Spicing Things Up

Police seeking suspect in unprovoked pepper spray attacks on Green Line [More]

The little sociopath knows he can get away with it and the rules will protect him from encountering anyone with the means to stop him.

Huh. It doesn’t say “pepper spray”…

Who wants to bet the kid’s not a lefty, and how much?

[Via Edmund M]

Beyond Compare

Just smear them as racist Christian Nationalists and the theme will change to she and Ashli Babbitt got what they deserved.

Make Sure to Leave Holes You Could Drive a Truck Through and Tie It In With Foreign Aid or No Deal

Exclusive: U.S. Must Move ‘Decisively’ to Avert ‘Extinction-Level’ Threat From AI, Government-Commissioned Report Says [More]

So it doesn’t just want us to serve and worship it?

Maybe the Republican “leadership” can work out the same kind of “bipartisan” arrangement with Biden as they got on the border.

FOIA Request Questions FBI for Using NICS on NY Ammunition Background Checks

Can NICS be used for purposes for which it is not federally authorized? [More]

It makes fair the question “What else could the prohibitonists use it for?”

Judicial Gamesmanship

The analogy of undocumented immigrants to British loyalists is interesting. If a law-abiding, former enemy of the state could possess a firearm, an undocumented, but otherwise law-abiding, immigrant seems less extreme in comparison. [More]

He’s not “otherwise law-abiding.” He is an invader in possession during the commission of a crime.

The Obama judge is doing this on purpose to undermine Bruen.

[Via Jess]

We’re the Only Ones Prayerful Enough

“I just said a prayer last night that I hope my greatest fears don’t come true, and that’s that South Carolina becomes the Wild, Wild West,” Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott told The Post and Courier. [More]

I wonder why the Democrat feels that way.

[Via bondmen]

The Useful Idiots’ Choice!

Police documents show the daughter of Sen. Louise Lucas is facing a citation for allegedly carrying a weapon into the terminal at Norfolk International Airport (ORF). [More]

If it wasn’t for hypocrisy, gun prohibitionist Democrats would have no standards at all.

Why do the words “gelding” and “cow” come to mind…?

[Via Mack H]

Draft Rand Paul

“The prospect of Rand Paul leading Republicans in the Senate should excite every liberty lover in America,” Staggs said. “The uniparty has done so much damage to our country, and it’s time to reverse that. We need someone who understands federalism, someone who is America First, someone who understands we must solve our problems at home rather than nation-building. We need Rand Paul.” [More]

I’d be willing to give it a try:

[Via Jess]

Bait and Switch

Guns now deadlier due to tiny attachments made by 3-D printer [Watch]

They say that like it’s a bad thing…

And like the Founders didn’t consider “every terrible implement of the soldier” to be “the birthright of an American,” and “necessary to the security of a free State.”

See, here’s the thing– I know I can be trusted not to abuse my right to arms, and so can everyone I’m friends with.

So what do we do about those who can’t?

The answer certainly isn’t controlling you and me.

And the genie is out.

[Via 1Gat]

Speaking of Seditious Conspiracy

Cheney and her committee falsely claimed they had “no evidence” to support Trump officials’ claims the White House had communicated its desire for 10,000 National Guard troops. In fact, an early transcribed interview conducted by the committee included precisely that evidence from a key source. The interview, which Cheney attended and personally participated in, was suppressed from public release until now. [More]

My only question is why aren’t we hearing this from Speaker Johnson and Leader McConnell?

[Via Michael G]

The Purge

FDNY Investigating Staffers Who Booed AG Letitia James at Event Last Week- “I recommend they come forward. I have been told by the commissioner it will be better for them if they come forward and we don’t have to hunt them down” [More]

It’s not that political expression by firefighters is forbidden per se, it’s just got to be the right kind.

[Via Michael G]

Comfortable Deadbeats

A teacher paid $135,901 last year who had student debt forgiven was the “honored” guest of U.S. Rep. Ayanna Pressley at the State of the Union address. That teacher, who also owns a home in Dedham with her husband assessed in Zillow online records at about $1 million, was given $117,000 in student debt relief, Pressley says in a press release. [More]

So the teacher’s not the only deadbeat. Your tax dollars at work.

Oh, and of course Ayanna wants your guns. And don’t say anything else or Will Smith will slap you.

[Via Michael G]

Another ‘Staunch Supporter’

After passing both chambers of the Wyoming Legislature by huge margins, a bill to eliminate the state’s gun-free zones sat on Gov. Mark Gordon’s desk Friday. But whether Gordon will sign it, veto it, or simply let it pass into law without his signature could be anybody’s guess, some state legislators told Cowboy State Daily. [More]

You’d think if this were true he’d be leading the charge:

It’s a shame we have to prod our “leaders.”

[Via Jess]

Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?

D.A. Bragg Announces Indictments In Sprawling Investigation That Charges City Employees In Ghost Gun And Fraud Conspiracies [More]

I see they’re all small fry, so the top men under whose watches Big Apple trademark corruption occurs can carry on per SOP.

Looking at some of the arrestees, I’ll bet if a smart, loudmouthed Democrat race-hustler wanted to make a name for himself, he could make a pretty good case for “overrepresentation.”

[Via Jess]

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