Call in the Propaganda Corps!

FBI Recruited Wall Street Journal For Softball Story After Mar-a-Lago Raid [More]

Lapdog media has more benefits than watchdog media.

That’s why I call ’em the DSM.

These guys had better hope Trump loses.

And what can I say about Wray besides I tried to warn people?

True Colors

Lisa Murkowski, done with Donald Trump, won’t rule out leaving GOP [More]

I hate to say I told you so

And again

And again

And pulling this before the election with the Senate in the balance and when it couldn’t hut worse…

So how come some guy in Ohio was able to see it before these guys?

Sympathy for the Devil

Rapists, after all, “might not consent to being labeled” as a sex offender… According to Ackerman, “The root cause [of rape] is White supremacy and patriarchy at a macro level,” she said. “So we can keep trying to punish bad actors, but if we do not address the macro level issue, which is White supremacy and patriarchy, we will not do away with sexual violence and domestic violence.” [More]

Funny, they use the word “consent” here.

Great, now “rapist,” I mean, “person who has authored sexual harm,” is a protected-soon-to-be-preferred sexuality.

If you vote Democrat, you own this.

Kinda Makes Me Want to Pay Off More Student Loans

Angry Student Mob Chases Attendees of Kyle Rittenhouse Event Off Campus at U. Memphis [More]

So naturally, David Hogg throws fuel on the fire.

I guess someone with armed guards doesn’t worry about it happening to him.

[Via Michael G]

‘The Company’ He Keeps

A whistleblower said that the CIA reportedly blocked federal investigators from interviewing Kevin Morris, a high-powered entertainment lawyer representing Hunter Biden, about his connections to the president’s son during probes into his alleged tax crimes. [More]

Evil people at the very top don’t want you to keep and bear arms.

I have this fantasy that a hundred years from now there will be an honest history of our time.

[Via Michael G]

Straw Man Argument

In the heavily redacted warrant affidavit, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives claims that Bryan Malinowski purchased numerous firearms that he resold without a firearm dealer’s license. [More]

So… he was exercising his birthright?

If that doesn’t warrant an early morning raid scaring the hell out of a man they knew to be armed into thinking his home was being invaded, I don’t know what does!

[Via Jess]

Invasion USA

Over 100 migrants break through razor wire, knock down guards as they illegally cross El Paso border in wild scene [More]

What the hell is this for?

How can a government that fails in its primary duty claim consent?

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue.” And I have that on good authority.

Related UPDATE

Good point.

[Via Michael G]

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