The Russians are Coming! The Russians are Coming!

Somebody’s bot wants into “comments” here bad:

                                                                  Open in new tab to enlarge.

И тебе доброе утро, солнышко.

What I can’t tell is if this is just a routine criminal exploitation of opportunity attempt or if this is directed because I don’t buy Putin’s line of sh!+ any more than I buy the globalists’.

Until now, Russia has not been among the top 10 IPs or countries blocked (The U.S. leads by far: We’re Number One!).  Attack attempts so far have been mostly via malicious file uploads and known malicious user agents.

And not to be outdone, I just got a series of five warnings about this:

A user with IP address has been locked out from signing in or using the password recovery form for the following reason: Exceeded the maximum number of login failures which is: 20. The last username they tried to sign in with was: ‘admin’.
The duration of the lockout is 4 hours.
User IP:
User hostname:
User location: Istanbul, Turkey

You gotta wonder what kind of total @$$hole parasites dwell in such dark worlds, with a life purpose goal of helping themselves by hurting others.

The Company They Keep

Joe Biden campaign donor Alex Murdaugh was charged Thursday with killing his wife and 22-year-old son. The lawyer representing the accused murderer, who faces a slew of additional charges for financial fraud and illicit drug distribution, is also a Biden donor. [More]

Let me guess: With a gun?

Oh, guns, plural, including a “weapon of war”:

Paul was shot in the chest and head with a shotgun at close range. Maggie was shot multiple times, including one shot in the back and additional shots while she was lying on the ground. She had been shot with 300 Blackout ammo from an AR-style rifle.

If he needed more than three shots to kill them he has no business murdering anyone.

[Via Michael G]

It’s a Big Club and You Know How the Rest of It Goes

Hunter Biden was longtime friends with a well-connected lawyer and lobbyist with deep roots in DC Republican politics — who praised him as a “rock star” and “beacon of hope.” [More]

He “served on former President Trump’s 2016 transition team”?

This swamp thing?

Proud of his working relationship with Norman Mineta, is he…?

[Via Michael G]

Come Point and Laugh at the Wacky Right-Wingers!

The HANDBOOK OF HATE MEMES bundles over 200 full-color pages with over 600 hate memes carefully arranged into 100 topics, covering QAnon conspiracy theories, COVID-19 disinformation campaigns, Russia–Ukraine propaganda, and more, with commentary by PVE/CVE experts from academia, law enforcement and the tech industry. If you ever wondered whether we are secretly ruled by alien reptilian overlords, when the Dark Enlightenment’s acceleration will begin, what the tailless amphibian wildlife in Kekistan is like – look no further. [More]

The Europeans are going a little heavy on the Alinsky Rule 5 Ridicule and that makes me think there must be a reason…

As long as we’re skewering ludicrous conspiracy theories, I wonder if they have anything on gun control working, a global violence monopoly being our salvation, the efficacy of Covid shots and masks, “climate change,” “systemic racism,” men getting pregnant,  diversity being our strength, drag queen story hour teaching tolerance to children, the J6 “insurrection”…

[Via WiscoDave]

America’s Cultural Revolution

America is in a state of revolution. It’s not the kind of revolution with competing armies or a coup d’état. It’s an invisible revolution along the axes of race, gender, and identity that is shaking the foundations of our country. I’ll show you exactly how we got here and what we can do to push back. [Watch]

Recall that Marcuse was wholly enabled by our government and academic elites.

Sorry, but “we’re” so far gone, the “push back” seems way too little, way too late, and way too demanding of a culture steeped in ignorance, laziness, and apathy. Course reversal like what is needed doesn’t happen without a more “hands-on” approach, and for that, expect only a small segment of the populace, maybe three percent, to actively participate at any given time.

[Via Agustin B]

Arms Race Realities

Black Gun Owners React to Supreme Court’s Concealed Carry Decision [More]

MSN takes a page out of the race hustler playbook to try to make it sound like the problem is with white gun owners.

Funny how they don’t have a designated “Editorial” section and stick crap like this under “News.” You’d think if it actually were, there’d be an unbiased analysis on why some things are happening “disproportionately.”

[Via Remarks]

We’re the Only Ones Triaging Enough

The investigator asked for identification but the EMT was intent on getting her patient inside first. She kept moving with the man on a stretcher and when she was at the check-in desk, she was approached by the investigator, her arm pulled behind her back and cuffed before forcefully being taken outside to a police car. [More]

Gotta prioritize in life-and-death emergencies, you know, and who better to override trained medical opinions than a butthurt “Only One”?…

Now, how about “the investigator’s” identification…?

[Via WiscoDave]

We’re the Only Ones Inevident Enough

The sheriff asked for a risk protection order, which would have prohibited Broome from having a gun for at least a year … “I need to underscore that we have no evidence that he was going to shoot up the school. None,” Judd told FOX 13. “But we have no evidence that he wasn’t.” [More]

No, it wouldn’t have. And that’s a hell of a slippery slope, Grady.

Thing is, he’s right to have his spider-sense tingling on this. But if he can deny due process to this suspect that sets a pretty low bar for all others.

[Via Remarks]

But No One is Talking About Taking Your Guns…

Not that that would invalidate the right to keep and bear arms

Any bets on Donald Trump ever giving Thomas Massie the public apology he owes him?

I’ll have more to say on the foolish and subversive  “Active Shooter Alert” — and the foolish and subversive Republicans who appear to be doing their utmost to break up a “red wave — in an article I’m planning to write soon.

[Via Jess]

Will Ricky Martin be Caught Up in Gun Control Net He Helped Cast?

So now, just as with so-called “red flag laws/extreme risk protection orders,” even though he maintains his innocence, Martin could be a “prohibited person.” [More]

What is it about people who want to rape us out of our rights?

Michael Moore’s Proposed 2nd Amendment Repeal: As Impossible As It Is Evil

Make no mistake: His totalitarian position, and that’s exactly what it is, is “Surrender and obey or be destroyed.” His sick ego invites civil war and untold deaths unless his demands are met. [More]

As long as it’s somebody else taking the risks of enforcing the tyranny he demands…

Full of Sound and Fury, Signifying Nothing

House Democrats Moving on ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban: Targets at Least 45 Specific AR-15 Rifles [More]

The traitor Cicilline is whoring for media attention again. He introduced it last year and the odds haven’t changed.

Prognosis 2% chance of being enacted according to Skopos Labs (details) [More]

0% chance of being enforced without a civil war.

@$$holes are making noise and not telling us anything we don’t already know– they want our guns.  Don’t lose focus on more immediate threats.

[Via @pamnsc]

The Blame Game

Texas mother sues Academy after selling daughter the gun used in her suicide [More]

The store is supposed to employ mind readers? Not knowing a store is closed and coming back the next day are hardly unmistakable clues.

Sorry, lady. You had a lot more time to influence your daughter’s behavior than they ever did.

My natural human sympathy takes a real hit the second they turn to some scumbag lawyer and jeopardize our right to buy and sell arms.

[Via Mack H]


They’ve been through this once before and were vindicated. Recalling that, I hope they sue the crap out of the plaintiff and file a bar complaint against her lawyer.

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