They Don’t Sound So Tough When They’re Howling

This know-it-all, who claims “many years of lethal force training,”  says “No.” I’d like to know who his idiot trainer was and how many students his bullsh!+ advice has endangered so we can warn people about him.

Maybe we should ask “Real Man” how he’d have handled it…

[Via WiscoDave]

Ice Capades

In his living room, in front of a Tampa Bay Lightning meeting, a supporter had a funny misadventure. [More]

SWATted him. Ha ha. Then he’d have been the one on ice.

It’s not like “Only Ones” aren’t extra cautious in “domestic disputes,” with the Number One Priority being to make it home at the end of their shift.

It’s not like people haven’t been shot and killed as a result.

[Via  An Hour of Wolves]

Great Expectations

In a long Twitter thread on Thursday, a Marquette University assistant professor of journalism suggested young reporters may fabricate stories because newspaper journalism standards are too high and because minority reporters might feel racism on the job. [More]

So it’s OK for minorities to be corrupt and incompetent in whatever job they undertake because “white supremacy”…? Matter of fact, that calls for hiring and promotion preferences!

No racism there.

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Inexplicable Enough

Back the Yellow!

Uvalde Police Went 77 Minutes Without Trying To Open The Door Where A Shooter Killed 19 Children and 2 Adults [More]

But they not only have no duty to protect, they maintain they have no duty to explain.

[Via Michael G]


Police didn’t try to open doors to Uvalde classrooms with shooter inside [More]

No wonder these cowardly morons have lawyered up.

[Via Jess]

Plan B

The mayor said he’s reaching out across the country and plans to put together a national working group to look at where cities can create no-carry zones: government designated safe-zones, or sensitive spaces, where concealed carry still would be restricted, even after licensing approval. “Because we don’t believe the Supreme Court is going to take up that aspect of it,” Adams said. “We believe there’s room for us to say, ‘OK, here’s where you can’t carry: subway systems, schools,’ we could restrict: ‘Ok, you no longer need a license. Well, here’s the restrictions of where you can’t carry.’ “That is what we’re putting together right now as a Plan B,” the mayor said. “Plan A is for them not to pass it.” [More]

He carries a gun, so he must be one of us! Right, Tucker?

[Via Jess]

‘Real Reporters’

Sum Ting is Wong with establishment “journalism.” And yes, this really happened. [Watch]

Shades of Ron Burgundy! Yet Americans for the most part turn to these stage prop clowns for information they then use to vote their freedom away.

Who better to listen to about “gun violence,” especially when they assume practiced expressions of solemnity?

At least in the UK they call the government-beholden propagandists “news readers.”

[Via WiscoDave]

Who Will Judge the Judge?

TYRANNY: Michigan GOP Candidate for Governor, Ryan Kelley, Has Guns Taken by Judge for Standing Outside the Capitol on Jan 6 [More]

And the compelling state interest to show he is a violent danger risk to himself and others is…?

If you’re willing to eviscerate the Second Amendment, there’s nothing to stop you from eviscerating the First. And this one, clerking for Merrick Garland after graduation,  has never not had her nose in the plunder trough, so coercion for political aims is all she knows.

If they do somehow manage not to blow the “red wave,” which Republican will be willing to strap ’em on, endure the false charges of “racism” and lead the effort to impeach Judge Robin Meriweather?

[Via Michael G]

‘Republicans,’ Pay Heed

John Cornyn, top Republican negotiator on gun package, booed at Texas GOP convention [More]

As I said:

Even if the angry feedback is scaring you into backing off, the trust has already been broken.  Way to take the fire out of bellies.

You hearing this Mitch? Lindsey?

You geniuses really want to break up the wave before it happens?

[Via Jess]

And tangentially-related:

Dan Crenshaw & Staff Assaulted by Right Wingers Shouting ‘Eyepatch McCain’ and Saying He Should be ‘Hung for Treason’ [More]

Well, he started it.

Messin’ with Texas

“No person may purchase a pistol unless said purchaser has secured from a Justice of Peace, County Judge, or District Judge in the county of his or her residence a certificate of good character,” said the law, which was enacted in 1931. [More]

That wasn’t one of those laws enacted to keep minorities disarmed that “progressives” think they’ve found a “Gotcha!” with, was it? Because if they like that one, they’ll love this!

And did anyone ever challenge its constitutionality on Second Amendment grounds?


A Monumental Development

A gigantic Afro hair pick, decorated with a peace sign and surmounted by a clenched Black fist, popped up in Lafayette Square on Friday evening. A social media video shows New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell pulling away sheeting to expose the estimated 24-foot-tall steel creation of artist Hank Willis Thomas. In a tweet, Cantrell declared the new addition to the city’s streetscape “Breathtaking.” [More]

Yeah, he’s a regular Michelangelo.

