Developing a Workaround

After months of preparation, we are ready to go public with our explosive report on the ATF’s nefarious gun registry. After pouring over hundreds of pages of secret documents that we were able to secure through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), we have found undeniable proof that the ATF’s registry – which they claim is only used to trace firearms used in crimes – is indeed a centralized and searchable registry of gun owners in total violation of the law. [More]

Curious, how the Democrats who want to impose new laws will break laws to do it.

My Kind of Razzmatazz

Chicago Massacre Suspect Had Felony Record, Told Cops He ‘Had to Do It’ [More]

That’s probably the best argument for disarming you and me that I’ve ever heard, which says something sab0out all the others.

Here’s the real not-so-hidden danger:

[H]e got the Glock from a cousin via Indiana, and that the auto switch can be bought for about $20 on the street.

Count on the antis trying to use this to “reclassify” semiautos as machineguns.

And forget it, Jake. It’s Chi-Town.

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Fauxnly Ones Convincing Enough

A Texas man dressed up as a police officer to get inside a home to rob the people inside before he was later arrested, authorities said. [More]

Made possible by people being oblivious of their rights…

As I’ve noted before, be aware of The Fauxnly Ones Files. You never know when an “I was afraid he might not be a real cop” defense could use some validation that it’s a widespread and frequent enough phenomenon to be a legitimate justification for resistance.

[Via Mack H]


A Time for Eyes and Ears

19 children, 2 teachers killed in Texas elementary school shooting [More]

Now is the time to find out details. I’m going to hold off until I do before saying more than this: It took men with guns to stop the monster.

That and so much for assurances.

UPDATES (I guess this post will be today’s aggregator for unfolding developments):

[Via Michael G,   ]

Footprint in the Door

WEF panelist boasts about “individual carbon footprint tracker” [More]

And naturally, they’ll need to keep tabs on what and how much you fire off at the range…

These blasphemers who would be gods are called “totalitarians” because they demand to control it all.

Until some individual carbon footprints are applied to some individual elitist backsides this will only get more and more intrusive.

[Via Michael G]

Doesn’t Seem Like They’re Leaving Much Room for Peaceful Coexistence…

House Passes ‘White Supremacism’ Domestic Terrorism Bill After Buffalo Shooting – The bill only mentions white supremacy and neo-Nazis because obviously, those are the only people who terrorize others. [More]


Data Shows White Supremacists Are Not The Most Likely Mass Murderers [More]

I wonder what people who demonize whites would do if they controlled all the guns…

[Via bondmen]

Liars Lie

The report repeats bogus “ghost gun” claims, which have already been debunked by dozens of senior law enforcement sources and a congressional whistleblower. In other words, ATF submitted a report to the President and to the Attorney General of the United States containing information it knew was false. [More]

Hey, when they know they can lie under oath with impunity…

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