What She Really Means

AOC worries Senate gun bill fails to address ‘violent misogyny and white supremacy’ – She’s worried about ‘criminalization of teens in communities like mine’ [More]

That’s shorthand for she and her fellow commies want to disarm white men and that “entitled” constituents dependent on the wealth redistribution agenda produce a disproportionate amount of violent criminals.

A Plan Comes Together

Biden’s Open Borders Lay Out Welcome Mat For MS-13 Gang Members [More]

Never attribute to sock puppet incompetence what can be explained by a genocidal lust for total power by the men behind the curtain.

[Via bondmen]


According to a very interesting report by Todd Bensman of the Center for Immigration Studies, the record-sized 15,000-strong caravan has run into interference from the Texas governor and his counterpart in the adjacent Mexican state of Coahuila, who had the foresight to sign an agreement in April about border security. [More]

That’s how it’s done– make it more worth Mexican authorities’ while to play ball. And if carrots don’t work, use sticks.

[Via WiscoDave]

A ‘Special’ Operator

“Worst case is some dude’s barricaded internal doors, has got like, [ … ] steel hollow core shit going on … this weird … in his house because he’s a weirdo and a prepper and a threeper that hates cops and he’s trying to suck you in and kill you, right?” [More]

I’m a Threeper as Mike Vanderboegh defined it. And what’s wrong with preppers?

More to the point, what’s right with jackbooted thug attitudes?

Too Little Too Late

Bipartisan Negotiation On Gun Control Bill Stalled [More]

Let’s hope “Are you nuts?” is making an impact.

Yeah, but you know what, guys? Even if the angry feedback is scaring you into backing off, the trust has already been broken.

Way to take the fire out of bellies.


‘I’m through talking’: top Republican negotiator walks out of Senate gun talks – John Cornyn says he is heading back to Texas, dimming hope of vote on bipartisan gun safety bill before July recess [More]

Yep. Somebody’s been hearing from p!$$ed off constituents and now wants to appear forceful and principled…

[Via DDS]

We’re the Only Ones Withdrawing Enough

Nearly six hundred thousand dollars in taxes, fees, and fines collected by the Caldwell Parish Sheriff’s Office was never deposited into a government bank account, a new state audit reports. And auditors say they found evidence that the employee in charge of overseeing the collection and accounting of those public funds actually spent years stealing the money. [More]

Looks like somebody has decided taking in more money right now is bad optics…

[Via Michael G]


CNN AR-15 Deception Recalls Previous Attempts to Spook the Uninformed

Here’s the conclusion they don’t want viewers to realize: If expended ammunition wasn’t capable of producing lethal destructive force on human bodies, it would be useless as a defensive deterrent. What should be the object of focus is not citizen disarmament, but armed citizens being able to minimize “success” by promptly dispatching child-slaughtering monsters to hell. [More]

More manipulation and lies from “the most busted name in news”…

Common Sense

Elbert Lee Guillory talks “gun violence.” [Watch]

I wanted to embed the video here, but got an “Unavailable — may contain content owned by someone else” notice. That’s curious because it’s from his Facebook page.

I could quibble with some of the details but find him mostly right on and refreshing. His message needs to be heard by people of color. It’s a shame that so many of them would be unreceptive to a face from outside the community, but that’s the socially engineered reality.

Interesting man.

[Via Harold R]

We’re the Only Ones Controlling Enough

I’m a longtime NRA member and I say we need gun control [More]

Funny, they tell us “Dave Ziegler, a retired law enforcement officer,” but you have to look elsewhere to find out that means with ATF, and that he’s also a longtime statist apparatchik.

It looks like you have to register with the site to read more, but seeing as how we’re dealing with an “Only One” who wants to disarm his countrymen, I can guess what he’s going to say.

And it’s further illustration that if owning guns was all it took to be “one of us,” we’d have no better pals than David Chipman and Lon Horiuchi.

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