We’re the Ony Ones Retreating Enough

Mayor Adams, NYPD already retreating from solo patrol plan in transit system after cop’s assault in Brooklyn: Exclusive [More]

While unarmed citizens have to travel solo at all hours with no “Only Ones” in sight.

I need to stop being amazed that absolute incompetents can rise to positions of political power and public prestige in this country, sometimes with a boost from surprising quarters.

And sometimes with a boost from the usual suspects turning a selective blind eye.

[Via bondmen]

AzCDL: Save $$$, Renew Your Membership Now!

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As mentioned in the May, 2022 AzCDL newsletter, for the first time in our 17 year history AzCDL dues will be increasing on July 1st. We have managed to hold the line on dues for the better part of two decades, but even AzCDL is not immune to the ever more damaging impacts of Bidenflation. If your membership is up for renewal this year, you can save money by renewing now. New and renewing memberships purchased before July 1st will be at the current price. [Click here to renew your membership before the price increase.]

Don’t Let the Door Hit You in the…


You start out with a point but take a fast slide to the Democrat talking points bottom from there.

So in other words, all this time you were pretending to be a leader you were a fraud.  You and Jorge ought to get together, both acting like you support RKBA while giving aid and comfort to its enemies…

[Via Andy M]

A Few Questions Not Asked

The executive order addresses the training of law enforcement… [More]

As long as we’re waxing on about valuing the Constitution, providing for the security of a free State, and the Second Amendment and all, how about the militia? Who will have access to school “annual risk and vulnerability assessments”? What due process protections will keep BTAM from morphing into the Department of PreCrime? And I trust there will be appropriate penalties to keep Rave from being used by triggered leftist indoctrinators to report “microaggressions”?

And forgive me if every time I see government promising to deliver something “at no cost” I check to make sure my wallet’s still there. The school or district may not be charged, but the people paying for them certainly will be.

That none of these were raised in this fawning “report” says much.

Coming Soon, to a ‘Sanctuary City’ Near You

UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) experts believe a traveller – likely from Pakistan, Afghanistan or Nigeria – shed the virus in their stools after being given the oral polio inoculation. [More]

Well, there’s something you don’t see every day for the last 60+ years in this country…

I guess it won’t matter if Democrats put them on a pathway to citizenship here since we won’t be able to shoot guns from inside an iron lung anyway…

But if ADA rules apply, what will happen to Republican cheap labor?

The Power to Destroy

Massachusetts “Millionaire’s Tax” Surcharge Referendum Can Appear On Ballot, Highest State Court Rules – Florida is going to have to make more room. [More]

Can’t the mob just load them into tumbrils and haul them to the scaffolds there? Otherwise, the fleeing nest foulers will bring their snooty anti-gun bullsh!+ with them.

[Via Michael G]

More Fuel for the Fire!

Self-described ‘antiracism educator’ Tim Wise recently wrote an opinion piece for Politico about the May shooting in Buffalo, New York. In the article, he blames the incident on the purported lack of anti-racism education, a situation for which he blames conservatives. [More]

So they need more?

As opposed to years of bullying brainwashing causing the weaker links to snap and lash out in revenge at the people and places they see as sources of torment?

“Wise,” huh? What’s the opposite of an aptronym?

[Via Michael G]

Bring Your Own Long Knives

“Night Of Rage” Flyers Spotted In DC Ahead Of Roe v. Wade Decision [More]

Oh, shoot. We’re out of popcorn. Honey…?

Show America what you’re about before the elections, insane leftists! And vent it all in Democrat enclaves. I have a feeling that’s what it’s going to take to keep the idiot Republicans from completely blowing it.

[Via bondmen]

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