Liz Cheney Turns to Famous ‘Gun Control’ Supporter to Help Her Stay in Power

So it’s no surprise that, desperate not to be humiliatingly kicked to the curb by constituents who have cause to feel betrayed, Cheney is turning to “star power” to manipulate those who do not think too deeply about their duty as citizens to make informed choices. And in this case, she could not have picked a more appropriate celebrity to put the exclamation point on totally turning her back on everything she formerly stood for. [More]

Has someone who will insult her former supporters, embrace her ostensible enemies, and do anything for power ever really meant anything she’s said?

Has Dad?

Open Season

“The gun rights movement has been given a weapon of mass destruction, and it will annihilate approximately 75% of the gun laws eventually,” said Evan Nappen, a New Jersey gun rights attorney. [More]

What do the antis call that? Oh, yeah, a good first step.

[Via bondmen]

Related UPDATE

The Supreme Court’s Bruen Gun Decision Is Even Bigger Than You Think [More]

The tip of the iceberg…

[Via Michael G]

Just a Little Something to Take Our Minds Off Hunter Biden

Former Governor of Puerto Rico Arrested in Bribery Scheme [More]

And here’s the comedy gold:

“The Department of Justice is committed to holding accountable those who wrongly believe there is one rule of law for the powerful and another for the powerless. No one is above the rule of law.”

Is it really so wrong to wonder if she made the administration’s enemies list?

[Via bondmen]

You’ll Eat It and You’ll Like It

More Changes to State Policies and New Court Developments After the Bruen Case [More]

MA and CA, not to mention Bloomberg Central, ought to have some wailing and teeth gnashing going on. And this means Bonta is going back to Benitez.

Sometimes The Trace can be useful, even though it’s no secret what they’re rooting for.

We’re the Only Ones Resourceful Enough

A now-former school resource officer in South Carolina has been charged by state police after authorities say they found 15 explicit images of a 17-year-old student on his cell phone. [More]

Just like the old man in
That book by Nabokov

[Via Steve T]

Tangentially-related UPDATE:

And Tom Wolf and the PA Dems say “Hold our beer.”

[Via Michael G]

Life in the ‘Gun-Free Zone’

The Mall of America shooting suspects showed ‘a complete lack of respect for human life,’ the Bloomington police chief said [More]

Not to mention a complete lack of respect for code of conduct rules:

“Guns are banned on these premises.”

So, curiously, are “Bulletproof vests or simulated bulletproof vests.”

I wonder why their patrons might need those

So much for “Always new.” And that makes me wonder at what point “knew or should have known” might be argued in a civil lawsuit…

Return of the Swamp Thing

“In our nation’s 246-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump. He tried to steal the last election using lies and violence to keep himself in power after the voters had rejected him,” the elder Cheney says in the ad, which the younger Cheney started running on Thursday, a week and a half before she faces a Trump-endorsed challenger in the Republican congressional primary Wyoming’s single congressional seat. [More]

And by “Trump” he means anyone who supported the agenda he campaigned on and who still doubts the official J6 narrative.

This is what someone the DSM calls a “staunch gun advocate” with ultra-establishment insider loyalties looks like:

“Whether or not there’s some measure there in terms of limiting the size of the magazine that you can buy to go with a semiautomatic weapon — we’ve had that in place before. Maybe it’s appropriate to re-establish that kind of thing…

Hey Dick: Don’t you have somebody to shoot in the face or something?

(This came across the transom after I submitted my latest AmmoLand piece on Liz Cheney getting longtime gun-grabber Kevin Costner’s support, which may be out later today.)



Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

So here we have it. The village knows the proposed ban is BS, but they have nothing to fear because it will be defended pro-bono by Everytown allied lawyers. Dirty dirty dirty, especially because they were keeping this from the public as admitted in the email [More]

“Grassroots” in action! And the attorneys are Democrat apparatchiks to boot!

Nullifying the Nullifier

“We are suspending Soros-backed 13th circuit state attorney Andrew Warren for neglecting his duties as he pledges not to uphold the laws of the state,” DeSantis’ office said in a statement… “The constitution of Florida has vested the veto power in the governor, not in state attorneys,” DeSantis said. “We are not going to allow this pathogen of ignoring the law get a foothold in the state of Florida.” [More]

Unlike California

Meanwhile, the gal who wants your guns cries “Dictator!

[Via 1Gat]

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