offers to introduce you to a guy who can sell you some bomb parts, don’t take him up on it. That guy’s almost definitely working for the feds. [More] Amazing that … Continue reading “Low-Hanging Fruit Alert”

And the Leni Riefenstahl Award Goes to…

Jude Law On The Hunt For White Supremacists In Venice Film [More] Playing a heroic FBI agent, naturally, in a propaganda piece straight from Merrick Garland’s “Greatest Threat/Low-Hanging Fruit” Files. What a tool. Now hang onto his every pronouncement like he’s a real-life authority. Just think: If the Ty-D-Bol man had ever managed to climb … Continue reading “And the Leni Riefenstahl Award Goes to…”

Jeepers, Creepers, Where’d You Get Those Threepers?

Seddon’s vision for AP3 was novel for the time: a national organization, with chapters across the country operating under his command. [More] Compare that to what Three Percent founder Mike Vanderboegh intended and didn’t want to see happen: The Three Percent idea, the movement, the ideal, was designed to be a simple, powerful concept that … Continue reading “Jeepers, Creepers, Where’d You Get Those Threepers?”

An Open Secret

The programme can now reveal the information was compiled as part of a secretive project aiming to identify millions of gun owners in America who could be targeted with pro-gun rights messages in the lead-up to the 2016 election campaign. [More] They’re trying to ID gun owners…? Really…? Unheard of, this business of political campaigns … Continue reading “An Open Secret”

Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One Before

Internal Documents Show FBI is Worried About White Supremacist Teaming Up With Islamic Extremists [More] Yes, they never stopped. As Vanderboegh reminded us, racism is collectivism. Constitutionalists judge people as individuals. That’s why we have no use for DEI and the struggle session pressure to bow down to it. The FBI is advancing the Garland/Wray … Continue reading “Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One Before”

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