False Sense of Security

A county jail inmate receiving treatment at an Ohio hospital shot and killed a security guard, pointed the weapon at others and then killed himself in a parking lot, authorities said… Dayton police said inmate Brian Booth, 30, was receiving treatment when he struggled with Darrell Holderman, 78, and took his gun. [More]

Really? And the Sheriff’s Department thought this setup was a swell idea?

[Via Steve T

We’re the Only Ones Molding Enough

EXCLUSIVE: Boy, 10, is ‘crying all day’ as he is held for THREE WEEKS in detention center for sending ‘humorous’ texts with stock picture of guns that he found on the Internet – as lawyer insists hardline sheriff took the messages out of context [More]

I imagine a developing mind could emerge from this wanting to kill someone…

McConnell Instruction to Cornyn Hints Where GOP May ‘Compromise’ on Guns

The devil being in the details, “due process” can mean different things, with not all “hearings” providing the same legal safeguards as a jury trial. And that raises questions of concern that haven’t been spelled out. [More]

Anybody who thinks that this squares with “Shall not be infringed” is nuts.

Speaking of Disenfranchising Millions

Dem Senator Pushes For ATF To Be ‘Beyond The Influence And Grip Of The Gun Lobby’ [Watch]

That would be every one of us who seeks peaceable redress through organizing.

So millions of gun owners won’t have a voice? No more campaigns to petition lawmakers about abuses? And who needs Rules comments?

Think through what this self-serving serial lying maniac is proposing.

And as one NRA member observed

[Via Jess]


Going for the Gold

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said next week she will bring forward legislation to ban military-style assault weapons, as the chamber moves to address gun violence. [More]

It’s interesting watching how they can’t control their obsession to control.

Looks like a line in the sand to me…

I wonder how many others feel that way.

[Via Jess]



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