I’m sure historians will find that much more relevant to the cultural development of the city than these, done in a style that required, you know knowledge, hard work, and talent.

[Via WiscoDave]

Too Much to Bear

If the worst had happened, the choices the adults made would have led to it, starting with Utahns going to frickin’Canada and then taking those delicious meals into the woods with no way to protect them.

I took my little guys into the wilderness several times a year when they were growing up, places with bears, cougars, coyotes, rattlesnakes, and you name it, and would never have been able to forgive myself if I hadn’t been able to handle whatever might arise — as something did on one occasion.

I told my wife as a non-negotiable condition before we were married that there was only one order that I would ever give her, and that is if I told her to run, she would obey without argument. The reason is not just one of self-sacrifice, but also of survival. There are situations where total focus is required, and any presence that distracts from that reduces the chances to escape and/or prevail.

They got lucky.

The man in this video should have handed off the papoose, sent her and the kids on, and made sure that if he couldn’t dissuade it, the only person of interest would be him. He was utterly unprepared and incapable of carrying out the most sacred basic duty of a father.

I can imagine no worse hell to have to survive than William Petit’s.

The Kill List

Louder, for those in the back: Donald Trump, his allies, and supporters are a clear and present danger to American democracy. [More]

And we know what violence monopolists like this hag and her allies and supporters want to do to them! All made possible by “democracy.”

Way to play useful idiot, “conservative” judge, and George H.W. Bush appointee Mike Luttig.

Who does this guy think he is? “Conservative” Adam Kinzinger?

The Law is What He Says It Is

Texas federal judge proclaims that he doesn’t read 5th Circuit opinions before second reversal … The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals at New Orleans has reversed a federal judge’s refusal to suppress gun evidence a second time after he declared that he doesn’t read 5th Circuit opinions and stuck to his initial decision. [More]

I wonder what else he considers himself free to ignore, and how long he’s been doing it.

[Via Michael G]

Card Declined

“Payment processors like MasterCard absolutely have the ability to restrict transactions related to ghost guns on their platforms,” said Seth Magaziner, the general treasurer of Rhode Island, who wrote the proposal. “They have the ability to do that and they are choosing not to.” [More]

Following this weasel’s rationale, they have the ability to restrict transactions on any damn thing he demands, which is the incremental plan.

As with everything “progressive,” this is just a variation on a theme they’ve tried before.

[Via WiscoDave]

Sounds Like a Seditious Conspiracy to Me…

The group reportedly banged on doors of several Republican offices – including that of Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California, Jim Jordan of Ohio and Lauren Boebert of Colorado — as they allegedly filmed a skit for Colbert’s “Late Show” program that was to center around the January 6 hearings. [More]

You ever notice Mike Byrd is never around when you really need him?

♫ So Look for the Union Label ♫

“The general public is not aware of the degree to which unions control the Democratic Party. One does not need to speculate on this point,” Musk told the interviewers. [More]

So if you’re a gun-owning union member, have you done anything to organize against a corrupt leadership that is feeding the citizen disarmament agenda? Or isn’t that as important a priority for you and you’ve already picked your side?

Because you can’t be on both.

Speaking of Better Options

“Arming school personnel is a serious decision that is left up entirely to your school. It is optional,” DeWine wrote. [More]

So in spite of all the hoop-de-doo, the great majority will remain “gun-free zones.” So much for “preemption” when you codify a “patchwork quilt.”

This guy never fails to prove himself a weasel trying to play all sides, does he?

Tangentially related, Pursuit of Patriotism wonders about school district liability in mass shootings. I’ve long maintained the failure is not so much one of unthinking negligence as it is outright hostility and deliberate indifference.

We’re the Only Ones Diversifying Enough

Mayor Eric Adams insisted Monday he’s not worried about police officers leaving the NYPD in droves this year — declaring that being a Big Apple cop is an “amazing career,” and that the departures present a chance to “diversify” the force. [More]

Constitutional scholars all, no doubt.

But first, they’ll have some racist policies to make more inclusive.

[Via Jess]

Skinner in the Game

The lie here is that it will ever be “enough.”

California bill would require all gun owners to obtain liability insurance [More]

They’ll then be able to price it out of the range of those of modest means, pressure insurance companies not to sell it, and for those that still do, pass laws saying they must cancel policies that don’t meet an ever-expanding list of allegations using the old “loophole” scam.

Meanwhile, expect these guys to continue business as usual.

“Skinner” seems an appropriate aptronym.

[Via 1Gat]

My Kind of Razzmatazz

Families keep getting ripped off when they log on to Cook County court hearings through Zoom. Loved ones think they’re paying to get inmates released from custody, only to discover con artists have scammed them out of thousands of dollars. [More]

That’s either criminal negligence or someone is getting a cut.

Either way, forget it, Jake, it’s Chi-Town.

[Via Steve T]

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