RFK Jr Answers on Guns Miss Key Points & Leave Door Open for More Infringements

Nowhere has Kennedy shown that he understands any of this, or of the true purpose and meaning of the Second Amendment. Instead, his “going after people’s guns at this point in history” qualifier is a red flag – it implies there might come another time or set of circumstances where he’ll return to his past hostility to guns and decide the time is right. [More]

The guy’s assurances on guns all come with huge escape clauses. So why are so many gun owners being taken in by equivocal platitudes?

Bethany Knows Best

“I theorize that marriage fundamentalism, like structural racism, is a key structuring element of White heteropatriarchal supremacy,” Professor Bethany Letiecq wrote in the Journal of Marriage and Family. [More]

I guess I just can’t do anything right.

Either that or the beef secular lefty eggheads have isn’t really with me at all…

Brilliant! Tour de Force!

Rachel Maddow called NBC’s decision to hire Ronna McDaniel “inexplicable” and compared the former RNC Chairman to “a mobster.” [More]

Jeez, intellectual property thief Roger Friedman, gush much?

If establishment Vichycons are mobsters and fascists, what must that make the rest of us, and what place must there be for us in their society if they prevail?

Rest Assured

“There is absolutely no indication that there’s any terrorism, that this was done on purpose,” said Baltimore Police Commissioner Richard Worley. [More]

Funny, how officials can speak with such certainty so soon.

I hope he’s not suggesting it was in any way DEI-related…

In any case, since we’re told Francis Scott Key was racist, how is this any different than tearing down a Confederate monument?

Casus Belli

Mexican president says the ‘flow of migrants will continue’ unless the US meets his demands – The interviewer recalled that critics derided Obrador’s requests as ‘diplomatic blackmail’ [More]

I thought we didn’t negotiate with terrorists…

Tangentially-Related UPDATE

Regulars here know who the whistleblower is.

Gun Prohibitionists Show True Colors by What They DON’T Say of Russian Mass Shooting

Plenty of other reports will talk about all this, so let’s look at an aspect of this story not getting any press—and that’s deliberate. Let’s look at what the gun prohibitionists, who are always quick to gin up the mob and demand more infringements before the facts are known, aren’t saying about the Russia concert massacre and why. [More]

If it doesn’t advance their agenda it’s not worth mentioning. It’s not like they actually care about human lives.

Launching a Lie

Donald Trump compares himself to CHRIST…[More]

In fact, he did not, but that doesn’t stop the ever-subversive Drudge from spreading another election-influencing lie, like last time and the time before.

“Real reporter” Vassia Barba and Mirror UK figure there’s no editorializing in repeatedly prefacing his name with “disgraced former President.” What else would we expect from someone with “a particular interest in social justice issues, which she is chasing with an MA in Race, Media and Social Justice”?

This is foreign election interference.

Get Ready to Blow It

The ex-Democrat catching Trump’s and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s eyes – Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard has gone from running for president as a Democrat in 2020 to interest in the open VP slots for Trump and Kennedy in 2024. [More]

This is what they want a heartbeat from the presidency?

I’ve got a Bobby Jr. piece coming out tomorrow. He’s only going to help Biden.

[Via bondmen]

Just Between Us Girls

Transgender woman, 18, is jailed for brutal gun murder of girl, 12, ‘she’d had sexual relationship with’: Video-called friend from blood-soaked room and asked for help disposing body – Ash Cooper faces 15 to 40 years in prison after she admitted to the shooting death… [More]

So in 15 years we can trust him with a gun again?

Not that I mean to microaggress

[Via Michael G]

Thank an A-Rated Republican ‘Compromiser’

Several of you have sent in various tips on this.

I’ll be doing something on it soon.

No One NEEDS an ‘Assault Weapon’!

Notable things going on in this video from Arlington Texas:
-robbers have weapon lights
-robbers have standard capacity drum mags
-robbers flee when faced with superior firepower [More]

Hey, if you need more than three shots against armed robbers you have no business defending yourself!

[Via WiscoDave]

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