Houston, We Have a Problem

Despite accusing Democrats of constantly trying to manipulate mass shootings for political gain, several senior GOP figures — including ex-President Donald Trump — are expected to give speeches at the National Rifle Association-Institute for Legislative Action’s annual leadership forum on Friday. [More]

According to “real reporter” Stephen Collinson, CNN’s resident White House propagandist, defending yourself against political attacks is “politicizing” an issue, and thus “hypocrisy.”

It’s the same lying “rationale” that says defending yourself against physical attack is “vigilantism.”

Push back against bullies and they call you a bully. When they’re not calling you a Nazi…

The media is reveling in the “outrage” they’re helping to inflame. You can bet there are plenty hoping things get out of hand and plenty who will consider it humorous “karma” if NRA members are hurt or worse.

UPDATE: Speaking of politicizing

‘Doing Something’ in Wake of Uvalde Looks Like GOP ‘Moderates’ Caving on Red Flags

Democrats, we don’t need to concern ourselves with, at least for now—assume they’re all for whatever disarmament edicts they can get whenever they can get them. It’s the Republicans gun owners need to focus on, and there are few surprises here… [More]

Betraying gun owners and drowning the fire in their bellies will break up the anticipated wave before it hits the shore.

Don’t Let Dettelbach Slip in Under the Radar

[T]he Senate Judiciary Committee considered the nomination of Steve Dettelbach to run the ATF during a hearing on Wednesday. [More]

With everything going on, this one isn’t getting the scrutiny it needs, meaning Republicans aren’t getting the scrutiny they need.

It’s not surprising that he can’t define “assault weapon,” but let’s not forget all the other questions.

[Via Jess]

We’re the Only Ones Mulling It Over Enough

‘Let’s rush in because the cops aren’t doing anything’: Parents frustrated with ‘unprepared’ police outside Texas massacre school debated storming the building THEMSELVES while gunman was holed up inside for 90 minutes [More]

So when seconds count, police are 90 minutes away from actually doing anything?

In a secure society, engagement would be effectively immediate by on-scene personnel.

[Via bondmen]

UPDATE: Cops rescued their own kids?


WATCH: Texas Police Spox on Live TV Confirmed Cops Went In for Their Own Kids During Uvalde Shooting

[Via Brandon]

Makin’ Whoopi

Whoopi called on American citizens to call the cops on their own neighbors and friends if their arsenal is “too big.” “Does your neighbor have too big an arsenal? Call the cops!” Whoopi shouted as she falsely claimed the 2nd Amendment doesn’t cover AR-15s. [More]

Punch Republicans and SWAT gun owners? I guess when you’ve given yourself so many abortions you need to wear undergaskets, blaming and hating others is the only way to keep from looking inward.

Blast from the Past?

Two teens arrested in ‘mass casualty’ plot targeting a Uvalde middle school – One of the students had numerous writings and drawings which depicted weapons capable of causing mass destruction. He wrote about being “God-like” and killing police and other persons. [More]

That’s from 2018.  I never have understood keeping extreme public danger reptiles like this anonymous due to age.

Anybody know what ultimately happened to them and where they are now?


Then there’s this:

Uvalde CISD issued a statement on Thursday: Our school district is committed to the safety and education of all our students and we want to clearly communicate about safety issues when they arise. One of our Morales Junior High students was experiencing a crisis. Upon rendering aid and support, the student revealed a future plan to conduct a school shooting in the year of 2022…

I got that link from Google. I don’t see it on the Intenet Archive for 2018— rather, it shows as recent.  My guess would be some sick **** is playing us. Change my mind.

[Via bondmen]

Speaking of Revisionists…

In Heller, faux originalists like Scalia were disingenuous, writing out of the Constitution the militia clause. [More]

Some of us argue the only way to truly secure the right under law is to write it back in:

I see pompous lickspittle for the left Norman ignores the same challenges his fellow subversive violence monopolists have continually evaded.

[Via Michael G]

What’s the Difference Between an Academic Fraud and a F…ing Liar?

But if you are going to — listen, now, kids — advocate public policies based on the particular characteristics of particular firearms, then you have an intellectual and moral responsibility to be honest about those characteristics and not misrepresent them, rather than do as Professor Cornell has done and simply invent some scientific-sounding fiction to bolster your weak rhetorical case. [More]

Now there’s a surprise.

Hey, what awards has that guy won? I’m thinking about how they took the Bancroft Prize from Michael Bellesiles and wondering if organizations can be shamed anymore or if they’re just too in-your-face woke to care.

Eh, nothin’ in a while. Figures.

[Via Michael G]

Unclear on the Concept

Oklahoma! Every night my honey lamb and I rub ourselves with mace to keep us safe as bears breach the screen of our lanai [More]

From  my Oct. 2005 “The Bear Necessities” piece for Guns Magazine:

The problem is, U.S. Geological Survey researcher Tom Smith has documented cases where pepper spray has proven to be an attractant, and observed “bears on their backs, paws skyward, vigorously rubbing their heads and back in the red pepper-sprayed gravel.”

They probably like Olives, too.

[Via Michael G]


The Fudd’s Lament

For decades, these firearms manufacturers have—in both subtle and not-so-subtle ways—convinced white people that they need to buy arsenals to protect themselves from people of color. [More]

Firearms manufacturers had nothing to do with it. That’s all on the cultural terraformers and their destructive transformational policies.

The guy doesn’t have a clue on why we have a Second Amendment. Good idea, though on “mak[ing] firearms education a national priority,” except the teachers’ unions would no doubt screw it up.

[Via DDS]

We’re the Only Ones Clear on the Concept Enough

“Every single one of our officers now has an M4 platform system which is comparable to the AR 15 and the necessary rounds to make sure that we’re going to be successful eliminating this threat,” said Tony.

The sheriff said for real impact, the laws need to be changed.

“I’ve heard this narrative for years now that, well, the AR 15 is a sport weapon, it’s a match weapon, you can use it for all of these things. No, it’s a combat ready weapon designed to destroy,” he said. [More]

You’re coming through loud and clear, sheriff…

[Via 1Gat]

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