We’re the Only Ones Embracing the Diversity Enough

According to a spokesman with the Chicago Police Department, an internal investigation was launched on Thursday into allegations that four officers engaged in sexual relationships with migrants who were living in a police station on the city’s West Side. [More] Harder and faster on that “vibrancy”… Forget it, Jake. It’s Chi-Town. [Via Steve T]

Good Thing This Has Nothing to Do with That ‘Single Issue’!

The Cartels Have Been Sent to Kill Us – They are allied with Corporate Fascists, Greens, the Hard Left and the CCP. The Following is the Future of Your City, Town or County. Guaranteed. [More] Nonsense. Give ’em a year and they’ll all be NRA Wine Club members. [Via bondmen]

Toy Story

The Commission is issuing this direct final rule to adopt the Department of Commerce rule for the marking of toy, look-alike, and imitation firearms, with non-substantive and conforming changes. The rule is effective June 26, 2023, unless CPSC receives a significant adverse comment by June 12, 2023. [More] While focused on the ATF rules ball, … Continue reading “Toy Story”

So Come On Down to Judas Guns…

Georgia gun dealer Jon Waldman says his conscience won’t allow him to continue selling guns that could be used to target kids. [Watch] What a sniveling traitor and media whore. He only opened it in March 2021? And he didn’t think of any of his objections before doing that? And now he renounces everything in … Continue reading “So Come On Down to Judas Guns…”

Haters Gonna Hate

From coast to coast, Americans are being herded into two camps. There are the “white supremacists,” those bad people who purportedly hate good people. And then there is everyone else, good people who are encouraged to hate the bad people. [More] For being the “greatest threat,” I wonder how many members of the “Patriot Front” … Continue reading “Haters Gonna Hate”

Gun Porn

“It’s not just voters, it Dems, Republicans, independents, gun owners, CPL holders as well as NRA members,” said Porn. Porn contended that the House members who vote “no” on gun safety measures would be easy targets for a recall, making it more difficult for Republicans to win enough seats to win back House control. [More] … Continue reading “Gun Porn”

97percent Deception

It also adopted a new test for Second Amendment cases. Gun laws today must be consistent with the laws that existed when the Second Amendment was adopted in the late 17 hundreds. This means that gun regulations will be assessed according to their conformity with laws that were in place during the 18th and 19th … Continue reading “97percent Deception”

We’re the Only Ones Not Adding Up Enough

233 firearms collected in Summit County gun buyback event [More] So if “233 firearms were collected at the event and $34,325 in gift cards were given out,” even given the maximum payout of $100 per working gun (which assumes no non-working guns paid out at $25 each were collected), that opens the question of whose … Continue reading “We’re the Only Ones Not Adding Up Enough”

We’re the Only Ones Further Endangering You Enough

When the NCPD found out that the woman seeking a concealed carry permit because she feared for her life didn’t notify the NCPD Pistol License Section of her 911 call, they promptly stopped the background investigation and suspended her pistol permit. They proceeded to confiscate her firearms, including her long guns. [More] And remember, all … Continue reading “We’re the Only Ones Further Endangering You Enough”

Most Favored Nation

Their well planned campaign of influence, backed by substantial economic resources and technological advances, has masterfully manipulated the Western elite, media, entertainment, universities, NGOs, and think-tanks to control the narrative on China. Businesses and politicians have been won over with deals, creating dependencies that China has expertly exploited. [More] There’s more to that old Vulcan … Continue reading “Most Favored Nation”

You’ll Just Have to Take her Word for It

Pelosi ‘won’t release home-security footage,’ Dems demand GOP take blame [More] So then how do we know if what we’re being told are lies and conspiracy theories really are? The DSM has already found a new use for “baseless”… UPDATES U.S. Capitol Police had live video feed at Pelosi home but didn’t notice break-in [More] … Continue reading “You’ll Just Have to Take her Word for It”

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